
nephrology (nef RAHL uh jee) This is the name of a medical specialty which focuses on the study and care of the kidneys. “Nephro-” comes from the Greek for “kidney.”

  • In his last year of medical school, Ben had to make the difficult decision of whether to become a pulmonologist and work with lung disease or a nephrologist and work with kidney disease.
  • Acute nephritis occurs when a patient’s kidneys suddenly become inflamed.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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肾脏病学(nef RAHL uh jee)这是一个专注于肾脏研究和护理的医学专业的名称。“Nephro-”来自希腊语中“肾脏”的意思

  • 在医学院的最后一年,本不得不做出艰难的决定,是成为一名肺科医生并治疗肺病,还是成为一名肾病医生并治疗肾病
  • 急性肾炎是指患者的肾脏突然发炎



肾脏疾病与治疗(Kidney Disease and Treatment):

  1. Nephrology clinic – 肾脏诊所
  2. Nephrology department – 肾脏科
  3. Nephrology specialist – 肾脏专家
  4. Nephrology consultation – 肾脏咨询
  5. Nephrology research – 肾脏研究
  6. Nephrology fellowship – 肾脏学研究生院
  7. Nephrology conference – 肾脏学会议
  8. Nephrology textbooks – 肾脏学教科书
  9. Nephrology journal – 肾脏学期刊
  10. Nephrology guidelines – 肾脏学指南

肾脏解剖与生理(Anatomy and Physiology of the Kidney):

  1. Renal function – 肾脏功能
  2. Renal system – 肾脏系统
  3. Renal cortex – 肾皮质
  4. Renal medulla – 肾髓质
  5. Renal pelvis – 肾盂
  6. Renal tubules – 肾小管
  7. Renal filtration – 肾过滤
  8. Renal blood flow – 肾血流量
  9. Renal clearance – 肾清除率
  10. Renal biopsy – 肾脏活检

肾脏疾病诊断与治疗(Diagnosis and Treatment of Kidney Diseases):

  1. Chronic kidney disease – 慢性肾脏疾病
  2. Acute kidney injury – 急性肾损伤
  3. Kidney stones – 肾结石
  4. Polycystic kidney disease – 多囊肾病
  5. Glomerulonephritis – 肾小球肾炎
  6. Renal failure – 肾功能衰竭
  7. Renal transplantation – 肾移植
  8. Hemodialysis – 血液透析
  9. Peritoneal dialysis – 腹膜透析
  10. Kidney biopsy – 肾脏活检

肾脏相关疾病(Kidney-Related Conditions):

  1. Hypertensive nephropathy – 高血压肾病
  2. Diabetic nephropathy – 糖尿病肾病
  3. Nephrotic syndrome – 肾病综合征
  4. Renal artery stenosis – 肾动脉狭窄
  5. Urinary tract infection – 尿路感染
  6. Renal cysts – 肾囊肿
  7. Renal hypertension – 肾性高血压
  8. Renal calculi – 肾结石
  9. Renal cell carcinoma – 肾细胞癌
  10. Renal anemia – 肾性贫血
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