That’s all.
罗杰·拜阿姆 海军军校学生
Roger Byam, midshipman.
Having heard the evidence against you
and having heard your own defense…
…法庭判决如下 你被判决于…
…the sentence of this court is you shall suffer death by hanging…
…皇家战舰上吊死 行刑时间…
…onboard such of His Majesty’s ships of war and at such time…
…as the commissioners for executing the office of lord high admiral…
…of Great Britain and lreland shall direct.
囚犯 军士 列队
Prisoner and escort, into file.
向左转 齐步走
Left, turn. Quick, hut.
I pronounce this court dissolved.
法官大人 请允许我祝贺法庭的审理?
Milord, may I congratulate the court?
布莱舰长 在我看来 你驾小船的航行…
Captain Bligh, in my opinion, your open- boat voyage…
…was the most remarkable conduct of navigation
in the history of the sea.
我必须得钦佩你的航海技能和勇气 但是…
I must admire your seamanship and courage, but….
军士 集♥合♥
Detachment, fall in.
谢谢你 伙计
Thanks, mate.
我看见他们了 先生 谢谢你和你的朋友
I’ve seen them, sir, thanks to you and your friends.
我妻子 她很好
The wife, she’s well, sir.
还有我儿子 我都认不出来了 他长大了好多
And the boy, blow me, I hardly knew him, he’s growed so.
你都不会相信的 他长的太象我了
You wouldn’t believe it, the dead spit of me.
我很高兴 汤姆
I’m glad, Tom.
看 先生 跟去大溪地那天 她给我的一模一样
Look, sir. Like the one she gave me the day we sailed for Tahiti.
你知道吗 先生 那次航行就象做梦一样
Do you know, sir, that sailing seems like a dream.
As far away as the islands are.
I remember how Mr. Christian talked to me that day.
Cheered me up, he did.
你认为他现在在哪儿 先生?
Where do you think he is now, sir?
I’d give anything to know.
有一点肯定的是 他驾的船一定在海图未知的地方
One thing’s certain, he’s taken that ship beyond maps.
I wonder if he found his island.
嗯 先生 你发现什么了?- 你们的新家 伙计们
Well, sir, what did you find? – Your new home, lads.
就是这儿 皮特克恩岛
There she is, Pitcairn’s lsland.
没有停泊的地方 无法登陆啊
There’s no anchorage, no place to land.
That’s why I chose it.
I plan to run the Bounty in head-on,
尽量抢救东西出来 然后烧了它
salvage what we can, then burn her.
傻瓜才烧了它 – 不烧才是傻瓜
We’d be fools to burn her. – We’ll be fools if we don’t.
要是被人看见有一个船杆留下来 我们就永远不会安全
If there’s one spar left in sight, we’ll never be safe.
我们不能烧船 – 我们再也回不去了
We can’t burn the ship. – We can never get back.
没有回去的路了 伙计
There’s no way back, lad.
一上岸 我们就留在那儿了
Once ashore, we’re there to stay.
But this ship’s our last tie with home.
Yon’s a lonely rock to die on.
足够我们活下去了 那有阳光 土地和水
It’s enough to live on. There’s sun and earth and water.
是地狱还是家园 要由我们自己来决定
It can be a hell or a home as we choose to make it.
只要我们活着 我们会记着并后悔的
We’ll remember this as long as we live and regret it.
And remember why we took this ship.
在那儿 他们不会征用你们
They can’t press-gang you there,
不会让你们挨饿 挨鞭子
they can’t starve you, and they can’t flog you.
We’re not afraid of a new life.
As long as we can live it with decency and self-respect,
我们可以 我们一定能
we can and we must.
For ourselves and our children.
嗯 同意烧船的举手?
Well, hands for burning?
我同意烧船 全烧掉 – 是 是
I say burn her, hull and sticks. – Aye, aye.
很好 先把妇女和孩子送上岸
Very well. We’ll get the women and children ashore
and then stand by to take her in.
好大的火 先生
She makes a grand light, sir.
Good English oak.
Discipline has been maintained.
The mutineers who confessed have been punished.
但是我们来这儿 恳求宽恕罗杰·拜阿姆…
But we’re here to plead for the life of Roger Byam…
…because we believe him innocent.
陛下 另外 现在有比他生命更重要 更危险的事
And there is more at stake here, Your Majesty, than his life.
当我们说在舰上的军官 海员之间…
We do not exaggerate when we say a new understanding…
…有一种新的理解 我们并不是夸大其词
…between officers and men has come to the fleet.
拜阿姆回去尽职 陛下
By returning Byam to duty,
Your Majesty will confirm that understanding.
并不只是为了今天 而是为了今后
And not for today only, but for all time to come.
Everyone aboard?
最后一艘小船已经过来了 – 准备出海
The last shore boat’s coming alongside. – Make ready for sea.
是 先生
Very good, sir.
已经准备就绪 先生 – 好
Ship ready for sea, sir. – Very good.
海军军校学生拜阿姆 前来报到
Midshipman Byam, reporting for duty.
你去后桅杆 拜阿姆
You take the mizzenmast, Byam.
很高兴你和我们在一起 – 谢谢 先生
Very glad to have you with us, lad. – Thank you, sir.
可以吗 拜阿姆?- 当然
May l, Byam? – Of course.
We’re off to the Mediterranean, lad.
We’ll sweep the seas for England.