I’ve had enough of this blood ship!
He’s not master of life and death
他也不能主宰人的生死 麦克伊
on a quarterdeck above the angels. McCoy!
我讨厌鲜血 血淋淋的背 血淋淋的脸
I’m sick of blood! Bloody backs! Bloody faces!
布莱 你再也不能发号♥施令
Bligh, you’ve given your last command!
既使要被吊死 我们也要顶天立地的干一次
We’ll be men again if we hang for it!
你说你们已经准备做任何事了 是吗?放了他们
You say you’re ready for anything? Release them!
你要占领这艘船吗?- 兵变吗?
You’re taking the ship? – Mutiny?
是 兵变 传下命令 拿武器去
Yes, mutiny! Pass the word. Seize the arms chest.
We’ve been waiting for this!
不 别打我
No! Don’t hit me!
Take him!
不 不 别伤害我 别伤害我
No, no, don’t hurt me! Don’t hurt me!
喂 起来 穿上衣服 快点 抓紧时间
Now, wake up! Get into your clothes and lose no time about it.
出什么事了?- 发生什么事了?
What’s the matter? – What’s happened?
我们遭遇袭击了吗?- 不 我们占领这船了
Have we been attacked? – No, we’ve taken the ship.
And old Bligh’s a prisoner.
Tie him to the pipe.
莫里森先生 柯曼先生
Mr. Morrison! Mr. Coleman!
闭嘴 要不我们来帮你闭嘴
Shut up or I’ll shut your trap for you!
停止这疯狂的行动 否则我们都会被杀死的
Give up this madness, or we’ll all be murdered.
You’re in no danger.
What will we do with him?
枪毙了他 – 我要割断他的喉咙
Shoot him! – I’ll slit his dirty throat!
看见没?我的48鞭 我要给你400鞭
See that, you butcher? My four dozen. We’ll give you 400.
我们要让你知道这是什么滋味 – 抽他鞭子
We’ll let you know what it feels like! – Flog him!
你个老无赖 你抽我们鞭子 你让我们吃草
You old rogue. You’d flog us. You’d make us eat grass.
You bluenosed baboon!
退后 你们都退后
Back! Back, all of you!
舰上不能再有鞭打了 就是为了这个 我们才夺取这艘船
No more flogging aboard this ship. That’s why we’re taking it.
我们有些事要问 怎么处置他?
We’ll have something to say about that! What will you do with him?
把他放逐到小船上 让他在海上漂着吧
Put him in a launch and cast him adrift.
给他食物 水 刀 指南针
Give him food, water, cutlasses and a compass.
You can have your choice.
Go with him or stay with me.
不 我要割断他喉咙 然后拿他喂鲨鱼
No. Slit his throat, I say, and feed him to the sharks.
And I say go forward!
清理小船 放下去
Clear the launch and lower away!
是 先生
Aye, aye, sir.
你看着他 汤普森 – 是 先生
Stand by, Thompson. – Aye, aye, sir.
Lively, old buzzing bees.
多可惜啊 多可惜啊 每棵树都那么完美
What a pity, what a pity! Every little tree, perfect.
你一定要给他们浇水 好吗?
You’ll be sure to water them, won’t you?
你别担心 我会给他们浇水的
Never you fret. We’ll water them.
我们会照顾好你的树的 摩根
We’ll take care of your plants, here, Morgan!
如果你愿意 不用加入我们 你也可以待在舰上
You may stay onboard if you like, without joining us.
不了 谢谢你 先生
No, thank you, sir.
好 该你了 布莱先生
All right. Your turn, Mr. Bligh.
克里斯先生 我给你最后一次机会 交回控制权
Mr. Christian, I give you your last chance to return to duty.
I’ll take my chance against the law.
You’ll take yours against the sea.
你占了我的船 我的船
But you’re taking my ship! My ship!
Your ship? The king’s ship,
you mean, and you’re not fit to command it.
Into the boat!
我们准备好了 邱吉尔 帮个忙 好吗?
We’re ready, Churchill. Bear a hand here, will you?
麦克伊 麦克伊
McCoy! McCoy!
两个小家伙 效忠布莱舰长 嗯?
Two little monkey jackets. Loyal to Captain Bligh, eh?
他们自作自受 – 走吧 伙计 到甲板上去
Serves them right. – Come on, lads, on deck.
我对你说 我们要走
I tell you, we will!
克里斯先生 你忘了我们 把船叫回来
Mr. Christian, you forgot us. Call back the boat.
没有空地方了 你们得留下来了
There’s no more room. You must stay with us.
我们要跟着舰长 – 我们不是叛乱者
We’ll join our captain! – We’re not mutineers!
我说那儿没地方了 把他们押下去
I said there was no more room! Take them below!
Stand the guns on them!
Give them a drink!
让我在离陆地 3500海里远的海里漂着
Casting me adrift 3500 miles from a port of call.
你让我自生自灭 嗯?
You’re sending me to my doom, eh?
哼 你错了 克里斯
Well, you’re wrong, Christian!
I’ll take this boat as she floats to England if I must!
我要活着看见你 看见你们所有人…
I’ll live to see you, all of you…
… 在大英帝国战舰的桅杆上吊死
…hanging from the highest yardarm in the British fleet!
桅杆 是不是?我把你的桅杆给你
Yardarms, is it? I’ll give you yardarms.
You’re not leaving them adrift?
They’ll starve or drown.
That’s Bligh’s affair.
可里面有你的朋友 摩根 普塞尔
Your friends, Morgan, Purcell
Do you think I wanted this?
把船叫回来 – 不
Call back the boat. – No.
把船叫回来 – 不
Call it back! – No!
他们是自己选择的 我管不了
These men have been in hell. I couldn’t stand it.
那我必须和布莱一起走 – 没地方了
Then I must go with Bligh. – There’s no room.
Then I call on you men.
以国王的名义 你们所有人交回控制权
All of you, in the name of the king, return to duty.
Cock- a- doodle- doo!
给我枪 给我
Give me that gun! Give me that!
Take him below.
Stand by to wear ship.
去哪儿 先生?- 西-西北 大溪地
What course, sir? – West- northwest, Tahiti.
大溪地 伙计
Tahiti, lads!
大溪地 大溪地
Tahiti! Tahiti!
嘿 汤普森 它们有水喝了
Hey, Thompson! Here comes their water!
坐下 罗杰
Sit down, Roger.
嗯 现在舰上有五个人…
You know, there are five other men onboard…
… 拒绝参与兵变
…who refused to take part in the mutiny.
They’ve agreed not to try and retake the ship.
如果你同意 你也可以获得自♥由♥
You may have your liberty under the same conditions.
I simply want your word for it.
You may have it.
但是只要有机会 我就要逃跑
But I’ll escape if I can.
I understand.
Then I may go?
是 你可以走了
Yes, you may go.
… 很抱歉 我必须得打你
…I’m sorry I had to hit you.
That didn’t hurt.
但伤害到的是 我和你再也不会是朋友了
What hurts is that you and l can never again be friends.
跟着它走 西-西北
Keep her as she goes, west- northwest.
西-西北 先生
West- northwest, sir.
I presume you’ll make for the nearest island.
不 那绝对是死亡
No. That’s certain death.
The savages in these parts are fierce cannibals.
We must keep well clear of those fellas.
By my reckoning,
离我们最近的 并能得到救助的地方是帝汶岛…
the first port from which we can expect help is Timor…
…在荷属东印度群岛 大概有3500海里远
…in the Dutch East lndies, some 3500 miles away.
Then our case is hopeless.
It is by no means hopeless.
我们有额外的帆 缆绳 工具箱
We have extra canvas, rope, a tool chest.
We’ll put on every rag of sail we can.
不可能的 象我们这样装这么多人的船
That’s impossible. Deeply laden as we are,
we’d fill with the first storm.
那么就用手 来把水舀出去
Then we’ll bail with our hands if we must.
只要我们尽力做 我们一定能行的 我们一定能
She’ll see us through if we do our part, she will!
打扰一下 先生 这食物和水
Begging your pardon, sir, but the food and the water.
We haven’t got enough for 1 0 days.