

[adjective] not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one
[形容词] 未注意到或不关心周围发生的事情的


Oblivious 是一个与熟词 obvious 十分形似但含义相隔较远的单词。该词源自拉丁语 obliviosus (健忘的、很容易忘记的;产生健忘的),15世纪中期进入英语后也是用来表示“忘却的、健忘的”,不过这个含义现已不再流行。

等到了1862年后, oblivious 开始讹用来表示“不知道的、未注意的、未察觉的”,但这个含义随后却发展成了该词的主要含义。现在常用搭配 oblivious of/to sth ,多指对周围发生的事情毫无知觉的或未察觉的,强调缺乏主动有意识的注意,或者因认为事情微不足道或者过于琐碎而没有去注意或记住,比如:

  • 那个新手专心于工作,对周围的一切毫无知觉。
    Absorbed in her work, the novice was totally oblivious of her surroundings.
  • 他开车走了,没有注意到他所造成的附带损害。
    He drove off, oblivious of the collateral damage he had caused.


Hermione was acting as though she was quite oblivious to all of this, but once or twice Harry saw an inexplicable smirk cross her face.

出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第六本《哈利·波特与混血王子》(Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)。


  • Its name came from the idea of weaving such a chip into items of clothing, where it could let oblivious wearers know when the need for a shower was becoming urgent.
  • Chinese citizens have greater freedom today than they have had in 50 years. To be oblivious to that is foolish.


  1. Oblivious to surroundings (对周围环境毫不知情) – Unaware or inattentive to what is happening around.
    • Example: He was so engrossed in his book that he was oblivious to his surroundings.
  2. Oblivious to danger (对危险毫不知情) – Unaware or ignorant of potential risks or hazards.
    • Example: The hiker ventured deep into the forest, oblivious to the lurking dangers.
  3. Oblivious to criticism (对批评不以为意) – Unaffected or unconcerned by negative comments or feedback.
    • Example: She remained confident in her abilities, oblivious to the criticism from others.
  4. Oblivious to time (对时间毫不在意) – Unaware or disregarding the passing of time.
    • Example: Lost in conversation, they were oblivious to time and ended up being late for the meeting.
  5. Oblivious to consequences (对后果无觉察) – Unmindful or ignorant of the potential outcomes or repercussions of one’s actions.
    • Example: The reckless driver sped through red lights, seemingly oblivious to the consequences.
  6. Oblivious to etiquette (对礼仪不知情) – Unfamiliar or ignorant of proper social or cultural norms.
    • Example: He committed several etiquette blunders at the formal dinner, appearing oblivious to proper behavior.
  7. Oblivious to the obvious (对显而易见的事情视而不见) – Unaware or failing to notice something that is evident or clear.
    • Example: Despite the signs pointing in the right direction, she walked in the opposite direction, oblivious to the obvious.
  8. Oblivious to the truth (对真相一无所知) – Unaware or uninformed about the actual facts or reality.
    • Example: The conspiracy theorist remained oblivious to the overwhelming evidence debunking their claims.
  9. Oblivious to the noise (对噪音不加理会) – Unaffected or undisturbed by loud or distracting sounds.
    • Example: The baby slept peacefully, seemingly oblivious to the noise in the busy household.
  10. Oblivious to the details (对细节毫不在意) – Unconcerned or not paying attention to specific information or particulars.
    • Example: He skimmed through the contract, oblivious to the important details.
  11. Oblivious to the impact (对影响无感知) – Unaware or ignorant of the influence or effect one has on others.
    • Example: The supervisor’s harsh words left her oblivious to the emotional impact on her team.
  12. Oblivious to the signs (对迹象无视) – Unobservant or disregarding indications or signals.
    • Example: She continued to invest in the failing company, oblivious to the warning signs.
  13. Oblivious to the changes (对变化毫无察觉) – Unaware or failing to notice alterations or transformations.
    • Example: He remained oblivious to the changes in his neighborhood until someone pointed them out.
  14. Oblivious to the situation (对情况毫不知情) – Uninformed or unaware of the current circumstances or context.
    • Example: She walked into the room, oblivious to the tense atmosphere.
  15. Oblivious to the consequences (对后果漠不关心) – Unconcerned or indifferent to the potential outcomes or results.
    • Example: The teenager engaged in risky behavior, seemingly oblivious to the consequences.
  16. Oblivious to the noise (对噪音不以为意) – Unperturbed or unaffected by loud or disruptive sounds.
    • Example: The dedicated writer was able to work in a busy café, seemingly oblivious to the noise.
  17. Oblivious to the crowd (对人群毫不在意) – Unbothered or indifferent to the presence of a large number of people.
    • Example: The street performer captivated the audience while remaining oblivious to the surrounding crowd.
  18. Oblivious to the weather (对天气漠不关心) – Unconcerned or unaffected by the current weather conditions.
    • Example: Despite the heavy rain, he left the house without an umbrella, seemingly oblivious to the weather.
  19. Oblivious to the rules (对规则不知情) – Unaware or uninformed about the established regulations or guidelines.
    • Example: The new employee violated several company policies, appearing oblivious to the rules.
  20. Oblivious to the impact (对影响毫无感知) – Unaware or unmindful of the influence or effect one’s actions have on others.
    • Example: His thoughtless remarks left her feeling hurt, while he remained oblivious to the impact of his words.
  21. Oblivious to the surroundings (对周围环境漠不关心) – Uninterested or inattentive to the environment or surroundings.
    • Example: He walked through the crowded market, seemingly oblivious to the vibrant atmosphere.
  22. Oblivious to the noise (对噪音毫不在意) – Unaffected or undisturbed by loud or disruptive sounds.
    • Example: The child slept peacefully, seemingly oblivious to the noise of the construction site.
  23. Oblivious to the chaos (对混乱无知情) – Unaware or unconcerned about the disorder or confusion happening around.
    • Example: The toddler happily played in the midst of the chaotic room, oblivious to the mess.
  24. Oblivious to the surroundings (对周围环境无知情) – Unaware or disregarding the environment or immediate surroundings.
    • Example: She walked with her headphones on, seemingly oblivious to the bustling city streets.
  25. Oblivious to the danger (对危险毫不知情) – Unaware or ignorant of potential risks or threats.
    • Example: The tourist wandered into the restricted area, seemingly oblivious to the danger signs.
  26. Oblivious to the gossip (对闲言碎语不在意) – Unconcerned or unaffected by rumors or idle talk.
    • Example: She focused on her work, appearing oblivious to the office gossip.
  27. Oblivious to the consequences (对后果无觉察) – Unmindful or unaware of the potential outcomes or results of one’s actions.
    • Example: The driver ran a red light, seemingly oblivious to the potential consequences.
  28. Oblivious to the passersby (对路人无视) – Unconcerned or paying no attention to people passing by.
    • Example: The artist painted diligently, seemingly oblivious to the curious onlookers.
  29. Oblivious to the time (对时间毫不知情) – Unaware or disregarding the passage of time.
    • Example: Lost in conversation, they were oblivious to the time and ended up being late.
  30. Oblivious to the impact (对影响无感知) – Unaware or indifferent to the influence or effect one has on others.
    • Example: The teacher’s encouraging words left the student feeling inspired, while the teacher remained oblivious to the impact.


unaware: having no knowledge of a situation or fact
ignorant: lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about a particular thing
heedless: showing a reckless lack of care or attention

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
