I just wish people would give me a chance.
I know how you feel. A lot of kids at school pick on me, too.
我明白你的感受 学校里很多孩子也欺负我
Richie Panici, Davis Jensen, Howard Helstrom,
叛逆齐 戴维斯·詹森 霍华德·赫尔斯特罗姆
Isaac Pill, Rebecca Warren.
艾萨克·皮尔 丽贝卡·沃伦
She moved, but she still sends me threatening letters on my birthday.
她搬家了 但她仍会在我生日那天 给我寄恐吓信
Which is sort of nice.
Huh. Yeah. Thoughtful.
是的 很贴心
I just wanna not be afraid anymore.
Yeah, that’d be nice.
是啊 那样就好了
Then maybe I wouldn’t have to hear you screaming every night.
那样也许我就不用每天晚上 都听到你的尖叫声了
Tell you what. I think I’ve got a way to fix this.
听着 我想到解决办法了
You come watch me do my job for one night,
and you’ll finally see that I’m nothing to be afraid of.
You’ll learn to appreciate the beauty of the night,
instead of being so terrified all the time.
So what do you say?
Are you in, or are you in? – I’m…
你到底想不想去? – 我…
definitely not in.
Yeah, of course you’re not. Well, fine.
好吧 你当然不想 算了
If you wanna spend the rest of your life paralyzed by fear,
be my guest, but that’s on you.
那就随便吧 不过这可是你自己的选择
Wear pants much? – Hey, Orion, catch!
你常穿裤子吗? – 嘿 猎户星 接住!
Cryin’ Orion! Cryin’ Orion!
Hey, Orion.
嘿 猎户星
I’m super excited for the field trip…
Okay, I’ll go!
好吧 我去!
Mr. Dark?
I knew you’d come around!
Let’s shake on it, you know? Make it official.
让我们握个手吧? 正式一点
See? Nothing to it.
看? 没什么可怕的
Wait, wait, wait.
慢着 慢着 慢着
I know what you’re doing, Dad.
我知道你在打什么鬼主意 老爸
What do you mean?
By telling me this story.
I’m not doing anything. – Yes, you are.
我可没有 – 你就是有
You’re telling me a story about how you overcame your fear of the dark
你给我讲了一个关于你如何 克服对黑暗恐惧的故事
to try and help me overcome my fear of the dark.
Well, I… – But it’s not gonna work.
我… – 但这是没用的
Fear of the dark is an evolutionary adaptation
that people developed to protect themselves from nocturnal predators.
是人们为了保护自己 免受夜间掠食者的侵害而发展出来的
Wow. You’ve done your research.
哇 你做了不少研究
I wrote a poem about it.
“Hypatia the poet.” I love that!
〝诗人海巴夏〞 我喜欢!
It’s one poem, Dad.
只是一首诗而已 爸爸
I think that counts.
It’s not very good.
I’m sure it is. Can I hear it?
我相信你写得很好 我能听听吗?
All I’m saying is that fear of the dark is natural.
我想说的是 对黑暗的恐惧是自然的
It’s hardwired in us, so there’s nothing we can do about it.
这是我们与生俱来的 所以我们对此无能为力
Right. Well, in that case,
好吧 这样的话
I guess I’ll just say goodnight and… – Wait!
我只能跟你说晚安了… – 等等!
I’m not saying it’s not a good story, and I don’t wanna hear it.
我并不是说这不是一个好故事 或是我不想听下去
I’m just letting you know that I know what you’re doing,
and it’s not going to work.
Okay, I got it.
好吧 我知道了
So, you and Dark were flying off into the night…
So, Dark and I were flying off into the night…
于是 我和黑漆漆飞入了夜色…
Pretty great, right?
非常漂亮 对吧?
If by “pretty” and “great”, you mean “terrifying” and “awful”, then yes!
你口中的”非常””漂亮” 是指”恐怖””可怕”吧
I’m gonna get you to overcome your fears if it kills me!
我哪怕粉身碎骨也会想办法 让你克服恐惧的!
And I’m immortal, by the way, so I’ve got all the time in the world.
顺便说一句 我可是不死之身 所以我有的是时间
I thought we’d start with a little tour of what I like to call,
“the virtues of night.”
Without me, you wouldn’t be able to see all the wrinkles on the actors’ faces.
没有我 你就看不到演员脸上的皱纹
So far, you’re a terrible salesman.
到目前为止 你离说服我还远着呢
Hey? Pretty awesome, huh?
嘿? 很不错吧?
I’m allergic to fireflies.
Not allergic to stars, though!
But I am allergic to dying! We’re way too high!
You’re allergic to living.
What? – Uh, nothing!
什么? – 没什么!
Go ahead. Put your hand in the water.
来呀 把手放到水里
So a shark can bite it off? Are you insane?
好让鲨鱼咬掉它吗? 你疯了吗?
No, so you can see the beauty of the ocean at night.
不 这样你就可以在晚上 看到大海的美了
You are familiar with the concept of “fun”, are you not?
你知道”乐趣”意味着什么 对吧?
“Fun” is just a word people made up to make danger sound more appealing!
“乐趣”只是人们为了让危险听起 来更有吸引力而编造的词!
Ah! Look at that! You can’t have fireworks without the dark!
Technically, you can set them off at any time of day.
理论上 烟花什么时候都能放
Yeah, I guess. It’d be pretty lame, though.
说得是没错 不过肯定不好看
Beauty is in the contrast.
Hey, are you closing your eyes?
嘿 你把眼睛闭上了?
I’m protecting my retinas!
Oh, come on! Open them! – No!
哦 别这样!把眼睛睁开! – 不要!
You’re missing out on all the fun.
Absolutely not!
Open your eyes! – No way!
睁开双眼! – 绝不!
But that defeats the whole purpose!
Not my purpose! – It’s for your own good.
反正不是我的计划! – 这是为了你好
You see how much better that is?
Kid? Kid? Kid!
小子? 小子? 小子!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! – It was an accident.
天呐!天呐!天呐! – 这是个意外
You dropped me! I could have died! I wanna go home!
你把我扔下去了!我差点摔死! 我要回家!
Don’t worry. I’m going to bring you home.
别担心 我会送你回家的
Eventually. – Eventually, when?
早晚会的 – 早晚是什么时候?
Hey, look! You can see the Big Dipper.
快看! 那是北斗七星
It’s really quite beautiful this time of year.
When are you bringing me home?
Great question. Very probing.
好问题 非常引人深思
In 24 hours.
So, anyway, back to the stars… – 24 hours?
让我们再说回星星… – 二十四小时?
Yeah, well, that’s how the whole night and day thing works.
It’s a 24-hour cycle. I can’t go backwards.
二十四小时一个循环 我走不了回头路
What? Why not? – Look, I better get moving.
什么? 为什么不行? – 听着 我是时候动身了
But, hey, if you wanna walk home in the middle of nowhere,
in the dead of night, all by yourself… – Wait, wait, wait!
从这个鬼地方独自走回家… – 等等!
I can’t walk home by myself! It’s like 100 miles away!
我没法自己走回家! 这里离家有150多公里远!
All right then.
Looks like you’ve gotta come with me after all.
Buckle up and hold on to your hat because your mind is about to be blown.
给我坐稳了 一会你一定会大开眼界的
Are you covering your eyes again?
I plead the Fifth. – Really?
我拒绝回答 – 你不是认真的吧?
Do you have any idea how many people would love to be you right now?
Zero? – A lot!
是零? – 多着呢!
The answer is a lot!
Because I’m the coolest Entity of all time!
Because that’s what you are when there’s no other Entity
that has ever existed that people like better than you.
Good morning, everybody.
Right on time and so, so fine.
时间刚好 一切都很美妙
It’s going to be 75 and sunny.
气温23摄氏度 天气晴朗
Low humidity and a cool breeze coming out of the west.
湿度低 从西边吹来一丝凉爽的微风
Gonna be fun, fun, fun in the sun, sun, sun.
有了阳光 一切都是那么美好
But, let’s be honest, when is it not?
不过说实话 不是一直如此吗?
God, I love this job.
天啊 我真喜欢这份工作
Okay, so we got off to a little bit of a shaky start
好吧 我们的开局不太顺利
with the whole “dropping you and almost killing you” thing.
一开始我”把你扔下去 还差点摔死你”