好吧 去找些木头来 我们可以在天黑前升起火来
Well, go get some wood so we can build a fire afore it gets dark.
乔治 -什么
George? – What?
Tell me like you done before.
什么话 -关于
Tell you what? – About the…
关于兔子的话 -今天晚上不行
About the rabbits. – Not tonight.
求你了 乔治 再讲给我听吧 好吗 好吗 好吗
Come on, George. Tell like you done before. Please? Please? Please?
你对那些很感兴趣 不是吗
You get a kick out of that, don’t you?
I will.
Guys like us that work on ranches are the loneliest guys in the world.
他们没有家 不属于任何地方
They ain’t go no family and they don’t belong no place.
他们不会展望未来 -但这不是我们的事 乔治 说说我们的事
They got nothin’ to look ahead to. – But not us, George. Tell about us now.
好吧 我们不是那样的 我们有未来
Well, we ain’t like that. We got a future.
我们有可以聊天的人 而且他们关心我们
We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us.
但如果其他人进了监狱 甚至等到他们腐烂都没人关心
If them other guys gets in jail, they can rot for all anybody cares.
但这不是我们的事 乔治 因为我
But not us, George, because I…
看 你可以照顾我 我也可以照顾你
See, I got you to look after me, but you got me to look after.
可是 乔治 说说将来的事情
But, George, tell about how it’s gonna be.

we’re gonna have us a little house and a couple of acres,
还有一头牛 一只猪 和一群鸡 -猪和鸡
and a cow and a pig and chickens. – Pig and chic…
我们将会吃到最美味的食物 并且可以养几只兔子
We gonna live off the fat of the land, and have rabbits.
And have rabbits.
乔治 说说我们会在花♥园♥里种什么 -好的
George, tell what we got in the garden. – OK.
然后说说冬天时的兔子 还有炉子 还有
Then tell about the rabbits in winter, and about the stove and, uh…
牛奶上的奶油会有多厚 -好的
how thick the cream was on the milk. – Yeah.
快点儿 说说 -你为什么不说呢 所有的事你都知道
Go ahead, tell it. – Why don’t you do it? You know all of it.
乔治 不 乔治 不 我说跟你说是不一样的
George, no! George, no, it’s not the same when I tell it.
That’s not the same.
你来说说 嗯 我怎么照顾那些兔子
Tell, um, what… how I get to tend the rabbits.
我们会有一个大菜园子 而且还有一个兔舍
We’re gonna have a big vegetable patch and we’re gonna have a rabbit hutch.
另外在土地上 我们会有一块 -为兔子开出的苜蓿地
And down in the flat, we’ll have a… – ..little field of alfalfa for the rabbits.
而且我会照顾那些兔子 -是的 你会照顾那些兔子
And I get to tend the rabbits. – Yeah, you get to tend the rabbits.
When it rains in the winter,
我们会说 “去TMD工作吧”
we’ll just say ”The hell with going to work,”
我们会在炉子里升起火 只是坐在那儿
and we’ll just build a fire in the stove, and we’ll just sit there
and we’ll listen to the rain.
蓝尼 我希望你能看看这个地方
Lennie, I want you to look around here.
如果你有麻烦了 我希望你能来这儿
If you get in any trouble, I want you to come right here.
你可以躲在这里的灌木丛里 -躲在灌木丛里
You hide over here in the brush. – Hide in the brush.
你躲在灌木丛里直到我来找你 你能记住吗
You hide in the brush until I come for you. Can you remember that?
当然了 乔治 躲在灌木丛中直到你来找我
Sure I can, George. Hide in the brush till you come for me.
如果你再惹麻烦 我就不会让你照顾兔子了
If you do get in trouble, I ain’t gonna let you tend the rabbits.
I’m not gonna get into any trouble.
I can remember, by God.
Let’s get some rest.
It’ll be nice sleeping here,
just looking up at the leaves.
What do you want?
我 我觉得我们应该养不同颜色的兔子
I… I think we should get them different colour rabbits.
Red rabbits and blue rabbits and green rabbits.
让它们叫吧 -安静点 狗狗们 安静 该死的
Leave ’em alone. – Be quiet, dogs. Be quiet, goddamnit.
Be quiet!
闭嘴 斯迈里 别吵了 斯迈里 安静
Shut up, Smiley! Shut up. Smiley, down.
你们在找什么东西吗 -是的 我们来这工作的
You fellas looking for something? – Yeah. We come here to work.
老板在哪 -他在农场的房♥子里
Where’s the boss? – He’s up at the ranch house.
我叫坎迪 来吧 我带你们去那
I’m Candy. Come on, I’ll take you up there.
He was expecting you last night.
He was sore as hell that you wasn’t here to go out this morning.
He come in when we was having breakfast.
他说 “该死的 新来人的哪去了”
He said ”Goddamnit, where the hell is them new men?”
然后他把这个温顺的家伙痛骂了一顿 你看 这个温顺的家伙是个黑鬼
And he gives the stable buck hell too. You see, the stable buck’s a nigger.
啊 他在那呢
Ah! There he goes.
有天被一匹马踢了 所以他成了驼背
He got a crooked back where a horse kicked him one day.
The boss gives him hell every time he gets mad.
但是那家伙 (笑)
But the stable buck… (laughs)
The stable buck don’t give a damn about that.
Boss’s office in here.
Come in.
These guys just came.
我是写过信给默里和麦迪 要两个人今天早上来这工作
I wrote Murray and Ready… for two men to work this morning.
Where’s your work slips?
Is my slip in there?
It wasn’t Murray and Ready’s fault.
Says right here you were supposed to be ready to work this morning.
巴士司机骗了我们 我们不得已步行了十英里
Bus driver lied to us. We had to walk ten miles.
I don’t give a damn about that.
你叫什么 -乔治 弥尔顿
What’s your name? – George Milton.
你呢 -他叫 蓝尼
What’s yours? – His name’s Lennie Small.
你们以前在哪里工作 -在威德那
Where you boys been working? – Up around Weed.
你呢 -是的 他也是
What about you? – Yeah, him too.
他不怎么喜欢说话 不是吗
He’s not much of a talker, is he?
是 是的 他不怎么说话 但他绝逼是一个好工人 他像头牛一样壮
No, no, he ain’t. But he’s a hell of a good worker. He’s strong as a bull.
Strong as a bull?
额 他可以做到你要求的任何事 他是一个
Uh, he can do anything you tell him. He’s a..
他是个好的赶牲口人 他能扛动大袋粮食 驾驶耕耘机
He’s a good skinner. He can wrestle grain bags, drive a cultivator.
耕耘机 嗯 但是
Cultivator. Ah, but…
我不是说他很聪明 其实他有点
I ain’t sayin’ he’s bright – he ain’t.
但他是个 他绝逼是个好工人
But he’s a… he’s a damn good worker.
说 你葫芦里卖♥♥的什么药
Say… what you selling?
What’s your stake in this guy?
Are you taking his pay from him?
不 不是
Hell, no.
他是我的堂弟 我答应过他的母亲要照顾他
He’s my cousin. I told his old lady I’d take care of him.
He got kicked in the head by a horse when he was a kid.
All right.
But you’d better not try to put anything over on me.
Now catch your grain teams after dinner.
呃 我没有被马踢中脑袋 乔治
Well, I wasn’t kicked in the head with no horse, George.
如果是真的那就好了 省了每个人的麻烦
Be a damn good thing if you was. Save everybody a hell of a lot of trouble.
你 你说我是你的堂弟
You… you said I was your cousin.
呃 那是一个谎言 如果我是你的亲戚 我会自杀的
Well, that was a lie. If I was a relative of yours, I’d shoot myself.
来 我带你们看看工棚
Come on, I’ll show you the bunkhouse.
来吧 快点 孩子们
Come on. Come on, boy.
来 来 你们可以选这两个位子
Come on, come on. You can take these two bunks right here.
That’s a hell of an old dog.
而且它在变得更老 当它还是只小狗的时候我就养着它了
And he’s getting older too. I had him since he was a pup.
老天 它年轻的时候可是一直强悍的牧羊犬
God, he was a great sheepdog when he was younger.
嘿 这是什么鬼东西
Hey… what the hell is this?
写的是 “有效杀死虱子 蟑螂和其他害虫”
Says ”Positively kills lice, roaches and other scourges”.
What the hell kind of beds are you giving us?
呃 等一会儿 年轻人 等一小会儿
Now, wait a minute there, young fella. Wait a minute.
Let me see what you’re talking about.
哦 是 是的 现在我记起来了
Oh, yeah, yeah. Now I remember.
Last guy that had this bunk was a blacksmith.
He’d squirt this stuff around even if there was no bugs.
他 他甚至吃完饭都要洗手
He used to… he used to wash his hands even after he ate.
你看见我爸爸了吗 -是的 他在办公室
You seen my old man? – Yeah, he’s up at the house.
你们就是我父亲等的人吗 -是的 我们刚到这里
You the guys the old man’s waiting for? – Yeah, we just came in.
让这个大个子说 -或许他不想说话
Let the big guy talk. – Suppose he don’t wanna talk?
What the hell you gettin’ into this for?
We travel together.
哦 哦 原来是这样 -是的 是这样
Oh. Oh. So it’s that way. – Yeah, it’s that way.