♪ 来一起实现辉煌 ♪
♪ Ain’t it time we made the team ♪
♪ 和梦想 ♪
♪ The dream? ♪
♪ 来张开眼睛 太阳开始上升 ♪
♪ Let’s open our eyes Sun starting to rise ♪
♪ 终于能够 让我来说 ♪
♪ And finally able to say… ♪
♪ 今天是 今天是 今天是 我的一天 ♪
♪ Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day ♪
♪ 是我的一天 ♪
♪ Gonna be my day! ♪
♪ 今天是 今天是 今天是 我的一天 ♪
♪ Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day ♪
♪ 是我的一天 ♪
♪ Gonna be my day! ♪
♪ 今天是 今天是 今天是 我的一天 ♪
♪ Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day ♪
♪ 我的一天 ♪
♪ Be my day! ♪
啊! 你来了 希悦
Aha, there you are, Sunny
Just the pony I was expecting
早上好 英奇警长 你把全队人都带来了嘛
Morning, Sheriff Hitch I see you brought the whole squad along again
我怎么这么招小动物? 像块磁铁 总是吸引他们 拜托了
What is it with me and critters? I’m like a magnet to them
Guys, come on. Give Hitch a little space
你好吗? 哦 拜托 别装傻了
So, what’s up? – Oh, please, like you don’t know
Today is the annual presentation at Canterlogic
我正要去那里 – 不 你不能去
Hey, I’m headed there right now – No, you’re not
我知道 你又想了某些鲁莽的阴谋要去搞破坏
Listen, I know that you have come up with some hare – brained scheme to sabotage it
如果你以为我会让你进去… – 嘿 英奇?
And if you think I’m just going to let you walk in… Hey, Hitch…
不行 拜托
No – Come on
早上好啊 英奇警长
Good morning, Sheriff Hitch
早上好啊 五月花 大丽花
Morning, Mayflower. Dahlia
希悦 我在值勤
Sunny, I’m on duty
上一拍 下一拍 栓到柱子上
Up high! Down low! Hitch it to a post!
翻个面 单面煎蛋 放在吐司上
Flip it sunny side up and on a piece of toast!
我照你说的做了 英奇
I did what you asked for, Hitch
She never left my side, not even once
嘿 菜头 你还好吧? 你看起来气喘吁吁的
Oh, hey, Sprout. You OK? You seem kind of wheezy
That’s Deputy Sprout to you
嘿 等等! 我还没说完! 希悦?
Hey, wait up! I’m not finished! Sunny!
希悦 我们都清楚事情的走向
Sunny, we both know how this goes
每年 你都试着溜进去 每年 我都会阻拦你
Every year you try to sneak in and every year I stop you
听着 你没什么好担心的
Look, you have nothing to worry about
我只想进工厂去 派送我的思慕雪…
I’ll just go into the factory, deliver my smoothies…
你不许踏足工厂 我妈妈给你下了禁令的
You can’t even step a hoof in there My mom had you banned
But I…
我以朋友的身份劝你 希悦 不是以警长的身份
I’m asking you as your friend, Sunny, not as sheriff
Just please try not to pull any stunts today
好吧 我会努力的
OK. OK I’ll try
多谢 把你的货 交给菜头 然后回家吧
Thank you Now, give your delivery to Sprout and go home
嘿! 你违反了33号♥规定!
Hey. Hey! That’s a violation of Code 33
Bye – bye
嘿 小心点!
Hey, watch it!
欢迎 小马们 大家有任何 关于马速公♥司♥工厂的问题吗?
Welcome, everypony. Got any questions about the Canterlogic factory?
很乐意为您解答 哦 对了 免费的思慕雪在哪里? 这个我回答不了
Happy to answer them Where are the free smoothies?
你知道吗 菜头? 我觉得我终于说服了希悦
You know what, Sprout? I think I finally got through to Sunny
现在 就是大家期待已久的时刻
It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for
As the founder of Canterlogic
20年来 她一直确保着我们的安全以及时髦潇洒
She’s been keeping us safe and stylish for the last 20 moons
请大家热烈欢迎 独一无二的菲莉斯四叶草!
Please go wild for the one and only Phyllis Cloverleaf!
Thank you. Thank you
哦 嘿 你好吗? 非常感谢!
How are you? Thank you so much
We here at Canterlogic are so thrilled
能创造完美的产品 帮助保护你们这样的小马 抵御那些小马!
to create perfect products that protect ponies like you… from ponies like that
如我一贯所说 害怕就是…
And like I always say to be scared is…
To be prepared!
哦 说得太好了! 说得对!
Oh, I love it. That’s right
Ya – hoo! – So let’s start the show!
Up first, we have Sugar Moonlight
头戴我们高科技的 反读心术的帽子 英姿飒爽
looking absolutely stunning in our high – tech Anti – Mind – Reading Hat
戴上这个 那些有特异功能的独角兽可就没辙了
All those psychic unicorns out there are going to be out of luck when you wear this little number!
现在 让我们欢迎光芒追逐者
Now let’s welcome Sparkle Chaser
in his Pega – Periscope Goggles
轻轻松松 就能将目光集中在天上!
the easy way to keep your eye on the sky
It’s all part of the show!
接下来 是陆马气球逃生包
Next up, the Earth Pony Balloon Escape Pack
哎哟 这下可多了一堆报告要写了
Yikes. That’s going to be a lot of paperwork
We take great care here at Canterlogic
各位忠实顾客的安全 就是我们最关心的事
to ensure the safety of you, our loyal customers
现在 请退后一步
Now, please, stand back
This product – testing demonstration is fully automated
小马湾的陆马们 恐惧并不是你们的朋友
Earth ponies of Maretime Bay fear is not your friend!
而独角兽和飞马 则有可能成为你们的朋友
But the unicorns and pegasi can be
Let’s extend the hoof of friendship
That is not what I meant
Turn it off, turn it off!
现在 用我们的反飞马靴
So now you can prevent an aerial abduction
你们就能阻止空中绑♥架♥事件发生! – 与飞马和解!
with a set of our new Anti – Pegalift Boots!
Peace with pegasi! Unity with unicorns!
哇! 喂 还给我!
Whoa! Give me that back!
与飞马… 和解!
Peace with… pegasi!
大家请看 我们的独角兽诱捕器
Uh… everypony take a look at our Unicorn Entrapment Device
嘟嘟 斯威茨 快关掉 这是警长的命令 我们在努力!
Toots, Sweets, shut her down! Sheriff’s orders! – We’re trying
Fully automated means it has to go through the whole cycle
哦 不好
Oh, no. Ooh!
与飞马和解! 与独角兽团结!
Peace with pegasi! Unity with unicorns!
And this is the Splat – a – pult!
Cease fire!
大家一起来欢呼吧! 来吧!
Let’s hear it, everypony. Come on!
一直这么害怕 你们不觉得累吗?
Aren’t you tired of being scared all the time?
真♥相♥是 我们并没有生命危险
The truth is, we’re not in danger
It’s all a lie
We don’t need any of this Canterlogic junk
哦 我们不需要 是不是?
Oh, we don’t, do we?
How do you suggest that we defend ourselves?
With hugs and cupcakes?
想象一下 你有一个会飞的朋友
Just imagine… if you had a friend who could fly
or a friend who could…
Fry your brains with a single horn zap?
或者是俯冲下来 把你抓走
Or swoop down and snatch you away?
警长 做你的工作吧
Sheriff, do your job
好了 希悦 我们走吧 – 不! 所有小马都需要知道这一点
All right, Sunny, let’s go No. Everypony needs to hear this
你们了解的一切 关于飞马和独角兽的事都是错误的
Everything you believe about pegasi and unicorns is wrong
他们曾经是我们的朋友 也可以再次成为我们的朋友
They used to be our friends and can be again
嘿 我们可不想听这些!
Hey, we don’t need any of them round here!
滚下台去! – 走吧 表演已经结束了 希悦
Come on, let’s go. Show’s over, Sunny
Sunny, you’re just embarrassing yourself!
It’s quite sad, really
好 我们说到哪儿了?
Now, where were we?
你知不知道 你刚刚违反了多少条规章制度?
Do you have any idea how many bylaws you broke in there?
I’m sure you’re about to tell me
事实上 我这次不知道答案 因为数量实在太多了
Actually, for once I can’t, because there’s so many!
我试着警告过你 我不能跟一个违反一切规定
I tried to warn you. I can’t keep associating with some pony
不管到哪里 都要制♥造♥混乱的小马一直做朋友
who breaks every rule and causes chaos wherever she goes
I’m the sheriff!
没错! 其他小马 都很敬重你 你能上帮忙!
Exactly. Other ponies look up to you. You can help
法律就是法律 希悦 而我要负责 维护♥法♥律 保证所有小马的安全
The law is the law, Sunny and I’m here to uphold it and keep everypony safe
啊哈! 你刚说了 “所有小马”
Aha, you just said everypony
That includes pegasi and unicorns
拜托 希悦 你以为会发生什么?
Come on, Sunny, what did you think was gonna happen?
你做了一番演讲 然后呢?
You give a little speech and what?
所有小马都奇迹般地 欢迎独角兽和飞马来小马湾?
Everypony just magically welcomes unicorns and pegasi into Maretime Bay?
你一直在说 没什么好怕的 那就证明这一点
You keep saying there’s nothing to be afraid of. Well, then, prove it
那些小马们团结的故事 只不过是个假的睡前故事而已
All of that pony unity stuff was just a foal’s bedtime story
Made up by your dad
不管你喜不喜欢 情况就是这样 也一直会是如此
