We are going to Blaize Castle! – Mr Thorpe!
你好 艾伦太太 – 亲爱的凯瑟琳
How do you do, Mrs Allen? ISABELLA: My sweetest Catherine.
这多让人开心啊! 没什么比布莱兹城♥堡♥之行更浪漫了
Isn’t this delightful? Blaize Castle, nothing could be more romantic.
是的 但是很抱歉 我不能跟你们一起去
Yes, I’m sure, but I am very sorry, I can’t come with you.
我等着蒂尔尼小姐和他哥哥 来找我去乡间散步
I am expecting Miss T.ilney and her brother to call on me to take a country walk.
他们才不会呢!五分钟前我看见他们了 他是不是驾着一辆四轮马车 套着栗色马?
Not they! I saw them five minutes ago. Doesn’t he drive a phaeton with a pair of chestnuts?
I don’t know, indeed.
我确实看见他了 就在兰斯当路 身边陪着个美丽迷人的姑娘
I saw him large as life, on the Lansdown Road, with a smart-looking girl by his side.
But perhaps they mean to call later.
No, they don’t.
我听见蒂尔尼对一个人嚷嚷说 他们要去威克岩那儿
I heard T.ilney hallooing to a man they were going as far as Wick Rocks.
I don’t understand it at all.
Miss T.ilney promised.
在这个虚伪的尘世 人们总是信誓旦旦却又随意变卦
In this false world, people often make promises they have little intention of keeping.
记住 我们才是你真正的朋友
Remember, we are your true friends.
我们信守承诺 – 是的
We keep our promises. – Yes.
But what if they should come after all?
亲爱的傻妹妹呀 没听他说他们正在赶去威克岩吗?
My dear scatter-brained sister, haven’t you just heard him say they’re halfway to Wick Rocks?
perhaps I should come with you.
请 莫兰德小姐
Please, Miss Morland.
Goes very nice, doesn’t she? Smooth as silk!
你好啊 先生
How do you do, sir?
Pleasant old gentleman.
艾伦先生? 是的 他脾气温厚
Mr Allen? Yes, and so good natured.
听说他富得象个大财主 – 我相信艾伦先生很富有
And rich as Croesus, or so I hear. – I believe Mr Allen is very rich.
没有任何子嗣? – 没有
And no children at all? – No, none.
可我猜他非常喜欢你? – 艾伦夫妇一直对我很好 是的
But you’re quite a favourite, though, I gather? – Mr and Mrs Allen are very kind to me, yes.
打我还是个婴儿的时候 – 好极了!好极了!
Ever since I was a baby. – Excellent. Excellent!
哦 蒂尔尼小姐!
Oh, Miss Tilney!
Stop! Stop now! It’s Miss T.ilney and her brother!
如果我现在勒马可有得苦吃了! – 求你停下 索普先生!
There’ll be hell to pay if I tried to stop him now! – Please stop, Mr Thorpe!
我要下车!我会的! – 这不可能!
I’ll get down! I will! – It’s not possible!
Whoa, there!
How could you deceive me so?
万一我勒住马了呢? 你宁愿去哪儿? 驾车往布莱兹城♥堡♥飞奔
Well, what if I did? Where would you rather be? In a spanking gig driving to Blaize Castle
还是跟某个伪善的假正经的牧师 在泞泥地行走呢?
or trailing about in the dirt with some canting prig of a parson?
Mr T.ilney is not a canting prig!
You have made it seem as if I had broken my promise to them.
哇 那儿
Whoa, there.
Look here!
Miss Morland…
也许我没对你坦诚相待 但我有充分理由
I might not have been completely straight with you, but I had good reason.
You think of your brother’s happiness, and lsabella’s.
They couldn’t go off unchaperoned.
And I was thinking of you, too.
看见你跟蒂尔尼兄妹在一起 让我很不开心
I’m not altogether happy to see you with the T.ilneys.
The whole family has a terrible reputation.
Something very strange about the mother’s death.
But you can’t mean…?
交朋识友一定要多加小心 不是所有人都象你我一样诚实 知道吗?
We must be careful making new acquaintances. We’re not all as honest as you and l, eh?
But Mr T.ilney and his sister have been so kind to me.
非常抱歉 莫兰德小姐 如果我的话让你痛苦
Truly sorry, Miss Morland, if I have caused you any distress.
But you can set it all right tomorrow.
Let’s at least try and enjoy ourselves today.
见鬼 我一直渴望驾车带你外出 你说呢?
Damn it, I’ve been looking forward to driving you out more than anything. What do you say?
很好 – 停!
Very well. – Whoa!
一切还好吗 索普? – 当然
Everything all right, Thorpe? – Absolutely.
Walk on.
(Sheepdogs bark)
继续! – 继续走
Go on! – Walk on.
我说先生 请你把羊赶一边好吗? – 哦 继续!
I say, sir, can you move your sheep, please? – Oh, go on!
嗨 嗨 嗨!
SHEPHERD: Hi, hi, hi!
不过是下了点雨 天空很快就会放晴
It’s just a spot of rain, it will clear up in no time.
我们最好还是回去吧 你妹妹也这么想 到布莱兹城♥堡♥一半路还没到呢
We’d better go back. Your sister thinks so, too. We’re not halfway to Blaize Castle.
很好 如你所愿
Very well, as you wish!
It’s all one to me!
要不是你哥哥赶着那么一匹该死的马 我们可能一个钟头前就赶到那儿了
If your brother hadn’t such a damned beast to drive, we’d have been there this half hour gone.
Will you move your sheep? I need to turn.
I’ll take my bloody time!
快点 姑娘!
Come on, girl!
(Patter of rain outside)
主啊!如果男人能看到我们这样子 不知道会怎么想?
Lord! What would the men think if they could see us now?
How can I ever face the T.ilneys again?
你不能生约翰的气 亲爱的
You mustn’t be cross with John, dearest one.
你知道吗 他对我说他喜欢你 胜过世间任何其她姑娘
Do you know, he told me he liked you better than any girl he had ever seen.
And he thinks you’re the prettiest girl in Bath.
不知道他为什么这么想 – 用不着假谦虚
I don’t know why he should think that. – No need for false modesty!
现在 你”尤多尔弗”看了多少了?
Now, how far have you got on with Udolpho?
我刚看到黑面纱这里 – 黑面纱!
I’ve just got to the black veil. – The black veil!
I won’t tell you what’s behind it, not for the world.
你看完了就去看”僧人” 我哥哥的最爱
When you have finished it, you will read The Monk, my brother’s favourite.
好的 他提起过 真的那么恐怖吗?
Oh, yes, he spoke of it. Is it really very horrid?
It is the most horrid, shocking thing
最恐怖 最骇人听闻的小说
in all the world.
僧人安布罗休出身圣洁 但被马蒂尔德诱入了罪恶的深渊
Ambrosio the Monk begins very holy, but is drawn into vice by Matilda.
她给了他一根神奇树枝 让他可以穿墙而过…
She gives him a magic branch so he can pass through walls…
(Whispers)..and into Antonia’s bed chamber.
太惊世骇俗了 让我羞愧难言 你得自己看
But it is too shocking. I should blush to tell you. You must read it yourself.
“修道士念出咒语 魔镜上开始浓烟缭绕
(Reads) “The Friar pronounced the magic words and a thick smoke arose over the magic mirror.
终于 他看见了可爱的安东尼娅
At length, he beheld Antonia ‘s lovely form.
She was undressing to bathe herself
and the amorous monk had full opportunity to observe
the voluptuous contours and admirable symmetry of her person
as she drew off her last garment.
此时 一只温顺的红雀向她飞去
At this moment, a tame linnet flew towards her,
停留在她乳♥房♥♥之间 肆意轻啄她的酥胸
nestled its head between her breasts and nibbled them in wanton play.
Ambrosio could bear no more.
他的血液沸腾了 熊熊欲♥火♥迅速蔓延他的四肢
The blood boiled in his veins and a raging fire rushed through his limbs.
我必须占有她 他叫道
‘l must possess her,’ he cried. ”
不 不 安布罗休
No, no, Ambrosio.
I shall no longer be able to combat my passions.
我无时不刻都深信 除此别无选择…
I am convinced with every moment, that I have but one alternative…
我必须贪享你 或者死去!”
I must enjoy you, or die!
MOZART: Der Holle Rache from The Magic Flute
Damn fine-looking woman.
But she’s nothing to you, you know.
莫兰德小姐 艾伦太太 艾伦先生
Miss Morland, Mrs Allen, Mr Allen.
蒂尔尼先生 你一定觉得我很无礼 但他们说你们已经出门了
Mr T.ilney, you must have thought me so rude, but they told me you had gone out.
当我看见你时 我苦苦哀求索普先生停车 可他却反而快马加鞭
When I saw you, I begged Mr Thorpe to stop, but he only went faster.
如果他放慢速度 我准会跳下车去追你们
If only he had slowed down, I would have jumped out and run back to you.
请相信我 我一万个希望跟你们在一起!
Please believe me, I would ten thousand times rather have been with you!
Are you and Miss T.ilney very angry with me?
我必须承认 我有点儿气恼
I must confess, I felt a little slighted.
But my sister was quite sure there was some misunderstanding.
埃莉诺 你一贯都是正确的
Eleanor, you were right, as usual.
不该责怪莫兰德小姐 她是被强行带走的
Miss Morland is not to blame. She was abducted by force!
不完全是 但我真的想方设法想让他停车
No, not exactly, but truly I did try to make him stop.
别逗她了 你以为她更喜欢 跟别人在一起时垂头丧气的
Don’t tease her. You were cast down when you thought she preferred the company of others.
Perhaps she still does.
不 真的!
No, indeed!
That is…
Then may I renew our invitation?
Shall we say the day after tomorrow for our walk?
凯瑟琳·莫兰德小姐 不仅和蔼可亲 还很富有
THORPE: Miss Catherine Morland, a very amiable girl, and very rich, too.
Ward of a Mr Allen, who made a fortune in trade.
