ordeal 英 [ɔːˈdiːl] 美 [ɔːrˈdiːl]



  • In its original form, the Lord’s Prayer, taught by Jesus to his disciples, may have implored God to “keep us from the ordeal”.
  • Parts of the book “read as intimately as a novel, though its insidious, slow-motion ordeal is all too real,” our reviewer wrote.


[noun] a very unpleasant and prolonged experience
[名词] 非常不愉快且漫长的经历



这种肉体考验在英语中就是 ordeal ,字面意思是“deal out by gods”(由神灵来施加惩罚),现在引申为“严峻的考验”。


出自2006年美国惊悚电影《致命魔术》(The Prestige)。该片剧情改编自1995年世界奇幻文学奖同名小说 The Prestige,讲述在魔术盛行的维多利亚时期,出现了两位极有天赋的年轻魔术师,这两个好朋友因为互相嫉妒猜疑,而成了势不两立的对手,他们用各种方法来证明自己是那个时代首席魔术师的故事。



在古代司法制度很不完善的时代,人们把声张正义的希望寄托于神灵,认为神灵可以对人世间的是非作出判定,并帮助人们给罪犯量刑。其方式多种多样,常用的有 :吞食某种有毒的东西、手下油锅取物、决斗、将嫌疑者投入河中等等。以被考验者能否顺利通过考验来定输赢或判明当事人是否有罪。

这种肉体考验在英语中就是 ordeal ,字面意思就是“ deal out by gods ”(由神灵来施加惩罚)。现在引申为“严峻的考验”。

  • ordeal: [ɔː’diːəl] n. 严峻的考验,折磨,痛苦的体验


ordeal” 这个词指的是严峻考验、痛苦的经历。下面是50个包含这个词的短语以及它们的中文解释:

  1. Endure an ordeal – 经历磨难
  2. Survive the ordeal – 渡过考验
  3. Face an ordeal – 面对考验
  4. Go through an ordeal – 经历严峻考验
  5. Escape the ordeal – 逃过苦难
  6. Overcome an ordeal – 克服艰难
  7. Mental ordeal – 心理磨难
  8. Physical ordeal – 身体考验
  9. Emotional ordeal – 情感折磨
  10. Painful ordeal – 痛苦考验
  11. Harrowing ordeal – 折磨人心的经历
  12. Traumatic ordeal – 创伤性经历
  13. Personal ordeal – 个人考验
  14. Spiritual ordeal – 精神考验
  15. Legal ordeal – 法律考验
  16. Difficult ordeal – 艰难经历
  17. Unpleasant ordeal – 不愉快考验
  18. Life-changing ordeal – 改变人生的经历
  19. Emotional and physical ordeal – 情感和身体上的考验
  20. Facing a daunting ordeal – 面对艰巨考验
  21. Survival ordeal – 生存考验
  22. Enduring a challenging ordeal – 经历挑战性考验
  23. Navigating through an ordeal – 穿越考验
  24. Overcoming a personal ordeal – 克服个人考验
  25. Going through a traumatic ordeal – 经历创伤性经历
  26. ordeal of public speaking – 演讲的折磨
  27. ordeal of a job interview – 面试的考验
  28. ordeal of a difficult decision – 艰难决策的考验
  29. ordeal of a long journey – 漫长旅程的考验
  30. ordeal of recovery – 康复的艰难经历
  31. ordeal of a challenging project – 挑战性项目的考验
  32. ordeal of dealing with loss – 处理失落的考验
  33. ordeal of a medical procedure – 医疗程序的考验
  34. ordeal of a tough competition – 激烈竞争的考验
  35. ordeal of a major life change – 重大人生变化的考验
  36. ordeal of facing fears – 面对恐惧的考验
  37. ordeal of dealing with a crisis – 处理危机的考验
  38. ordeal of rebuilding – 重建的考验
  39. ordeal of a high-pressure situation – 高压环境的考验
  40. ordeal of adapting to a new culture – 适应新文化的考验
  41. ordeal of starting over – 重新开始的考验
  42. ordeal of facing criticism – 面对批评的考验
  43. ordeal of a financial setback – 财务挫折的考验
  44. ordeal of dealing with a difficult person – 处理困难人的考验
  45. ordeal of a personal loss – 个人损失的考验
  46. ordeal of a natural disaster – 自然灾害的考验
  47. ordeal of a family conflict – 家庭冲突的考验
  48. ordeal of a professional setback – 职业挫折的考验
  49. ordeal of a long illness – 长期疾病的考验
  50. ordeal of a challenging relationship – 挑战性关系的考验



  • agony: extreme physical or mental pain or suffering
  • trial: an experience or a person that causes difficulties for sb
  • tribulation: (literary or humorous) great trouble or suffering
