opaque 英 [əʊˈpeɪk] 美 [oʊˈpeɪk]



  • He even charges tech firms with having bruised democracy: they serve up information based on opaque algorithms, suggesting what people should think, and so supplanting individual thought.
  • Through testimony and internal documents, the case provided an eye-opening look into the often guarded and opaque admissions process at Harvard.


[adjective] not able to be seen through; not transparent
[形容词] 无法看穿的;不透明的


Opaque 一词源自拉丁语 opacus (阴影中的、黑暗的、模糊的),15世纪初进入英语时指“阴暗的、不发亮的、不反光的”,比如:

  • 昏暗的星光
    an opaque star light

令光线昏暗的不只是不反光的物体,还有不透光的,所以到了17世纪40年代, opaque 开始用来形容玻璃、液体等“不透明的、不透光的、浑浊的”,比如:

  • 兜售不透明的连裤袜
    to peddle opaque tights
  • 监狱的乳浊玻璃窗需要翻新。
    The opaque windows of the jail need to be revamped.

监狱的乳浊玻璃窗让人看不清,而一些人说的话晦涩含糊让人听不清,到了1761年, opaque 则开始引申用于形容说话或写作等“晦涩的、难懂的、费解的”,比如:

  • 他谈话中使用的晦涩行话对我是一团迷雾。
    The arcane jargon in his talk was opaque to me.
  • 我发现她的诗相当晦涩。
    I find her poetry a little too opaque.

反过来如果已经说的很清楚了,听者还是无法理解,则可以用 opaque 来形容这个人“愚蠢的、愚钝的”,比如:

  • 蠢得连侮辱也识别不出
    too opaque to recognize the insult


The glass case in which the sword of Godric Gryffindor resided gleamed white and opaque, the fragments of the instruments Harry had thrown to the floor glistened like raindrops, and behind him, the baby Fawkes made soft chirruping noises in his nest of ashes.

出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第五本《哈利·波特与凤凰社》(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)。《哈利·波特与凤凰社》讲述在又一个暑假中,哈利·波特被困在女贞路4号,遭到摄魂怪的突然袭击之后发生的事情。


opaque (oh PAYK) From the Middle English word that means “shady,” this adjective means several different kinds of dark. First, it means “impenetrable by light.” It also means “so obscure (see #1) as to be unintelligible.” Finally, it means “dense,” as in mentally unintelligible. The noun form is “opacity.”

  • The drawing room was so bright that Leslie hung opaque drapes on the windows so that the sun would not shine through and fade the upholstery on the couch and chairs.
  • No longer in love with Chloe but afraid to tell her so, Will responded to her invitation to her parents’ house for dinner with an opaque “We’ll see.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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opaque” 通常用来表示不透明的、难以理解的等意思。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. opaque glass – 不透明玻璃
  2. opaque material – 不透明材料
  3. opaque window coverings – 不透明窗帘
  4. opaque packaging – 不透明包装
  5. opaque liquid – 不透明液体
  6. opaque paint – 不透明油漆
  7. opaque container – 不透明容器
  8. opaque colors – 不透明颜色
  9. opaque texture – 不透明质地
  10. opaque surface – 不透明表面
  11. opaque film – 不透明膜
  12. opaque layer – 不透明层
  13. opaque coating – 不透明涂层
  14. opaque object – 不透明物体
  15. opaque substance – 不透明物质
  16. opaque screen – 不透明屏幕
  17. opaque barrier – 不透明障碍
  18. opaque curtain – 不透明窗帘
  19. opaque ink – 不透明墨水
  20. opaque panel – 不透明面板
  21. opaque solution – 不透明溶液
  22. opaque layer – 不透明图层
  23. opaque enamel – 不透明珐琅
  24. opaque cloud cover – 不透明云层
  25. opaque material – 不透明材质
  26. opaque coating – 不透明涂料
  27. opaque film – 不透明胶片
  28. opaque finish – 不透明饰面
  29. opaque glass – 不透明玻璃
  30. opaque pigment – 不透明颜料
  31. opaque varnish – 不透明清漆
  32. opaque substance – 不透明物质
  33. opaque layer – 不透明层次
  34. opaque covering – 不透明覆盖
  35. opaque medium – 不透明介质
  36. opaque solution – 不透明溶液
  37. opaque wall – 不透明墙壁
  38. opaque liquid – 不透明液体
  39. opaque packaging – 不透明包装
  40. opaque object – 不透明物件
  41. opaque paint – 不透明油漆
  42. opaque layer – 不透明图层
  43. opaque screen – 不透明屏幕
  44. opaque barrier – 不透明屏障
  45. opaque curtain – 不透明窗帘
  46. opaque ink – 不透明墨水
  47. opaque layer – 不透明层次
  48. opaque solution – 不透明溶液
  49. opaque finish – 不透明表面
  50. opaque texture – 不透明质地


  • hazy: vague, indistinct, or ill-defined
  • nontransparent: not able to be seen through; opaque
  • cloudy: (of a liquid) not transparent or clear
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
