Oh, fuck.
I’m so happy we got to talk about that.
You have no fucking idea. It’s been in my head.
This head’s about to be fucking crazy, man.
Pack your bag.
Then get out real quick.
回家吧 我也需要收拾我的包
Go home. I need to pack a bag too.
I’m not coming to SF.
I work.
Skating is your dream.
Follow it.
成就它 我爱你
Kill it. I love you, bro.
Love you too, bro.
My man.
You coming to help today?
我今天是来和你聊聊的 以成年人的方式
I came here to talk… as adults.
Give me some space here.
I just don’t think that I can be the kid that you want me to be.
And I understand your perspective,
why you’d be scared that I’ll just end up at the skate park.
好吧 你不是个来自托卢卡湖的孩子
Well, you’re not some kid from Toluca Lake.
I can’t offer you a safety net.
I appreciate what you’re saying.
I really want to go for it.
你要走那条路 你就不能再住在我家里了
You go that route, and you can’t live in my house any longer.
You know that, right?
我知道爸爸 我真的 真的很感谢你
I know. Pops, I really, I really do appreciate you.
I don’t want you to think I don’t.
My mom told me to be a postman.
She said it had good benefits and a steady income.
You keep talking about this postman thing.
Your grandparents didn’t have anything,
and they worked really hard just
所以我才能长大 不至于去当个罪犯
so I could grow up and not have to be a criminal.
You became a construction worker.
You’ve lived in the same neighborhood your whole life.
You haven’t even been out of this country.
There’s an honor in being a normal person, son.
听着 我不是来这和你吵的
Look, I didn’t come here to argue with you.
好吗 我很感谢你 但是我要做我自己
Okay? I appreciate you, but I’m gonna do me.
Do you?
I remember when you couldn’t even wipe your ass.
擦 你知道的一切东西都是我教你的
Hell, I taught you everything you know.
我知道 并且我很爱你
I know and I love you.
好吗 我不是要伤害你
Okay? I’m not trying to attack you.
嗯 你是在伤害我
Well, you are attacking me.
Every day I told myself
my son wasn’t gonna be some random nobody,
just another guy that didn’t make it.
But that is not the life that I want for you.
You constantly have pain on your hands.
You’re a grown man recycling bottles.
These hands made you.
These hands gave life to you, son.
No, Pops.
我的手 造就了我自己
My hands gave me a life.
Your job was to take care of me.
好吗 我没有要求你把我带到这个世界上来
Okay? I didn’t ask you to be put into this world.
我也有梦想 但我把我的生命献给了你
I had dreams too, but I dedicated my life to you.
And I’m glad that I did.
I just want you to support me.
I love you no matter what you do.
Come on…
你是我的孩子 我爱你
You’re my boy and I love you.
And I am proud of you.
你是个了不起的人 我爱你
You’re a great man, and I love you.
But good luck.
As my wheels grip the concrete,
as the sun touches my skin…
我独自一人 在追寻我想要的
I am alone… in the pursuit of the things I want,
I lost the things I need.
♪ Well, I saw my baby walking ♪
♪ With another man today ♪
♪ Well, I saw my baby walking ♪
♪ With another man today ♪
♪ When I asked her what’s the matter ♪
♪ This is what I heard her say ♪
♪ See you later alligator ♪
♪ After while crocodile ♪
♪ See you later alligator ♪
♪ After while crocodile ♪
♪ Can’t you see you’re in my way now ♪
♪ Don’t you know you cramp my style ♪
♪ I have often walked down the street before ♪
♪ But the pavement always stayed beneath my feet before ♪
♪ All at once ♪
♪ Am I several stories high ♪
♪ Knowing I’m on the street where you live ♪
♪ Are there lilac trees in the heart of town ♪
♪ Can you hear a lark in any other part of town ♪
♪ Does enchantment pour out of every door? ♪
♪ No it’s just on the street where you live ♪
-♪ You ♪ -♪ You ♪
-♪ You ♪ -♪ You ♪
♪ You promised me love ♪
♪ All you brought me was sorrow ♪
♪ And I… ♪
♪ I truly am knocked from the sun ♪
♪ And you’re the cause ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ I tremble inside ♪
♪ When I’m near you ♪
♪ I love you divine ♪
♪ My my my my my my my my my my angel lover ♪
♪ My my my my my my my my my ♪
I believe in you. Do me a favor, do me a favor.
♪ Something cool ♪
♪ I’d like to order something cool ♪
♪ It’s so warm… ♪
♪ Yes, I’d like something cool ♪
♪ My, it’s nice ♪
♪ To simply sit and rest a while ♪
♪ Now I know, I can’t think of your name ♪
♪ I remember your smile ♪
♪ I don’t ordinarily drink with strangers ♪
♪ I most usually drink alone ♪
♪ But you were so awfully nice ♪
♪ To ask me ♪
♪ And I’m so terribly far from home ♪
-♪ Like my gray ♪ -Yeah, get it in, son!
♪ I must admit, it’s very old ♪
♪ But it’s simple and neat ♪
♪ It’s just right for the heat ♪
♪ Save my furs for the cold ♪
♪ A cigarette ♪
♪ Well, I don’t smoke them ♪
♪ As a rule ♪
♪ But I am… ♪
♪ Let’s get it get it go ♪
♪ Let’s get it get it go ♪
♪ Let’s get it get it go ♪
♪ Let’s get it get it go ♪
♪ Let’s get it get it go ♪
♪ Let’s get it get it go ♪
♪ Go! ♪
♪ How can you tell me how much you miss me ♪
♪ When the last time I saw you ♪
♪ You wouldn’t even kiss me ♪
♪ That rich guy you’ve been seeing ♪
♪ Must have put you down ♪
♪ Welcome back, baby ♪
♪ To the poor side of town ♪
♪ To him you were nothing ♪
♪ But a little plaything ♪
♪ Not much more ♪
♪ Than an overnight fling ♪
♪ A little dream ♪
♪ …with every dream gone ♪
♪ And my heart is happy ♪
♪ As I gaze upon ♪
♪ A cottage for sale ♪
♪ The lawn we were proud of ♪
♪ Is waving in hay ♪
♪ Our beautiful garden ♪
♪ Our cottage for sale ♪
♪ From every single window ♪
♪ I see your face ♪
♪ But when I reach a window ♪
♪ There’s empty space ♪
♪The key’s in the mailbox ♪
♪ The same as before ♪
♪ But no one is waiting for me ♪
♪ Anymore ♪
♪ The end of our story ♪
♪ Is told on the door ♪
I am alone.
♪ I’m a mess right now ♪
♪ Ain’t no way up out this feeling ♪
♪ That I feel when I saw you walk by ♪
♪ Are my thoughts too loud ♪
♪ Because we be swingin’ back and forth ♪
♪ And make sure that my intentions are a fit ♪
♪ I’m around baby please don’t make me wait ♪
♪ If you down promise that I won’t be late ♪
♪ I’ll make the talk ablaze ♪
♪ We can trace out the stars ♪
♪ Girl, where we are tonight ♪
♪ Ohh, yeah ♪
♪ I think I love you ♪
♪ Oh, baby ♪
♪ Oh, baby ♪
♪ I think I love you ♪
♪ Oooh ♪
♪ My god ♪
