
nepotism 英 [ˈnepətɪzəm] 美 [ˈnepətɪzəm]




  • Meanwhile, nepotism flourishes, stifling growth and creating inequalities.
  • But as Vietnamese state-owned companies struggle with scandals and mountains of debt, details of nepotism and shady dealings have come into the public domain.


[noun] the act of using your power or influence to get good jobs or unfair advantages for members of your own family
[名词] 任人唯亲;裙带关系





出自《实习医生格蕾》(Grey’s Anatomy)第八季第五集,一部以医学为主题,在美国十分受欢迎的黄金时段电视剧。该剧曾经获得艾美奖,目前已开播至第十五季,成为盘踞美国电视热门时段最久的医疗剧集。



该词指偏袒亲朋好友,尤其表现在向他们提供工作机会。该词从拉丁语nepos(侄子或孙子)经由意大利语传入,原指教皇给予“侄子”(暗指非婚子)或家庭成员特别照顾。最臭名昭著的莫过于教宗亚历山大六世(罗德里戈·博尔贾〔Rodrigo Borgia〕,约1431—1503),他在自己的非婚子切萨雷·博尔贾(Cesare Borgia,约1476—1507)17岁时委任他为枢机主教,也给了另一个私生子乔万尼枢机主教的职位,同时教宗的其他家庭成员也获得了教会职位。



中世纪期间,和世俗社会一样,基督教会中也存在严重的腐败问题。一些教会高官生活腐化,不仅贪污腐败,还蓄养情妇。生下私生子后,往往对外宣称是自己的 nephew (侄子或外甥)。

这些人往往会想方设法把所谓的 nephew 安排到教会的肥差或重要位置上。人们对此现象十分反感,在拉丁语将其称为 nepotismo ,其中 nepo 就是 nephew 的意思。英语单词 nepotism 就来源于此。

  • nepotism:[‘nepətɪz(ə)m] n. 裙带关系,起用亲戚,任人唯亲


nepotism (NEP oh tiz im) This noun refers to favoritism shown to relatives in practices such as business matters. While it comes from the Latin word for “nephew,” it now refers to any family member.

  • “My sister is better qualified for this job than anyone I know,” lamented Edwina. “Too bad the company has a strict policy against nepotism.”
  • Colleges that give preference in admissions to children of alumni practice an open form of nepotism, a practice outlawed in some companies.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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裙带关系(NEP oh tiz im)这个名词指的是在商业事务等做法上对亲属的偏袒。虽然它来自拉丁语中的 “侄子 “一词,但现在它指的是任何家庭成员。




nepotism” 是一个名词,意为在职位分配、招聘或资源分配中对亲属的偏袒或优待,通常指在权力、财富或机会分配上给亲戚或家族成员特殊待遇。

以下是包含 “nepotism” 这个词的 50 个短语,附上中文解释:

  1. nepotism in hiring – 招聘中的裙带关系
  2. nepotism in promotions – 升迁中的裙带关系
  3. Combat nepotism – 打击裙带关系
  4. Prevent nepotism – 防止裙带关系
  5. nepotism in the workplace – 职场中的裙带关系
  6. nepotism in business – 商业中的裙带关系
  7. nepotism in politics – 政治中的裙带关系
  8. nepotism in government – 政府中的裙带关系
  9. nepotism in hiring practices – 招聘做法中的裙带关系
  10. nepotism policy – 裙带关系政策
  11. nepotism controversy – 裙带关系争议
  12. nepotism accusations – 裙带关系指控
  13. Alleged nepotism – 涉嫌裙带关系
  14. End nepotism – 终结裙带关系
  15. Address nepotism – 处理裙带关系问题
  16. Tackle nepotism – 解决裙带关系
  17. Challenge nepotism – 挑战裙带关系
  18. nepotism investigation – 裙带关系调查
  19. nepotism lawsuit – 裙带关系诉讼
  20. nepotism allegations – 裙带关系指控
  21. nepotism scandals – 裙带关系丑闻
  22. nepotism claims – 裙带关系声称
  23. nepotism rules – 裙带关系规则
  24. nepotism charges – 裙带关系指控
  25. nepotism guidelines – 裙带关系指导方针
  26. nepotism practices – 裙带关系做法
  27. nepotism culture – 裙带关系文化
  28. nepotism reform – 裙带关系改革
  29. nepotism investigation – 裙带关系调查
  30. nepotism concerns – 裙带关系担忧
  31. nepotism impact – 裙带关系影响
  32. nepotism consequences – 裙带关系后果
  33. nepotism challenges – 裙带关系挑战
  34. nepotism ethics – 裙带关系伦理
  35. nepotism transparency – 裙带关系透明度
  36. nepotism favoritism – 裙带关系偏袒
  37. nepotism fairness – 裙带关系公正
  38. nepotism nepotism – 裙带关系内部腐败
  39. nepotism accountability – 裙带关系问责制
  40. nepotism privileges – 裙带关系特权
  41. nepotism investigation – 裙带关系调查
  42. nepotism debate – 裙带关系辩论
  43. nepotism impact – 裙带关系影响
  44. nepotism allegations – 裙带关系指控
  45. nepotism awareness – 裙带关系意识
  46. nepotism prevention – 裙带关系预防
  47. nepotism evaluation – 裙带关系评估
  48. nepotism reforms – 裙带关系改革
  49. nepotism practices – 裙带关系实践
  50. nepotism scrutiny – 裙带关系审查

这些短语应该有助于你更好地理解 “nepotism” 这个词在不同语境中的用法。


  • cronyism: the situation in which someone important gives jobs to friends rather than to independent people who have the necessary skills and experience
  • favouritism: unfair support shown to one person or group, especially by someone in authority
  • partisanship: the quality or action of strongly supporting a person, principle, or political party, often without considering or judging the matter very carefully
