Oh. Freak!
‎这是继那个被葛萝丝 ‎打败的妖怪以后 最招人痛恨的东西
Not since Gloreth’s monster has anything been so hated.
‎-他就不该成为骑士 ‎-他不是我们的一员 因此憎恨我们
He never should’ve been a knight. -He wasn’t one of us and hated us for it.
‎-一个平民 ‎-他坏透了
A commoner. -He’s vile.
‎-这个王国没有他的容身之地 ‎-他是个杀人犯
He’s got no place in this kingdom. -He’s a murderer.
He’s a monster.
He’s perfect.
♪ I’m a grrrl just like, like, like, like Like, like, like, like, like ♪
♪ I’m a grrrl just like, like, like, like Like, like, like, like, like ♪
‎(女王杀手仍然在逃 头号♥嫌犯)
♪ I’m a grrrl just like, like, like, like Like, like, like, like, like ♪
♪ I’m a grrrl just like Like, like, like, like, like, like, like ♪
♪ Like ♪
-♪ Skip train, don’t got a ride ♪ –
♪ Red lights flash So we run and we hide ♪
‎-奇怪 ‎-嘿 老大
That was weird. -Hey, boss.
Uh… -I love the secret lair.
‎垃圾加上悲伤的气息 太对味了
The garbage and the smell of sadness pull the whole thing together.
‎-等等 你是谁? ‎-我叫妮莫娜
Wait. Who are you? -The name’s Nimona.
‎-你是怎么… ‎-哇!太棒了!手臂真酷
And how did you– -Whoa! Yeah! Sick arm.
‎-经常流血吧? ‎-什么?
Did it bleed a lot? -What?
‎-他们有没有让你保留以前的胳膊? ‎-不 放手!
Did they let you keep the old one? -No. Let go!
What is wrong with you?
‎-噢!可以给我吗? ‎-什么?放下
Ooh! Can I have it? -What? Put that down.
That is not for little girls.
Little girls?
‎好吧 你觉得我多大了?
Okay, how old do you think I am?
‎我不知道 十岁?
I don’t know. Ten?
‎好吧 提示一下 大了还是小了?
Help me out. More or less than ten? -Not a lot of kids in your life, huh?
‎没错 我今后 ‎也不想跟小孩打交道 你走吧
You know what? No. I’d like it to stay that way. You have to go.
But I’m here about the job.
Job? What job?
It’s all here in my application.
‎这只是一堆画 非常令人不安的画
This is just a bunch of drawings. Very disturbing drawings.
‎噢 看啊 这是我
Oh, look, it’s me.
‎骑着一头犀牛 ‎刺穿了几个卫兵 像一串人肉烤串
On a rhinoceros, skewering several guards like a human kebab.
Yeah! Do you like it?
‎我觉得利用视觉表达 ‎能让我的简历脱颖而出
I thought a visual aid would really make my resume pop.
‎-什么? ‎-我在上面
What? -Up here.
‎好了 说回那份工作
So, about the job?
What job?
To be your sidekick.
‎你懂的 帮你不惜一切代价
To help you do whatever it takes
to get revenge on the cruel world that rejected you.
‎我们去打劫村庄吧? ‎然后躲起来 直到没人记得你
Shall we pillage a village? Lay low until they don’t remember you.
‎然后我们起来造♥反♥ ‎就像愤怒的凤♥凰♥涅槃重生一样
Then we rise like a fiery phoenix from the ashes
to overthrow the government!
Or we could just talk.
‎重点是 老大 ‎不管你阴暗的内心渴望什么
The point is, whatever your dark heart desires, boss.
Your sidekick has arrived.
‎-我不需要助… ‎-每个坏蛋都需要一个助手
I don’t need a side– -Every villain needs a sidekick.
‎-等等 我不是… ‎-哇!可爱的杀人墙!
Wait, I am not a– -Whoa! Sweet murder wall!
‎-杀人墙? ‎-他们是下个目标?
Murder wall? -Are these your next targets?
‎-那不是… ‎-你想先杀谁?
That’s not– -Who do you wanna kill first?
‎-我没打算杀人 ‎-就他吧
I’m not killing anybody. -This one.
‎-什么? ‎-这家伙看起来超级欠揍
What? -This guy looks extremely punchable.
‎没错 他超级欠揍 ‎不对 等等 这不是杀人墙
You’re right. He is extremely punchable. No, wait. Look. That is not a murder wall.
It’s an… innocence wall?
Innocence wall.
‎等等 你是说你不是坏蛋?
Wait. Are you saying that you’re not a villain?
Yes, you are?
‎不!我不是坏蛋 不是
No! No, I’m not a villain. No.
‎怎么?我不是杀人犯 ‎你感到失望了?
What? Are you disappointed that I’m not a murderer?
I mean, a little.
‎-算了 我跟你没话说了 ‎-为什么?
You know what? We’re done here. -Why?
‎真正的坏蛋还逍遥法外 ‎我也确实需要帮助
The real villain is still out there, and I do need help.
‎-但不是你 ‎-好吧 那是谁?
Not from you. -Aw, fine! Then from who?
The guy who cut off your arm?
‎-不是吧? ‎-这件事很复杂 好吗?
Seriously? -It’s complicated, okay?
Have fun getting arrested.
I am not gonna get arrested!
‎-想吃午餐吗? ‎-好啊 我喜欢午餐
Wanna get some lunch? -Yeah, I love lunch.
You had to take the arm, huh?
I’m innocent.
I swear on Gloreth’s name.
I don’t know how it…
how it happened.
We all saw how it happened.
I feel so foolish, and…
I trusted you.
The queen believed in you.
She thought someone like you could be a hero.
And it cost her her life.
‎院长 请听我说
Director, please.
‎你知道我敬爱女王 我热爱学院
You know I love the queen. I love the Institute.
Talk to Goldenloin.
Can I speak to Goldenloin?
He is as heartbroken as the rest of this kingdom.
‎你再也没机会 ‎跟任何人谈话了 巴利斯特
You won’t be talking to anyone anymore, Ballister.
‎拜托了 听我说
Please, just listen to me.
‎不 我不会再犯这种错误了
No. I won’t make that mistake again.
‎院长 给我一次机会吧
Director, give me a chance.
We gave you a chance.
But I didn’t do this!
‎-早就跟你说了 ‎-老天!
I told you. -Oh! Good Gloreth!
‎嘿 老大
Hey, boss.
What? How–
Did I know this was gonna happen?
Because once everyone sees you as a villain,
that’s what you are.
‎不管你怎么努力 ‎他们对你的看法都不会改变
They only see you one way, no matter how hard you try.
‎不过我得承认 你尽力了
You gave it a good shot, though. I gotta hand it to you.
‎-谢谢 ‎-先别谢我
Thank you. -Don’t thank me yet.
‎-我还得救你出去呢 ‎-等等 你是怎么出去的?
I still gotta get you out of here. -Wait. How did you get out?
I know the code. Beep bop boop beep bop.
Invalid password.
After you.
‎好吧 你可以在里面蹲到天荒地老
You could sit here for the rest of eternity,
‎看着你的肌肉渐渐萎缩 ‎皮肤开始腐烂
slowly watching your muscles atrophy, your skin turning to rot,
‎指甲长成长长的爪子 ‎卷成炸薯圈的样子
your nails growing into long, curly-fry-looking talons.
‎你知道的 里面没有马桶
You know there’s no toilet in there.
‎好吧 但我来带路
Okay, okay, but I lead.
If you see anyone–
Murder ’em.
Hide. If you see anyone, hide.
‎好吧 因为我们还是会搞破坏
Fine, because we’re still gonna break stuff.
That’s a hard no. -Uhh!
This place should be crawling with guards.
How exactly did you get past…
They were like this when I got here.
‎-抓住他们! ‎-拦住他们!
Stop ’em!
‎-这边! ‎-冲啊!
Over here! -Charge!
The One-Arm Club’s about to get some new members.
Get it?
‎-咋了?太急了吗? ‎-凶手!
What? Too soon? -Murderer!
