-弗比恩的股票怎么样了 哈里 -不要紧
-How’s Fabian’s stocks and shares, Harry? -Never mind!
你何时开你的巴黎办公室 哈里
When are you gonna open up your Paris office, Harry?
-呃 -可爱的花儿
-Eh! -Lovely flowers!
晚上好 莫利 晚上好
Evening, Molly. Evening, Molly, my girl.
-你好 哈里 你好吗 -你好
-Hello, Harry. How are you? -How are you?
你很清醒 卖♥♥的一定很慢
Well, you’re sober. Trade must be slow.
慢 瓦解
Slow? Disintegrating.
You need a fresh carnation.
多谢 莫利 记在我的账上
Thanks, Molly. Put it on my account.
不用了 亲爱的 我相信你
That’s all right, my dear. I’ll trust you.
你也在啊 贝特
There you are, Bert.
-祝福你 哈里 半个克郎 -知道了
-Bless you, Harry. Half a crown. -Don’t mention it.
If you girls want to work for my husband,
you’ve got to start off on the right foot.
You must understand the rules
他会支持什么 会反对什么
what he’ll stand for and what he won’t.
首先 你们在俱乐部时 不能偷男人的钱
First, no stealing from the gentlemen while you’re in the club.
What you do outside is none of his business…
but in here we take it from them legitimate
and no complaints later.
记往 如果一个男人想跳舞
Remember, if a gentleman wants to dance,
or if he wants you to sit with him…
your time costs anything from a quid up.
但别总是提钱 小机灵点
But don’t harp on money. Be subtle.
无论他给你什么 先拿着
Whatever he gives you, take it first,
look disappointed afterwards.
If a man offers you a Turkish cigarette,
tell him you only smoke Virginian.
如果他抽弗吉尼亚的 那你就说你抽土耳其烟
If he’s smoking Virginian, then you’ll smoke Turkish.
噢 是的巧克力 迷你盒我们卖♥♥2镑
Oh, yes, chocolates. Fancy boxes we sell at two pounds.
Isn’t two quid a bit steep for a box of chocolates?
它们是手工制♥作♥的 亲爱的
They’re hand-dipped, deary.
When the night’s up,
I buy them back from you for a third of what the gentleman paid.
晚上好 菲尔
Evening, Phil.
呃 需要帮忙吗
Well, need any help with that stuff?
-你去哪了 小子 -呃 我…我…
-Where have you been, dear boy? -Well, I… I’ve, uh…
Been having a pleasant holiday at Cannes?
Or spending the weekend at Windsor Castle?
-我病了 -噢 啧啧啧 可怜小子病了
-I’ve been ill. -Oh! Tsk-tsk-tsk. Poor boy’s been ill.
I read all about it in The Times.
“弗比恩先生 据报道…
“Mr. Fabian, it is reported…
is suffering from a highly inflamed imagination…
coupled by delusions of grandeur.”
-他去哪了 -现在 现在 一定很好
-Well, where’s he been? -Now, now, Helen. Mustn’t be unkind.
-可爱的小子在死亡的门槛上 -啧啧啧
-The dear boy’s been at death’s door. -Tsk-tsk-tsk.
Well, I’m glad to see you’re fully recovered.
我们在担心他 是吧 菲尔
We were worried about him, weren’t we, Phil?
-确实是 -有点迟了
-Indeed we were. -It’s getting late.
Time for “dear boy” to get dressed and hop it.
“Hop it.”
保重 小子
Take care of yourself, dear boy.
嘿 哈里 三个冤大头 你给多少钱
Hey, Harry. Three live ones. What’s it worth to you?
Depends on how much you know.
Depends on how much you’ll go.
芝加哥来的 做衣服生意的
From Chicago. Men’s clothing business.
One of them, the half-pint, kept on talking’ about
a friend of his called Lamont he must write to.
This here Lamont’s in the motor supply business…
in something he called “the loop.”
-晚上好 -晚上好
-Good evening, sir. -Good evening.
-往常一样 -如果你愿意
-The usual? -If you please.
很高兴你又回到伦敦了 先生
It’s good to have you back in London, sir.
多谢你 查尔斯
Thank you, Charles.
Good evening.

对不起 这个钱包是你们的吗
I beg your pardon. Does this wallet belong to one of you gentlemen?
为什么 不 它不是的
Why, no, it doesn’t.
-晚上好 费比恩先生 -晚上好 艾米利
-Good evening, Mr. Fabian. -Good evening, Emil.
Someone must have dropped this.
不久会来找的 毫无疑问
Soon come running for it, no doubt.
多谢 费比恩先生
Thank you, Mr. Fabian.
Happened to me once back in the States.
Traveling from New York to San Francisco,
changed trains in Chicago, you know?
-真可恨 如果我没有掉我的钱包 -是啊
-Darned if I don’t lose my wallet. -No!
Luckily I knew a chap in the loop,motor supplies.
Fella named Lamont.
-纳蒙 你说纳蒙 -怎么了 是的
-Lamont? Did you say Lamont? -Why, yes.
-你说史达比·纳蒙 -怎么了 是呀
-You mean Stubby Lamont? -Why, yes!
你知道什么 我们刚才才说到他
Well, what do you know? We were just talking about him!
-是啊 -噢 等着我告诉史达比
-Yeah! -Oh, wait till I tell Stubby!
是的 等着
Yes, just wait.
-就象遇到家乡的人 -真是凑巧啊
-It’s like meeting someone from home. -It’s quite a coincidence.
-是的 来抽根烟 -是 来抽根烟
-Yes! Have a cigarette. -Yes, have a cigarette.
不 多谢了 先生们 多谢了
No, thank you, gentlemen. Thank you very much.
-在伦敦很久了吗 -只两天
-Been in London long? -Just two days.
-两天 做生意 -你知道的
-Two days, huh? On business? -Well, you know.
是的 我知道
Yes, I know.
Well, I’m sure your business will be a great success.
晚安 先生们
Good night, gentlemen.
-晚安 -晚安
-Good night. -Good night.
你们不是准备 整个晚上在这儿吧
Say, uh, you boys surely don’t plan to spend the entire evening here.
-我们欢迎你提出建议 -是的
-Always open to suggestions. -Yeah!
事实上 我还真知道个地方
As a matter of fact, I do know of a place.
-是吗 -有点没规矩
-Yeah? -It’s a bit naughty.
But great fun.
银孤 私人夜♥总♥会♥
Silver Fox. Private club.
-私人夜♥总♥会♥ -这儿 我的名片
-Private club? -Here, you take my card.
-你们会得到照顾的 -多谢 那太好了
-You’ll be well taken care of. -Thanks. That’s swell!
-很乐意 可能在那儿见到你们 -是的
-It’s a pleasure. Might see you there. -Yeah!
当你写信给史达比时 请帮我问声好
When you write to Stubby, give him my best, will ya?
-行 -当然 行啊
-You bet! -Sure! You bet!
-晚上好 -晚上好 哈里
-Good night. -Good night, Harry.
-晚上好 先生 -晚上好
-Good night, gentlemen. -Good night.
Good night.
打断他的脖子 史瑞勒
Break his neck, Strangler!
加油 史瑞勒
Come on, Strangler!

对不起 这个钱包是你们的吗
Pardon me. Does this wallet belong to one of you gentlemen?
-什么 -出去
-I beg your pardon. -Out.
你什么意思 这可是个公众场合
What do you mean? This is a public place.
也是个太平间 快走
So’s the morgue. Move.
Well, evidently you don’t know who I am.
克瑞斯多不喜欢皮条客 在他的摔跤场上挤来挤去
Mr. Kristo don’t like club touts hustling suckers in his arena.
Get out!
-猪 猪 猪 -乔治瑞斯
-Pigs! Pigs! Pigs! -Gregorious!
-乔治瑞斯 -让他们听到 猪 来啊
-Gregorious! -Let ’em hear! Pigs! Come on.
-怎么了 那是…-那是乔瑞斯
-Why? that -that’s Gregorious!
-谁 -世界上最好的摔跤手
-Who? -Finest wrestler world’s ever known.
爸爸 别这样 你去哪儿
Papa, please. Where are you going?
你把我从雅典带来为了这个 这个马戏团
Is it for this you brought me from Athens? This circus?
What have you done to wrestling?
Do you think I’d permit Nikolas to wrestle with such filth?
喂喂喂 别紧张 老小子
Now, now, now, now. Take it easy, old boy. Take it easy.
不许这样对我父亲说话 出去
You do not talk like that to my father. Get out!
这个我不会感谢你 儿子
For this I do not thank you, my son.
求你了 爸爸 听我说
Please, Papa, listen to me.
You must understand that times have changed.
