请留言 我稍后回电
Leave a message, we’ll call you back.
嘿 我是科特 给你打个电♥话♥
Hey, it’s Kurt! I am calling you.
我在城里 希望你在附近
I’m in town. Just hoping you’re around.
I don’t know if you’re there or what…
接电♥话♥ 老兄 你不会后悔的
Pick it up, man. You will not regret it.
嘿 科特
Hey, Kurt…
你来这儿了 你住在哪
So you’re here? Where’re you stayin’?
对 谢了 传言是真的
Yeah, thanks. The rumors are true.
不不不 我们不想知道
Naa, we didn’t wanna know.
是吗 你那儿有什么
Oh yeah? What’ve you got? Lay it on.
当然 我可以去
Sure… I could be into that.
我可以去树林玩一两天 没问题
I could use some time in the woods, absolutely.
可以 我想应该没问题 我跟坦尼娅商量一下
Yeah… I think that would be cool. Let me just run it by Tanya.
我十点打给你 对
I’ll call you in ten… Right on.
Don’t ask my permission…
I said I’ll run it by you.
他想去看看达科他附近的温泉 今晚去露营
He wants to check out some hot springs near Daketa, camp out tonight.
明天一早往回走 应该在…中午就到家
Get an early start tomorrow, be home by… noon I’d say.
Look, if it’s gonna be a problem I’ll just call him back and tell him “I can’t go.”
嘿 我们很欢迎你一块儿来
Hey… you should come too. You’re totally welcome.
You know… that’d be fun.
I’m not exactly up for camping.
It’s probably gonna rain anyway.
Could rain all day…
你看 你就是等着我让你去
Look you just waiting for me to tell you to go…
我们都清楚你会去的 所以我不知道为什么
We know you’re going so I don’t know why we have to go through this thing
of me letting you off the hook.
I’m not gonna enjoy myself if you are… miserable about it.
进去 露西 进去
Go in, Lucy, Go in!
休 你好
That’d be Eleven Nine. Hugh How are you?
– 好极了 你今天怎么样 – 挺好的 谢了
Very good. How are you today? Good, Thanks!
I’m callin’ in… I never could understand why Lyndon Johnson
became the champion of the Civil Rights Movement.
你说什么 我是说投票权法案是个伟大的法案
Are you talking about? I mean the Voting Rights Act was a great thing.
– 喔 没错… – 它是…
– Oh Yes… – It was the…
It was the beginning, literally the beginning of American democracy.
– 我生长在… – 它也是南方政策的基础
– I grew up in a state… It also became the foundation of the…
Southern Strategy. He said we’ve delivered the South to the
Republican Party for a long time when he signed the Act.
这是你想表达的吗 – 对 对
I mean is that what you’re talking about? – Yeah.
You said it with regret…
These were all wedge issues.
When Reagan talked about… He’s for State’s rights.
总而言之 只是在含蓄地说 他是一个种族主义者
All it was, it was just a veiled way of saying “He’s a Racist. ”
当尼克松谈到”法律和秩序” 他就是这个意思
When Nixon talked about “Law and Order”, that’s what he was talking about!
He was talking about the…
想想吧 你看…李·阿特伍德在别人…
Think about this. You had… Lee Atwater kickin’ around when all these guys were
…制定南方政策时搅浑水 包括…
devising the Southern Strategy. Including…
包括卡尔·罗夫 他把南方政策推进了一步
Including Karl Rove, he’s taken the Southern Strategy to the next step,
and that’s to divide us by way of religion.
所以 我不觉得你在胡说
So, I don’t think you’re insane.
但是 我的意思是…只是说说而已… – 并不是
But, I mean… is here sayin’… – Not Really.
我告诉你…我告诉你 我同意这一事实…
I’ll tell you… I’ll tell you this. I agree with the fact that…
我能插句话吗 – 可以
May I interject here? – Yeah.
我没有大声宣称是林登·约翰逊干的 我是问了一个问题
I didn’t call up and assert that Lyndon Johnson did this, I asked a question.
But Bobby reacted as if I was asserting it.
And then he starts calling names.
– 说回到刚才… – 你问得不好
– Let me go back… – It was a bad question.
听着鲍比 没有”问得不好”这种东西…
Listen Bobby there’s no such thing as a bad question…
嘿 老兄
Hey man!
嘿 科特
Hey, Kurt!
我带了个冰箱 拿着 还有小车和电视
I brought a cooler. Take it. And a wagon. And a TV.
– 你气色不错 – 真的吗 但愿如此
– You’re looking good. – Really? I wish!
He hasn’t sold the house yet?
还没有 但我在这待不了几天了
No, not yet. But my days are numbered here.
I’m really glad you could come.
I didn’t know if you could make it on such short notice,
everyone’s so busy now.
你知道吗 我有天晚上梦见你了
You know I had a dream about you the other night? Where you’re…
你好像在医院还是什么地方 太奇怪了
in like a hospital or something. It was really weird.
但目前你是那个梦里最好的一部分 – 还行
But you were the best thing about it by far. – That’s cool…
– Ashlyn怎么样 – Ashlyn吗 不可思议
How’s Ashlyn? Ashlyn? Amazing!
I’m at a whole new place now really.
Aw you’ve really got it all goin’ on.
Hell yeah!
– 你的东西呢 – 在车里 我把狗也带上了
– Where’s your shit? – It’s in the car. I’ve got the dog too.
是吗 为什么不开你的车 你觉得呢
Really? Why don’t we take your ride. What do you think?
Cause this thing is just a slug in the mountains.
呃…没问题 我来开车
Uhm… Sure! I can drive.
好了 把它们装上车
Alright! Let’s load it up!
民♥主♥党人正袖手旁观 你怎么看
The Democrats are sitting on their damn hands. What do you make of that?
首先 民♥主♥党人在议会上犯了个悲剧性的错误
First of all, the Democrats in Congress have made a tragic mistake, and that is…
they seem to think that they’re part of the Government…
– 没错 这个观点很好 – 而不是心向人♥民♥
– Yeah. Yeah that’s a good point. – Rather than going to the people.
机遇并不只是敲了敲门 而是用力砸门
Opportunity is not just knocking at the door, it’s pounding at the door.
而民♥主♥党的驴子们 坐在那儿安心喝小酒 说
There’s the Democratic donkey, you know sittin’ there sip in peace sayin’:
我不知道 我不知道该不该开门
“I don’t know! I don’t know if I should get up and answer the door or not. ”
就是这样 去年总统大选的时候你也看到了…
It is there. You know we saw the same thing in last year’s presidential election when…
Our party’s nominee did not…
– 一小会儿就好 – …那群党内恶棍
– It’ll just take two seconds. – … the corporate crooks.
– 马上回来 – …战斗并不是
– Hope that’s all? – … the fight is not
他们的 并不是为了他们
about them. It’s not a fight for them.
– 是为了维护可靠的… – 呦 你有10块钱吗
– It’s a fight to hold on to the very solid… – Yo, you got ten bucks?
…被埃克森美孚 被库尔斯 被默多克 被理查德·梅隆斯凯夫劫持
By the Exxon, by the Coors, by the Murdoch, by Richard Mellon Scaife.
这是一场战争 我们事不关己 高高挂起是赢不了的…
It’s a fight, we can’t win by removing ourselves, standing on the sidewalk…
Some people say we need a third party,
I wish we had a second one.
And I’m gonna fight for that to be the Democratic Party.
But I certainly understand people…
– 嘿 你好 – 你好
– Hey, what’s up? – What’s goin on?
– 30美元 – 30美元…
– 30 dollars? – 30 dollars…
– …和其他家伙 因为… – 再会
– … and other folks, because… – Take it easy.
And if we do not stand up for working folks…
这倒是一件好事 试图让党派…
The one good thing about the… is trying to flip the party back
…回到基层来 上个月…
to the grassroots level. In last month…
This thing go back any further?
How’s your dad?
他挺好的 事情尽在掌握
He’s alright, you know. All things considered.
Last I heard he was living in… a new place.
对 没错
Yeah, right.
For some reason he decided at age 70,
突然不想继续自己的婚姻了 所以就搬出去了
that he didn’t want to be married anymore. So he moved out.
Yeah that’s what I heard.
Then he ended up with these…
fuckin’ blood clots on his brain.
喔 该死
Oh fuck.
突然间发生 毫无预兆
And they just showed up, out of nowhere.
他当时奄奄一息 没人知道该怎么做
He was really weak for a while, nobody knew what to do.
然后…自己好了 痊愈了
Then they… dissolved. Just went away.
That’s heavy.
Put my mom through the wringer.
是啊 肯定的 肯定的
Yeah, I bet. I bet.
It’s kind of like when an old Eskimo goes off to die alone.
Who knows?
You still have this.
