噢 不 他只是吓到她了
Hell, no. He just scared her.
嗯 他并不下流
Well… he ain’t mean.
要是他下流 我隔一里就可以嗅出来
I can tell a mean guy a mile off.
(老板) 弥尔顿
(boss) Milton!
I ain’t payin’ you to stand around.
回去工作 -他刚来喝了点水
Get back to work. – He just come over for a drink of water.
你回去工作 你去催催这些工人 他们太慢了
You get back to work. You get these men moving. They’re way behind.
快动起来 加把劲儿
You men get moving here. Let’s go.
该死的 快别吵了
Goddamnit, stop that racket!
I told you not to bring that pup in here.
I ain’t got no pup.
你们有谁见我老婆了吗 -她不在这
Any of you boys seen my wife? – She ain’t been here.
斯利姆TMD在哪里 -去马棚了
Where the hell’s Slim? – Went out to the barn.
卡尔森 你觉得他会找到斯利姆和他老婆在一块吗
Carlson, do you think he’s gonna find Slim in the barn with his wife?
Better not tangle with Slim.
科里在找茬儿 我得瞧瞧去 来吧
Curley’s lookin’ for a fight. I gotta see this. Come on.
不 我呆在这儿 谢了
No, I’ll stay here. Thanks.
科里的老婆在马棚里吗 -没有吧 我没看到她
Was Curley’s wife in the barn? – If she was, I didn’t see her.
Both the ends is the same.
为啥两头都是一样的呢 -本来就是那样的
Why both the ends is the same? – It’s just the way they make ’em.
你确定她没去马棚吗 就像上次来这一样
You sure she didn’t come in the barn, like she come in here?
不 没有
No, she never.
Give me a good whorehouse every time.
可以走进去 喝个烂醉
A guy can go in, get drunk,
自♥由♥自在 没有这些破事
get it all out of his system all at once, and no messes.
乔治 -嗯
George. – Yeah?
How long is it gonna be till we get the little place
and live off the fat of the land?
Gotta get some money together first.
我知道一个便宜的小地方 但那也不是白送的
I know a little place where you can get cheap, but they ain’t giving it away.
Tell about that place.
It’s ten acres.
那有一个风车磨坊 有一个小窝棚 还有个养鸡场
It’s got a windmill. Got a little shack on it, and a chicken run.
有兔子吗 乔治
Got rabbits, George?
我能建起个兔棚 你可以喂它们苜蓿
I could easily build a few hutches and you could feed ’em alfalfa.
你是对的 你绝对是对的
You’re damn right. You’re goddamn right I could.
嗯 乔治 说说房♥子吧
But, George, tell about the house.
嗯 我们有一间小房♥子 并且有属于自己的房♥间
Well, we have a little house, and we have a room to ourself.
我们有一个小小的 胖胖的 铁炉子 冬天一到我们就在里面生起火来
And we have a little, fat, iron stove, and in the winter we keep a fire going in it.
兔子呢 乔治 还有 我会照顾它们 我该怎么照顾兔子呢
And rabbits, George. And that… But I tend ’em. How do I tend them rabbits?
嗯 你要到苜蓿地里 还要有个麻袋
Well, you go out to the alfalfa field. You have a sack.
你要装上满满的一麻袋 然后放到兔笼子里
You fill up that sack and you bring it in and you put it in the rabbit cage.
你得养几只鸽子 让他们围着风车飞
You have a few pigeons that fly around the windmill,
like they done when I was a kid.
And it’d be our home.
Nobody could can us.
如果我们不喜欢一个家伙 我们就说“TMD滚出去吧”
We don’t like a guy, we just say ”Get the hell out.”
如果朋友来了 我们会给他弄一个铺
If a friend come, we’d have an extra bunk.
我们会说 “为什么不在这过夜呢” 然后 看在上帝的份儿上 他就会留下
We’d say ”Why don’t you spend the night?” and, by God, he would.
We’d have a dog and a couple of cats,
但是你得确保 猫够不到那些兔子
but you got to make sure them cats don’t get them rabbits.
可是 你可以让它们试试
But… you just let them try.
我会打断那些该死的猫的脖子 用棍子打死它们
I’m gonna break them goddamn cats’ necks. I smash them cats with a stick.
You know a place like this?
希望如此 你问这个做什么
Suppose I do. What’s it to you?
How much they want for a place like that?
600块就可以吧 -600
Could get it for 600 bucks. – 600.
Old people that owns it is broke.
我只有一只手 做不了什么
I ain’t much good with only one hand.
所以他们给我一份扫地的工作 他们给了我250块钱 因为我失去了一只手
That’s why they give me a job sweeping. And they give me $250 cos I lost my hand.
And I got 50 more saved in the bank right now.
那是 一共 300块
That’s, uh… 300.
And I got 50 more coming at the end of the month.
Suppose I went in with you fellas.
That’d be $350 that I’d put in.
那么 听我说 我可以做饭
Now, let me tell you something. I could cook,
and I could tend the chickens,
我还可以在花♥园♥里锄草 嗯
and I could hoe in the garden. Huh?
那么 听起来如何呢 -好的
Now, how would that be? – OK.
我要考虑一下 我们本打算靠自己的
I got to think about that. We was gonna do it by ourselves.
We were gonna do it by ourselves.
嗯 那么 慢着 我来告诉你
Well, now, wait a minute. I’ll tell you what.
我死的时候会留下遗嘱 把我的东西都留给你们
I’d make a will and leave my share to you guys in case I kick off.
I ain’t got no relatives or nothin’.
你们有钱吗 我们可以说干就干
You fellas got any money? Maybe we can do it now.
我们两个一共有10块 -我们有10块
We got ten bucks between us. – We got ten bucks.
10块 -是的
Ten bucks. – Yeah.
You seen what they done to my dog?
They said he wasn’t no good no more.
我希望有人能射杀我 当我老得不行的时候
I wish somebody’d shoot me when I ain’t no good,
but they won’t do that.
他们会解雇我 而我无家可归
They’ll can me, and I ain’t gonna have no place to go.
听着 如果我和蓝尼工作一个月 并且一分钱不花
Look, if me and Lennie work a month and we don’t spend nothin’,
我们会领到100块 你有350块
we’ll have 100 bucks. And you got 350?
是的 你可以全部拿走
Yeah, and you can have every cent of it.
That’d be 450.
老天 我真希望我们能办到
Jesus Christ, I bet we could get it for that.
你们两个可以开始准备了 我会工作挣出剩余的钱
You two could get her started. I’d work and make up the rest.
I’m gonna take that goddamn pup.
好 好 当然 你们知道我要做什么吗
Sure, sure, sure. You know what I’m gonna do?
我会写信给那两个老人 告诉他们我们会买♥♥地
I’ll write those two old people that we’ll take it.
Candy will send $100 to hold it?
当然 我可以多出30块钱 就算你们准备退出的话
I sure will. I’ll have 30 more dollars the time you guys is ready to quit.
我要照顾兔子 告诉他 乔治 给他说他不能养兔子
I get to tend the rabbits. Tell him, George. Tell him he can’t do it.
我要在花♥园♥里锄草 就算我不能做得很好
I’ll get to hoe in the garden, even if I ain’t no good at it?
他们那有一只漂亮的炉子吗 -对 没错儿 他们有一只非常漂亮的炉子
They got a nice stove there? – Yeah, yeah. They got a real nice stove!
But I bet that pup will like it there.
我们就要开始了 老天 我们可以修好那个房♥子然后住在里面
We’re gonna do it, goddamnit. We can fix up that little old place and live there.
When we gonna do it?
一个月后 整整一个月后
One month. Right smack in one month.
那么 别跟别人说这事儿
Now, don’t tell nobody about it.
只有我们三个知道 -不要告诉任何人
Just us three and nobody else. – Don’t tell nobody.
乔治 我应该亲手打死那只狗的
George, I ought to have shot that dog myself.
I should not let no stranger shoot my dog.
(斯利姆) 闭嘴 我受够了 -我在问你
(Slim) Shut up. I’m tired of… – I just asked you!
你老是来问我 我已经受够了
You’ve been asking me too often and I’m damn sick of it.
If you can’t look after your goddamn wife,
你觉得我能做什么 嗯
what do you expect me to do about it, huh?
解雇我吧 -我没其他意思
Lay off me. – Didn’t mean nothing by it.
我说解雇我吧 -我只是觉得你可能见过她
I said lay off. – Just thought you might have seen her.
让她呆在家吧 -关你屁事
Tell her to stay home. – You keep out of this.
你这该死的混混 真TM是个人♥渣♥
You goddamn punk. You’re yellow as a frog belly.
You may be the best welterweight in the country,
but I’ll kick your goddamn head in. – (man imitates a chicken clucking)
What the hell you laughing about?
嗯 你
Huh? You!
来吧 你这大个子混球儿 起来
Come on, you big bastard, get up.
还没有傻大个儿敢嘲笑我 起来
No big son of a bitch is gonna laugh at me. Get up.
我会让你知道谁没种 -你没有理由
I’ll show you who’s yellow. – You got no cause for…
Get up!
住手 科里 -站起来打啊
(man) Come on, Curley! – Get up and fight.
他什么都没做 不要打他了 -我没有
He didn’t do nothing. Leave him alone. – (Lennie) I didn’t.
快住手 科里
(man) Cut it out, Curley.
还手啊 -让他停下
(man) Fight back. – Make him stop.
抓住他 蓝尼
Get him, Lennie. – (Lennie cries)
抓住他 蓝尼 抓住他
Get him, Lennie! Get him!
让他放开我 快让他放开我
Get him off of me! Get him off of me!