


operation [ɒpə’reɪʃən] n. 操作;经营;手术;运算
operation 操作 ←词中词→ operational 可操作的
eg. The doctors say that the operation is operational.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. Surgical operation – 手术
  2. Emergency operation – 紧急手术
  3. Major operation – 大手术
  4. Minor operation – 小手术
  5. Open-heart operation – 心脏开放手术
  6. Organ transplant operation – 器官移植手术
  7. Plastic surgery operation – 整形手术
  8. Eye surgery operation – 眼科手术
  9. Dental operation – 牙科手术
  10. Laparoscopic operation – 腹腔镜手术
  11. Neurosurgery operation – 神经外科手术
  12. Caesarean section operation – 剖腹产手术
  13. Orthopedic operation – 骨科手术
  14. Abdominal operation – 腹部手术
  15. Appendectomy operation – 阑尾切除手术
  16. Coronary bypass operation – 冠状动脉旁路手术
  17. Gallbladder removal operation – 胆囊切除手术
  18. Knee replacement operation – 膝关节置换手术
  19. Brain surgery operation – 脑部手术
  20. Heart bypass operation – 心脏搭桥手术
  21. Organ removal operation – 器官切除手术
  22. Tonsillectomy operation – 扁桃体切除手术
  23. Appendicitis operation – 阑尾炎手术
  24. Exploratory operation – 探查手术
  25. Endoscopic operation – 内窥镜手术
  26. Hernia repair operation – 疝气修补手术
  27. Amputation operation – 截肢手术
  28. Cataract surgery operation – 白内障手术
  29. Biopsy operation – 活检手术
  30. Cardiac operation – 心脏手术
  31. Gallbladder surgery operation – 胆囊手术
  32. Kidney transplant operation – 肾移植手术
  33. Mastectomy operation – 乳腺切除手术
  34. Sinus surgery operation – 鼻窦手术
  35. Hip replacement operation – 髋关节置换手术
  36. Thyroidectomy operation – 甲状腺切除手术
  37. Prostate surgery operation – 前列腺手术
  38. Stomach surgery operation – 胃部手术
  39. Heart valve replacement operation – 心脏瓣膜置换手术
  40. Liver transplant operation – 肝脏移植手术
  41. Tumor removal operation – 肿瘤切除手术
  42. Spinal surgery operation – 脊椎手术
  43. Hip surgery operation – 髋关节手术
  44. Colon resection operation – 结肠切除手术
  45. Gallstone removal operation – 胆结石清除手术
  46. Lung surgery operation – 肺部手术
  47. Hernia operation – 疝气手术
  48. Bladder surgery operation – 膀胱手术
  49. Pancreatic surgery operation – 胰腺手术
  50. Bypass operation – 旁路手术
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
