Bal, I’m talking about your sidekick.
Your sidekick set you up.
This was all her plan.
All of it.
‎她很邪恶 巴尔
She’s evil, Bal.
‎不 你错了 我们全搞错了
No, you’re wrong. We’ve been wrong about everything.
Wrong about everything? Then explain this.
This scroll has been in the Institute vaults
for a thousand years.
Look at it.
‎是她 巴尔
It’s her, Bal.
She’s Gloreth’s monster.
She’s come back to finish what she started,
and she’s using you to do it.
But she’s my friend.
‎我们不只是朋友 不是吗?
Aren’t I more than that?
‎我们可以杀死这个妖怪 ‎我们可以回到从前
We can slay this monster. We can go back to the way things were.
‎-我不该来 ‎-巴尔 拜托了
This was a mistake. -Bal, please.
‎-不 我不能这样做 我走了! ‎-听我说!
No, I can’t do this. I’m done! -Listen to me!
She’s using you to destroy the kingdom!
‎-你清楚她的真面目 ‎-别说了!
You know what she is. -Stop!
‎-为什么不肯承认?你有危险! ‎-为什么要缠着我?
Why won’t you admit it? You’re in danger! -Why can’t you just leave me alone?
Because I love you.
Ohh. I have not slept like that in forever.
Why do you have your cloak on?
Is this you?
Where did you get that? Who have you been talking–
Tell me this isn’t you.
You think that I would do that?
That that’s who I am?
I don’t know.
‎是你让我不要相信任何人 ‎让我质疑一切
You’re the one who told me not to trust anybody, question everything.
That’s right! Even now, with this,
think about everything we have been through together.
I’m thinking about everything we’ve done.
Broken out of jail, stolen cars, kidnapped people, manipulated people.
I was helping you.
‎你在利用我! ‎你想让大家把我当成坏人
You were using me! You wanted them to see a villain.
Someone else to hate so you wouldn’t be alone.
‎因为你不是助手 你是个…
Because you’re not a sidekick. You’re a m–
What? I’m a what?
You know what you are.
‎不 我想听你说出来
No, I want to hear you say it.
‎来吧 说出来
Come on, say it.
Say it!
Say that I’m a mon–
‎-我… ‎-包围这里
I… -Surround the place.
You two with me.
Your door is broken.
‎-退后! ‎-不!住手!她是我的朋友!
Stay back! -No! Stop! Stop! She’s my friend!
She’s a monster.
Surround it!
Gloreth! Come here!
Go back to the shadows from whence you came.
‎-你是什么? ‎-妖怪
A monster.
Are you even human?
Just be a girl.
There is no place for you!
‎-别对我撒谎! ‎-她是妖怪
She’s a monster.
Don’t you wish you were normal?
Go back to the shadows from whence you came.
‎你很不对劲 你是什么?
There’s something wrong with you. What are you?
‎-妖怪! ‎-你知道你是什么!
You know what you are!
You brought a monster into our home.
‎你应该待在贫民窟的 你属于那里
You should’ve stayed in the gutter where you belong.
‎快说 它在哪里?
Now where is it?
Do you feel that?
I feel like the whole place kind of went like “wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba.”
‎它奔城里去了 通知学院
It’s headed straight for the city. Alert the Institute.
And you.
‎如果那东西毁了王国 ‎这笔账算在你头上 兄弟
If that thing destroys the kingdom, it’s on you, bro.
Let’s go!
‎夫人 撒迪厄斯爵士发来报告
Ma’am, incoming report from Sir Thodeus.
And? What is it? -Whoa.
‎-那是什么? ‎-怎么回事?
What is that? -What’s going on?
We need barricades on Avenue A through F.
‎疏散街上的人 这些人有危险
And can we clear the streets? These people are in danger.
It’s happening.
Sound the alarm! Sound the alarm! Hit it with everything we’ve got.
Monster attack. Monster attack.
This is not a test.
Monster attack. Monster attack.
This is not a test.
Monster attack. Monster attack.
It’s the monster!
Everyone stay calm.
Drones engaged.
Look out!
You’re okay.
‎嘿 戈登 让你见识一下 ‎真正的骑士是怎么杀怪的
Hey, Goldie. Watch how a real knight gets it done.
‎好了 屠妖者
All right, monster slayers.
‎我们来发射飞镖 击碎敌人的心脏吧
Let’s shoot some darts and break some hearts.
I’m gonna be a freaking hero.
Out of my way!
‎我们需要火力增援! ‎这东西会杀光我们!
We need more firepower! This thing is gonna kill us all!
Look out!
‎-击掌! ‎-兄弟
High five! -Bro.
Get out of here!
Get me to the wall.
Monster attack. Monster attack.
What have I done?
The game that lets you be a hero.
I killed a monster!
I killed two!
‎(妖怪 警报)
‎快点 走了
Come on. Let’s go.
‎别让他们停下 带大家去地下
Keep them moving. Get everyone underground.
‎是 长官
Yes, sir.
‎-巴尔! ‎-别管孩子了 走吧
Bal! -Forget the kid. Let’s go.
‎-快跑! ‎-快点!
Let’s go! -Come on!
You’ve gotta be kidding me.
‎夫人 有人掉转炮口 对准了王国内部
Ma’am, someone is turning the cannon into the kingdom.
‎嗯 我知道 是我下的命令
Yes, I know. I gave the order.
‎但是一旦开炮 会炸毁半个城市
But firing them will take out half the city.
Innocent people will die.
‎-妖怪也会丧命 ‎-但是…
And so will the monster. -But–
What are we doing?
You don’t belong here!
I don’t know what’s scarier.
‎是这个王国的所有人 ‎都想一剑刺穿我的心脏呢…
The fact that everyone in this kingdom wants to run a sword through my heart…
or that sometimes…
I just wanna let ’em.
