
mutable (MYOOT uh bul) Another adjective that means “prone to frequent change,” this word can be used to describe people as well as things. The verb form is “mutate.”

  • The weather was so mutable that Daisy left the house with sunglasses and an umbrella.
  • If the pollution in the river continues to increase, the fish may soon mutate so that they can breathe air.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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可变的(MYOOT uh bul)另一个形容词,意思是“容易频繁变化”,这个词既可以用来形容人,也可以用来形容事。动词形式是“突变”

  • 天气变化无常,黛西带着太阳镜和雨伞离开了房子
  • 如果河流中的污染继续增加,这些鱼可能很快就会发生变异,从而可以呼吸空气。

