nuance 英 [ˈnjuːɑːns] 美 [ˈnuːɑːns]



  • The nuances of translation and the cultural expectations placed upon it are seemingly unending.
  • Menus are often narrowed to dauntingly spicy dishes, like boiled duck-blood curd and tripe in chile broth, ignoring the great variety and nuance of the cuisine.


[noun] a very slight difference in appearance, meaning, sound, etc.
[名词] 外观、意义、声音等方面的细微差别


nuance于18世纪自法语借用而来,可以溯源至拉丁语nubes(云)。由于云朵在颜色上逐渐变化,英语借来这个词后便用于表示“(意义、感情、意见、颜色、音调等的)细微差异”,比如外交政策上的微调,就可以说“the slightest nuance of change in foreign policy”。另外还可以指“(性格、含义等的)微妙色彩或微妙之处”,比如对普通词语精妙含义的辨别力,就可以说“a sense of the nuances of plain words”。


出自2000年美国黑色幽默惊悚电影《美国精神病人》(American Psycho)。影片以1980年代的纽约为背景,描述一名年轻有为的华尔街雅痞,私底下原来是连环杀手的故事。电影虽然主要是心理惊悚片,但亦有恐怖片、黑色幽默、讽刺等元素在内。


nuance (NOO onss) This noun refers to subtle or slight variation and to sensitivity to those variations. An awareness of nuance is important on the social scene as well as in areas of greater import. (Nuance is derived from the Latin word for that changeable phenomenon, the cloud.)

Mrs. Ramsay’s awareness of the finely layered nuances in her guests’ interactions was comparable to an orchestra conductor’s awareness of the balance among the instruments.

Prof. Duffy is so sensitive to nuances in poetic style that he can often guess the author of a poem he has not previously read.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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细微差别(NOO onss)这个名词指细微的或轻微的变化,以及对这些变化的敏感性。对细微差别的认识在社交场合以及更重要的领域都很重要。(Nuance源于拉丁语中“云”这个多变的现象。)




  1. Subtle nuance: 微妙的细微差别
  2. nuance of meaning: 含义的细微差异
  3. Delicate nuance: 精致的微妙之处
  4. nuance of color: 色彩的细微差别
  5. nuance in language: 语言中的细微差别
  6. nuance of emotion: 情感的细微变化
  7. nuance of expression: 表情的微妙差异
  8. Cultural nuance: 文化细微差别
  9. nuance of tone: 音调的细微变化
  10. nuance in art: 艺术中的微妙之处
  11. nuance of flavor: 风味的细微差异
  12. nuance in music: 音乐中的细微差别
  13. nuance of style: 风格的微妙变化
  14. nuance in communication: 沟通中的细微差别
  15. nuance of gesture: 手势的微妙变化
  16. nuance of behavior: 行为的细微差别
  17. nuance in writing: 写作中的微妙之处
  18. nuance of texture: 质地的细微差别
  19. nuance in design: 设计中的微妙之处
  20. nuance of personality: 个性的微妙变化
  21. nuance of taste: 味道的细微差别
  22. nuance in fashion: 时尚中的微妙之处
  23. nuance of interpretation: 解释的细微差异
  24. nuance of movement: 动作的微妙变化
  25. nuance of thought: 思想的细微差别
  26. nuance in photography: 摄影中的微妙之处
  27. nuance of technique: 技术的微妙差异
  28. nuance of aroma: 香气的细微差别
  29. nuance in storytelling: 叙事中的微妙之处
  30. nuance of form: 形式的微妙变化
  31. nuance in cuisine: 烹饪中的微妙之处
  32. nuance of voice: 声音的细微差别
  33. nuance of movement: 动作的微妙变化
  34. nuance of expression: 表情的细微差异
  35. nuance in poetry: 诗歌中的微妙之处
  36. nuance of language: 语言的细微差别
  37. nuance in negotiation: 谈判中的微妙之处
  38. nuance of character: 角色的微妙变化
  39. nuance in painting: 绘画中的微妙之处
  40. nuance of touch: 触感的细微差别
  41. nuance in cinema: 电影中的微妙之处
  42. nuance of symbolism: 象征的微妙差异
  43. nuance in politics: 政治中的微妙之处
  44. nuance of movement: 动作的微妙变化
  45. nuance of expression: 表情的细微差异
  46. nuance in marketing: 市场营销中的微妙之处
  47. nuance of emotion: 情感的微妙变化
  48. nuance in sculpture: 雕塑中的微妙之处
  49. nuance of design: 设计的微妙差异
  50. nuance in philosophy: 哲学中的微妙之处


  • nicety: a detail or small difference that is only obvious after careful thought
  • subtlety: a small but important detail
  • refinement: a small change that improves something
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
