斯利姆 帮帮我
Slim, help me.
蓝尼 -哦 天呐
Lennie. – Oh, God!
蓝尼 蓝尼
Lennie! Lennie!
蓝尼 放开他 蓝尼 放开他的手
Lennie! Let go! Lennie! Let go of his hand.
Let go.
你让我的 乔治 你让我做的
You told me to, George. You told me to.
我知道 我知道 现在放松点儿吧 冷静点
I know, I know. Take it easy now. Calm down.
We gotta get him to a doctor.
卡尔森 吧马车讨好 我们带他去索莱达看医生
Carlson, get the wagon hitched up. We’ll take him into Soledad to get him fixed up.
我没想弄伤他 我没想弄伤他
I didn’t wanna hurt him. I didn’t wanna hurt him.
是的 我知道
I know. I know.
那不是你的错 蓝尼 这个混♥蛋♥自找的
It ain’t your fault, Lennie. This punk had it coming to him.
(科里 呻♥吟♥)
(Curley groans)
斯利姆 科里他爹会解雇我们吗
Slim, is Curley’s old man gonna can us now?
嘿 能听到我说话吗
Hey, you hear me?
嗯 嘿
Huh? Hey!
能听到吗 -嗯
You hear me? – Huh?
I think you got your hand caught in a machine.
那么 如果你不对别人说 我们也不会的
Now, if you don’t tell nobody what happened, we ain’t going to.
但是如果你说了 并且想设法解雇他
But you just tell, and try to get this guy canned,
我们会告诉每个人 今天发生了什么
we’re gonna tell everybody what really happened.
听到没 嗯 -嗯啊
You got that? Huh? – Uh-huh.
乔治 你和惠特 帮我一把 快点
George, you and Whitt, give me a hand. Come on.
抬起他来 就这样
Lift him up. That’s it.
坎迪 打开门
Candy, get the door.
惠特 你和卡尔森一起进城
Whitt, you go on into town with Carlson.
老天 你看上去糟透了
Jesus, you look like hell.
呃 我还可以养兔子吗
Do… do I still get to tend the rabbits?
当然 你没做错什么
Sure, you ain’t done nothing wrong.
太好了 我不想惹麻烦
Thanks a lot. I didn’t want no trouble.
没事的 我知道你不想
It’s all right. I know you didn’t.
好了 安静点 让我给你清理下 好吗
Come on. You be quiet so I can clean you up. OK?
嗨 男孩们
Hi, boys.
这儿真热 不像马棚里那么凉爽
It’s hot out here. Not cool like in the barn.
I said it’s hot out here!
那你为什么不回你的马棚 我们不想惹麻烦
Why don’t you go back to your house now? We don’t want no trouble.
I ain’t giving you no trouble.
Think I don’t like to talk to somebody every once in a while?
你丈夫在 去跟他说
You got a husband. Go talk to him.
是 我有丈夫 很棒的家伙 不是吗
Sure, I got a husband. Swell guy, ain’t he?
说 科里的手怎么了
Say, what happened to Curley’s hand?
He got his hand caught in a machine.
胡说 你以为我傻吗
Baloney! What you think you’re selling me?
How’d you get them bruises on your face?
谁 我吗 -是的 就是你
Who, me? – Yeah, you.
Got his hand caught in a machine.
嗯 好吧
Yeah, OK.
(乔治) 蓝尼
(George) Lennie.
I’m gonna go into town with the guys.
我可以呆在这吗 -是的 当然
Can I stay here? – Yeah, yeah.
在这呆一会儿 然后回工棚去
Just stay here for a while and then go back to the bunkhouse.
(人们) 快来 乔治
(man) Come on, George.
Don’t you get in no trouble.
You ain’t got no right to come into my room.
Ain’t nobody got a right to be in here but me.
我 我看到你的灯亮着 -是的 当然啦 我有权开灯
I… I seen your light. – Yeah, well, I got a right to have a light.
那么 他们不想让我住在工棚里 而且我也不想让你来我的房♥间
Now, I ain’t wanted in those bunkhouses and you ain’t wanted in my room.
为什么他们不想要你 -因为我是黑人
Why ain’t you wanted? – Because I’m black.
他们说我臭 好吧 依我说 你们对我来说才很臭
They say I stink. Well, I’ll tell you, all of y’all stink to me.
Everybody went into town.
嗯 你想做什么呢 -没事 我看 我
Well, what you want? – Nothing. I see… I…
I seen your light.
好吧 进来坐一小会儿 如果你现在不想出去的话
Well, come on in and sit awhile if you won’t get out of here and leave me alone.
Goddamn your soul.
All the boys go into town?
除了坎迪 他坐在工棚里 在想那些兔子
All but old Candy. He just sat in the bunkhouse, figuring about the rabbits.
What rabbits you talkin’ about?
我们会得到的兔子 我会养他们
The rabbits we’re gonna get, and I get to tend ’em.
你这傻瓜 你真是傻透了
You’re nuts. You’re crazy as a wedge.
我一点不怪跟你一块旅行的那个家伙 瞎糊弄你
I don’t blame that guy you travel with for keeping you out of sight.
不 每个字都是真的 你可以问问乔治
No, every word is the truth. You can ask George.
你跟乔治一块旅行的 不是吗
You travel around with George, don’t you?
是的 我和乔治 一起去任何地方
Sure. Me and George go everywhere together.
有时候他跟你说话 你并不能理解
And sometimes he talk to you and you don’t understand
他在说的什么 不是吗
what the hell he’s talking about. Ain’t that so?
How long do you think it’s gonna be
before them puppies are old enough to take away from its mother?
孩子 听我说
Boy, I tell you.
一个人跟你说话的时候 你只是在不停胡扯 嗯哼
A guy can talk to you and be sure you ain’t gonna go blabbing. Uh-uh!
他只是说 但你什么都不懂
Just talking and you don’t understand nothing.
你听不听懂并不重要 你只是
It don’t make no difference if you don’t hear or understand, you just…
在不停说话 (咯咯笑)
..talking. (giggles)
Just talking.
Just being with another guy.
That’s all.
George don’t come back no more.
What you do then?
I said suppose George go into town tonight
and you never heard of him no more.
George would never do nothing like that.
好吧 如果他受伤或者被杀掉了 因此不能回来了
Well, suppose he get hurt or killed and he can’t come back.
乔治不会被杀掉 因为乔治很小心
George can’t get killed cos George is careful.
好吧 只是假设 假设他不回来 你会怎么做
Well, just suppose. Suppose he don’t come back. What you do then?
我不知道 唷 你咋这样呢
I don’t know. Gee, why are you doing anyways?
那不是真的 乔治没有受伤 -让我来告诉你会发生什么
That ain’t true. George ain’t hurt. – Shall I tell you what’d happen?
他们会把你带到疯人院 还会给你戴上项圈锁起来 像只狗
They’d take you to the booby hatch and lock you up with a collar, like a dog.
谁会伤害乔治 -(笑) 只是假设
Who’ll hurt George? – (laughs) Just supposin’.
乔治没有受伤 他很好 他会回来的
George ain’t hurt. He’s all right. He’s gonna come back.
那你假设个什么 -喔 我
Then what you supposing for? – Oh, I…
Ain’t nobody talk no hurt to George.
淡定 现在 乔治没有受伤
Just keep calm. Now, now, George ain’t hurt.
没人说乔治受伤了 乔治会回来的
Ain’t nobody talk no hurt to George. George’ll be back.
好吧 好吧 好吧 坐下吧
All right, all right, all right. Just sit down.
Calm down.
Go on.
Maybe you can see now.
你现在有乔治 如果没人跟你一起
You got George. Suppose you ain’t got nobody.
如果你不能去工棚 只因为你是个黑人
Suppose you can’t go into the bunkhouse and play rummy because you’s black.
如果你只能和骡子坐在一块 读点书
Suppose you have to sit out here with the mules and read books.
Books ain’t no good.
那么他会变疯 因为没人陪他
A guy goes nuts, he ain’t got nobody.
我告诉你 一个人太孤独 是会得病的
I tell ya, a guy gets too lonely, he gets sick.
或许乔治已经回来了 我最好去看看
Maybe George come back already. Maybe I better go see.
我 我不是故意吓唬你的
I… I didn’t mean to scare you.
George gonna come back all right.
我只是说我自己 就是那样
I was just talking about myself, that’s all.
我们会得到一块小地方 还有兔子和风车
We’re gonna get a little place of land and rabbits and windmill.
You’re nuts.
(乔治) 蓝尼
(George) Lennie!
那是乔治 乔治回来了 -嗯
That’s George. George is back. – Yeah.
我在这里 乔治
I’m in here, George.
You shouldn’t be in here.