

[noun] a fierce or destructive attack
[名词] 猛烈的或毁灭性的攻击


Onslaught 是一个在本周《经济学人》中用来形容俄罗斯对乌克兰战争的单词,该词于17世纪20年代由荷兰语 aanslag (攻击)进入英语 ,其拼写可能是受现已过时的英语单词 slaught (屠杀)的影响而来,也是用来表示“攻击、袭击、猛攻”,多指一种强有力的、毁灭性的攻击方式,通常意味着试图通过人数或势头上的优势,亦或者是狂暴的攻击来制服对方,比如:

  • 他的军队不大可能长时间抵御联军的强攻。你应该与他通力合作,以铲除你们共同的劲敌。
    It is unlikely that his forces could withstand an enemy onslaught for very long. You should work in harness with him to eliminate your common nemesis.

从这个概念出发, onslaught 还常用来喻指“大量涌入”,多指像猛烈攻击那般难以应付或势不可挡的大量的人或事物,比如:

  • 每年夏天,这座宁静的乡间小镇都要熬过一段旅游者蜂拥而至的苦日子。
    The sedate country town survives the onslaught of tourists every summer.


Hagrid vanished amongst the spiders, and with a great scurrying, a foul swarming movement, they retreated under the onslaught of spells, Hagrid buried in their midst.

出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第七本《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)。


  • The reason why the average has barely budged is that the onslaught of new shows includes plenty of rubbish.
  • Huawei is embarking upon this new legal battle at a moment when, despite the onslaught from Washington and apprehension in other world capitals, the company’s fortunes appear to be looking up.


onslaught 是一个名词,表示猛攻、猛烈冲击或猛烈袭击。它通常用来描述激烈的攻击或强烈的冲击,可以指物理攻击、言语攻击或其他形式的强力行动。下面是关于 onslaught 的详细用法:

  • Launch an onslaught: 发起猛攻
    • The army launched a fierce onslaught against the enemy’s defenses.(军队对敌人的防线发起了猛烈的攻击。)
    • The protesters launched an onslaught of criticism against the government’s policies.(抗议者对政府的政策发起了一连串的批评攻击。)
  • Face an onslaught: 面临猛烈冲击
    • The town’s infrastructure was not prepared to face the onslaught of heavy rainfall.(该城镇的基础设施没有准备好应对暴雨的猛烈冲击。)
    • The company’s reputation suffered due to the onslaught of negative media coverage.(由于负面媒体报道的猛烈冲击,公司的声誉受到了损害。)
  • Onslaught of criticism: 批评的猛烈攻击
    • The politician faced an onslaught of criticism after his controversial statement.(那位政治家在发表有争议的言论后遭受了猛烈的批评攻击。)
    • The celebrity’s social media post received an onslaught of negative comments.(那位名人在社交媒体上发布的帖子受到了一连串的负面评论。)
  • Relentless onslaught: 无情的猛攻
    • The boxer delivered a relentless onslaught of punches, overpowering his opponent.(拳击手连续发起无情的猛攻,压倒了对手。)
    • The storm continued its relentless onslaught, causing widespread destruction.(暴风雨持续不断地袭击,造成了广泛的破坏。)
  • Survive the onslaught: 幸存于猛烈冲击
    • The fortress managed to survive the enemy’s onslaught.(要塞设法幸存于敌人的猛烈冲击。)
    • The company implemented effective strategies to survive the onslaught of competition.(该公司采取了有效的策略来幸存于竞争的猛烈冲击。)

以上是关于 onslaught 的详细用法,它强调了激烈的攻击、冲击或袭击的意义,可以用来描述不同领域中的各种情况。



  1. Launch an onslaught – 发起猛攻
  2. Face an onslaught – 面对猛攻
  3. Onslaught of criticism – 批评的猛烈攻击
  4. Onslaught of questions – 问题的连珠猛攻
  5. Onslaught of attacks – 攻击的猛烈冲击
  6. Onslaught of complaints – 抱怨的猛烈冲击
  7. Onslaught of information – 信息的大量涌入
  8. Onslaught of emotions – 情绪的汹涌冲击
  9. Onslaught of problems – 问题的连绵不断
  10. Onslaught of challenges – 挑战的接连而来


  1. Suffer an onslaught – 遭受猛攻
  2. Repel an onslaught – 击退猛攻
  3. Survive the onslaught – 经受住猛攻
  4. Endure the onslaught – 忍受猛烈冲击
  5. Counter the onslaught – 对抗猛攻
  6. Brace for the onslaught – 为猛攻做好准备
  7. Withstand the onslaught – 抵挡猛攻
  8. Launch a fierce onslaught – 发起激烈猛攻
  9. Unleash an onslaught – 发动猛烈冲击
  10. Face the relentless onslaught – 面对不断的猛攻


  1. Onslaught of criticism and negativity – 批评和负面的猛攻
  2. Onslaught of enemy forces – 敌军的猛烈攻势
  3. Onslaught of heavy rain – 大雨的倾泻
  4. Onslaught of protests – 抗议活动的猛攻
  5. Onslaught of competition – 竞争的激烈冲击
  6. Onslaught of deadlines – 截止日期的接踵而至
  7. Onslaught of new technology – 新技术的涌入
  8. Onslaught of advertisements – 广告的大量涌现
  9. Onslaught of responsibilities – 职责的连绵不断
  10. Onslaught of challenges and obstacles – 挑战和障碍的连绵不断


assault: a military attack or raid on an enemy position
blitz: an intensive or sudden military attack.
barrage: an overwhelming number of questions, criticisms, complaints, etc. delivered simultaneously or in rapid succession

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
