你知道…就是走啊走啊 所以我觉得可以绕开
And,… you know he was walkin’, walkin’ walkin’, so I thought: “Oh, I’m clear.”
然后我向左转 想绕过他 突然他也往左走
And I took off to the left, around him, and just then he stepped to the left,
And I didn’t ring the bell or anything.
我驶过去之后听见他冲我喊 嘿 多谢提醒
When I got past him, he yelled at me. He was like: “Hey! Thanks for the warning!”
And I just felt so… bad. All of a sudden I felt so guilty.
但没关系 你知道 再也不会见到他了
But it was fine, you know. Never gonna see this guy again.
But I realize I forgot something at the house.
于是我掉头 不得不再次经过他
So I rode back. Had to ride back by him.
只是看着他的脸 就能感觉到他好像很生气 恨死我了
Just looked at his face, like, I felt like: “Oh he’s so angry at me. Totally hates me.”
不管怎样 忘了他就行
Whatever. Can forget him again.
接着 我想去…喝点东西
So, then I wanna go, you know… Get something to drink.
我走进一家小商店 停好车
And I go into a little store, stop the bike.
当我出来 骑上车
When I come back out, I get on the bike, I’m riding,
我骑在同一条街上 又一次经过那家伙
I’m riding down the same street, cause it’s a hill. And I pass the guy again.
又一次 我感觉越来越紧张 就像…
And again, I’m just like, feeling more and more tense, like…
然后在走进文具店之前 我伸了个懒腰
Then I’ve got a stretch, you know, before I get to the notebook store.
我心想 好吧 我可以继续我的生活了 不管这家伙
So I’m like: “Okay! I can finally move on with my life, not have this guy!”
走进文具店 挑好笔记本 差不多20块
Go down to the notebook store, look for my notebook. It’s like 20 blocks.
挑好了笔记本 走到收银台
Look for my notebook. Come up to the cash register.
我正在付钱 自动门突然打开了
I’m buyin’ the notebook, and the automatic doors open,
我抬头一看 那家伙正走进来 没错 就在我面前
and I look up and the guy is like, walking right into the store, right, in front of me.
And I just…can’t believe it.
然后那个收银员 我听见她突然跟我说话
And then the cashier woman, I hear her talk to me all of a sudden,
她说 大明星
She’s like: “Superstar”.
And I look at her.
她是个大约50岁的印度女人 戴着眼镜
And she’s this Indian woman, maybe like 50 year old Indian woman, with glasses and
额头上有个点 我问 你说什么 她说 上帝啊 大明星
dot on her forehead. And I was like: “What?” She said: “Jesus Christ Superstar!”
“You said Jesus Christ!”
不 我可没说”上帝啊”
I was like: “No! I didn’t say Jesus Christ.”
我看向一个背包的家伙 问他 我说”上帝”了吗
You know? I looked at the bagging guy. Asked like: “Did I say Jesus Christ?”
He’s like, just, shrugs.
然后她说 没关系 没关系
And she’s like: “It’s ok! It’s ok!”
我觉得 如果我说了”上帝”我自己会知道的
felt like, I feel like I would’ve known if I’d said “Jesus Christ”, you know?
I would’ve heard my voice in my memory, like: “Jesus Christ”
上帝啊 科特说 上帝啊
“Jesus Christ”, Kurt said “Jesus Christ”.
我的手还在发抖 我觉得自己快疯了
So, I was still shaking my head, I was like, I feel like I’m going crazy.
我现在还是有点紧张 我觉得自己快疯了
And I’m still sorta tense and everything. “I feel like I’m going crazy!”
她说 没关系 你没疯 没关系
She’s like: “It’s ok! You’re not crazy. It’s ok.”
She was really nice.
当她那么说的时候 我…
And right when she said that, I…
突然间想起了早上做的梦 突然间
This dream that I’d had just, just yesterday morning, just flashed on me,
在梦里 同样的女收银员 基本上做着同样的事
because, the same lady, the cashier lady was in the dream, doing the same thing, basically
I mean it wasn’t in a store
我对某件事情感到很难过 非常沮丧
But I was really upset about something. Totally depressed about something.
而她…把我搂在怀里对我说 没关系的 没关系的
And she just… put her arms around me and said: “It’s okay! You’re okay.”
“Sorrow is nothing but, worn out joy.”
I see all kinds of shit out there, man.
大部分人看不见 他们不想看见
Most people don’t see it, they don’t want to.
嘿 干嘛
Hey, what’s goin’ on?
放轻松 老兄
Just relax, man.
– 躺好了 – 好吧
– Just, settle in. – Alright.
– 到了 – 没错
– All righty! – Yup!
这一趟太棒了 科特
That was… that was awesome, Kurt.
到时候给你打电♥话♥ 老兄
I’ll call you soon, man.
Hold on a sec.
See ya.
再见 科特
See ya, Kurt!
Take care of the new people who come along every year
to join the labor force or to re-join them.
And it doesn’t take care of the sharply higher cost of necessities.
It’s one thing to say inflation appears under control of the aggregate.
但等你发现♥房♥♥价 医保 能源价格不断上涨
But when you notice that housing cost, healthcare cost and energy cost are exploding
you’re talking about things that make up the overwhelming share of the budget of an ordinary family.
And so the combination of uncertainty about the future and the pressures on the present
滋生出这种情绪 白宫已经清楚地意识到了
create this mood. Now the White House is well aware of this.
你总能听到“复苏”这个词 那是因为他们不敢用“繁荣”这个词
You hear the word “recovery” all the time, because they don’t dare use the word “prosperity”.
You also see things like these… photo opportunities this week
from the… uh… so-called… working vacation in Texas.
– 能给我点零钱吗 – 呃…对不起 老兄
Think about help me out with a little change? – Ahhh… I’m sorry, man.
– 嘿 老兄 – 太好了
– Hey man. – Right on.
– 晚安 – 你也是
– Have a good night. – You too.
