Pineapple on pizza? Bleah!
‎-那里! ‎-不好意思 让我过去 让开!
There! -Excuse me. I need to get through. Move!
Uh-oh. -Ah ha ha ha!
‎-凭什么你就可以杀他? ‎-他没死 希望如此
Aw. Why did you get to kill him? -He’s not dead. I hope.
‎-那是巴利斯特吗? ‎-是女王杀手!
It’s the queen killer!
‎-他跟一个恶魔宝宝是同伙! ‎-他不是吃宝宝吗?
He’s working with a demon baby! -I thought he ate babies!
Ballister! Stop! Halt
‎-耶! ‎-上车!
Yeah! -Get in!
‎-巴尔! ‎-射他的脸!
Bal! -Shoot him in the face!
What are you doing?
We’ll take it.
Dang it! –
‎我不想这么说 但你是个出色的坏蛋
I hate to say it, but you make a pretty good bad guy.
‎嗯 我喜欢这里
Oh! Yep. I like it.
‎破败的街区 拷打这家伙的好地方
We’re gonna shake this dude down in this sketchy part of town.
‎听着 我们盘问完侍从就离开…你的腿
Look, let’s just question the squire and get out– Your leg.
‎-嗯? ‎-你的腿上有支箭!
Huh? -There’s an arrow in your leg!
‎-哦 ‎-好吧 你需要坐下
Oh. -Okay, you really need to sit down.
‎-不用 没事 完全… ‎-看看你 你有事
No, it’s fine. It’s totally– -Look at you. You’re not fine.
‎-小意思 它自己会出来的 ‎-你在流血 坐下
It’s a splinter. It’ll work itself out. -You’re bleeding. Sit.
‎我们检查一下 好吗?
We’re just gonna take a look, okay?
Yah! Okay. Okay. Okay.
That’s– It’s– That’s in there.
‎没事的 我们…
Uh, everything’s fine. We’re just gonna…
We’re gonna do this on three.
You ready?
One, two, three.
‎好吧 一般人会大叫
Okay, most people scream at that part.
I’m not a people.
Right. Um…
‎-你会觉得疼吗? ‎-会
does it hurt at all? -It does.
But I’ve been through worse.
What does it feel like?
Pretty stabby in my leg region.
‎不 我是说变形
No. No. The shape shifting.
Does it hurt, or does it–
‎抱歉 土老帽的问题
Sorry. Small-minded question.
Hold still.
I feel worse when I don’t do it.
Like my insides are itchy.
You know that second right before you sneeze?
That’s close to it.
‎然后我会变形 然后就自♥由♥了
Then I shape-shift, and I’m free.
What if you held it in?
If you didn’t shape-shift?
‎-我会死 ‎-天啊 太可怕了!
I’d die. -Good Gloreth, that’s horrible!
‎别这么容易上当 我不是真的会死
Don’t be so gullible. I wouldn’t die die.
I just sure wouldn’t be living.
So nice to hear you guys bonding.
‎可惜我得走了 放我走
Ah, it’s such a shame I have to go. Let me go.
‎对了 后备箱里的小子 ‎我们去收拾后备箱里的小子吧
Oh yeah, the punk in the trunk. Let’s go dunk on the punk in the trunk.
‎-交代吧 ‎-他想见血
Start talking. -He wants blood.
‎-血? ‎-你的血!
Blood? -Your blood!
‎-我不想见血 ‎-血流成河!
I don’t want blood. -Buckets of blood!
‎我想要的是答案 交代吧
What I want is answers, so start talking.
Or we start stabbing.
‎-不要捅人 ‎-扇耳光
No stabbing. -Slapping.
No! Why did you set me up?
‎-我没有 ‎-那是谁?
I didn’t. -Then who?
‎-你! ‎-不是!
You! -No!
‎-谁? ‎-听我解释
Who? -Let me explain.
Blanche? Chad? Todd?
‎-托德? ‎-欠揍的家伙?
Todd? -Punchable face guy?
‎当然了 托德 ‎托德换了我的剑 对吧?
Of course. Todd swapped my sword, didn’t he?
‎-什么?不是 ‎-为什么要袒护他?
What? No. -Why are you protecting him?
Who’d protect Todd?
Guess we’re just gonna have to do things the hard way.
‎来硬的?慢着 等一下
Hard way? Hold on a second. Wait. Just wait.
‎来 你们看
Yaah! Here, look.
‎看啊 我在更衣室
Check it out. I’m in the locker room,
and you are looking at history in the making.
‎巴利斯特的盔甲 它在说话
Ballister’s armor. It’s speaking.
‎它在说:“尊重我 保护我 ‎穿上我吧 没有人在偷看”
It’s saying, “Respect me. Protect me. Put me on. No one’s watching.”
‎噢 我们快进吧
Oh, we can just fast-forward.
‎好了 你们要看的是这段
Okay, this is the part you have to see.
The Director set me up.
She killed the queen.
‎我不知道该怎么办 ‎我想拿给你看的 但后来…
I, I didn’t know what to do. I tried to show you before…
None of this makes sense.
‎嘿 伙计
Oh. Hey, buddy.
‎抱歉 我绑♥架♥了你
I’m sorry for kidnapping you.
It’s okay.
Or am I? -Oh! Oh!
Ha ha!
‎听着 老大 你信任的人背叛了你
Look, boss, you got betrayed by someone you trusted.
‎我懂 不好受 但我们做到了 ‎你是无辜的 我们有证据
I get it. It sucks. But we did it. You’re innocent, and we have the proof.
‎-等我们上传了视频… ‎-我们不上传
Once we upload that video– -We’re not.
What? Everybody needs to know the truth.
‎制度被破坏了 学院必须关闭
The system is jacked. The Institute needs to shut down.
Will you be quiet?
‎目标 第三大道没发现 完毕
Prospective target. Clear on Avenue Three. Over.
I will not be quiet about this.
This video could damage people’s faith in the Institute.
No duh!
‎听着 我不知道她为什么要陷害我 ‎但问题不是出在学院身上
Look, I don’t know why she framed me, but the Institute’s not the problem.
The Director is.
That’s why I’m taking this to Ambrosius.
‎-谁…在乎? ‎-安布罗…
Who cares? -Ambro–
‎他砍断了你的胳膊 ‎这可不是表达爱的方式!
This is the man who cut off your arm. Arm-chopping is not a love language!
‎他不是砍断我的胳膊 ‎他是在解除一件武器
He didn’t cut off my arm. He disarmed a weapon.
It’s how we were trained.
They brainwashed you good.
You think this stops with the Director?
You should be questioning everything right now.
The will of Gloreth, the Institute, the wall.
What’s it all really for?
For protecting the realm.
You mean from villains like you?
Or monsters
like me?
‎听着 我们把这个交给安布罗修斯 ‎一切问题都会解决
Look, if we get this to Ambrosius, everything is gonna be okay.
For both of us.
‎好吧 但如果事情不顺利 我就搞破坏
Okay, fine. But when things go south, I’m breaking stuff.
That won’t be necessary. –
‎你有心事吗 安布罗修斯?
Is something on your mind, Ambrosius?
You can talk to me.
My mind?
I’ve lost my mind.
I’ve lost everything.
‎我爱的男人 我最好的朋友
The man I love, my best friend.
‎不过现在他有了新的好朋友 ‎这是怎么一回事?
Although now he’s got a new best friend. What’s that about?
What else is he hiding? Who is the real him?
Who am I?
‎葛萝丝的直系后人? ‎这也不是我要求的
A direct descendant of Gloreth? I never asked for that.
Now everyone expects me to arrest Ballister.
