What is it? What?
怎么了 怎么
Sloan. Sloan?
斯隆 斯隆
Mr. Cates, good evening. How are you? Nice to see you.
盖茨先生 晚上好 你近况如何 非常高兴见到你
I’d say about two minutes.
Hi, how you doing? Here it comes.
嗨 你好吗 来了
Here’s the thing…
Is she all right?
Yeah, she always does this. It’s her way of working up an appetite.
嗯 她经常这样 她总是这样来开胃
Hang on.
Hello? Sophie?
喂 苏菲
He’s at the bar.
I know. I know. I know. I saw him. I saw him.
我知道 我看见他了
He’s not that great, you know. I saw the beginnings of a bald patch.
要知道他没那么棒的 我看他有要脱发的迹象了
Why, come and have a look. Oh, he has a great head of hair.
为什么不出来看看呢 哎 他有着一头健康的头发
Oh, God.
啊 上帝
I think I’ll just stay in here until he leaves.
除非他走了 否则我不会出来的
Maybe you could send in a salad and an iced tea?
Right. I’ll get the waiter. Would you like the dessert can’t as well?
好吧 我去叫服务生 不要份餐后甜点吗
Look, this is ridiculous.
听着 这真可笑
I’ve been dreaming about confronting him too.
I had a speech prepared for over a year.
Would you like to hear it?
Very, very much.
Hello there. Good evening.
你好啊 晚上好
Sloan, even though Sally Michaels only lives on paper…
斯隆 即使萨利·迈克尔斯只存活在纸上
…I live in the world.
And I can never forgive you for using me as raw material…
…to create a fictional monster.
Sally Michaels is my own personal ghost…
…a shadow hanging over each phone call and cup of iced tea.
就像潜伏在每通电♥话♥ 每杯茶后面的阴影
And one cold day, when age has robbed your mind of its fertile phrases…
终有一天 你所引起的痛苦
…and your hand of its dexterity, all the success won’t be able to shield you…
…from the pain you’ve caused and the shame you deserve.
写不出华丽的辞藻 手法笨拙
Or something like that.
But now I know I could never actually say it to him.
No. You have to say that. You have to say that. You have to say it now.
不 你必须说 你必须现在就去说
Now is the perfect time. You’re on top of the world.
现在是完美时机 你意气风发
You wrote a song for the biggest act in the universe.
But I can’t. Yeah, you can.
但我做不到 不 你行的
People wait to see an ex-lover when things are going well.
It never happens. You can make relationship history here.
你还没这样过 但现在有机会来一次了
But I can’t. I mean, look at me. I haven’t showered in days.
但我做不到 我是说 看看我 我好几天没洗澡了
I’m covered in songwriting grime. The helicopter flew bugs in my teeth.
到处都是写歌♥时留下的墨迹 直升机还把飞虫吹到我牙上
Yes, yes, yes. You are a little mangy.
是啊 你是有点邋遢
Wait. Wait. Stay.
等一下 呆在这里
Sorry, Gloria. Can I ask you a great favor?
对不起 格洛丽亚 能请你帮个大忙吗
Could you accompany me to the ladies’ room?
He’s a good guy. Go ahead.
他是个好人 去吧
Thank you. Thanks. Sure. Be right back.
谢谢你 谢谢 应该的 马上就回来
That’s fantastic. You look great.
真是太漂亮了 你看上去真棒
Eleven years of therapy and I finally help someone. Good luck, honey.
做了11年的医生 终于能帮上人了 好运 甜心
Thank you so much.
Yes, thank you. Thank you, doctor.
是的 谢谢你 医生
It doesn’t really fit.
No, on the contrary. It fits you perfectly. Really?
不 恰恰相反 很合身 真的
I’m not saying you should go to confession like that…
…but for what you’re about to do, it’s perfect.
但你要做的事情 真是棒极了
Okay. Are you ready?
好的 准备了吗
I think I’m developing a sudden coronary blockage.
Those pass very quickly, okay?
一会儿就没事了 好吗
Shortness of breath. Blurred vision.
呼吸短促 视线模糊
You’re fine. Scurvy?
你没事的 坏血病
You’re beautiful. No, it’s fine.
你很漂亮 不 没事的
“I don’t write bestsellers because I despise humanity.”
“我写不出畅销书 因为我不注重人性”
And I said, “No, John, you don’t write bestsellers because the feeling is mutual.”
我说 “不 约翰 你写不出 是因为感情是相互的”
Should I have stopped? Should I have stopped right there? Was it over?
我该打住吗 我该就此打住吗 就这样结束了吗
Hi. Sophie. My God, Sophie.
嗨 苏菲 我的天 苏菲
How are you?
I’m fine, yeah.
Good, it’s great to see you.
嗯 见到你真是太棒了
Alex Fletcher. Hi, how are you?
我是亚历克斯·弗莱切尔 嗨 你好
Hey, Alex. Sloan Cates. How are you?
嗨 亚历克斯 我是斯隆·盖茨 你好
Well, it’s been an eternity. You look incredible.
好久没见了 你看上去真难以置信
Then you were always mysteriously seductive, were not you?
你总是种神秘的诱惑 对吧
She is writing a song for Cora Corman.
What? No. Wait. You’re a song writer?
什么 不 等待 你做词作家了
L… I wrote…
Brilliant lyrics. Fantastic lyrics.
卓越的 奇异的歌♥词
A lot of people are talking about them, actually.
事实上 有很多人在谈论
I had a pen, a paper and wrote…
我有笔和纸 我写
Sloan, the thing is, even though Sally Michaels only lives on paper…
斯隆, 事情是这样的 即使萨利·迈克尔斯只存活在纸上
…Sophie lives in the real world.
She can never forgive you…
Mr. Cates, your table’s ready. Great, thanks, Stefan.
盖茨先生 你的桌子准备好了 太棒了 谢谢 史特芬
Listen, I’ll be right there, guys. I’m sorry.
我马上就过去 对不起
They’re throwing this little dinner thing for me.
It’s crazy how lavish people get no matter how cheap they are…
为了挤进廉价的好莱坞 人们都疯狂地
…when Hollywood comes calling. Hollywood.
一掷千金 好莱坞
I’ve sold out. They’re making a film out of Sally Michaels.
我忙得不可开交 他们要为萨利·迈克尔斯拍部电影
Really? Yeah.
真的 嗯
It’s been crazy. I wrote the script.
太疯狂了 我写的剧本
We’re seeing actresses. It’s been… You know.
我们在寻找女演员 已经 你知道的
But listen, it’s great seeing you. Let’s get together, okay?
但听着 很高兴见到你 我们有空再聚 好吗
Take care of yourself.
Take care, Allen.
保重 艾伦

…must feel good to get that over with.
I just wanna go home.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
Hang on. Just hang on one second. One second.
稍等 稍等一会儿 就一会儿
I’m sorry. I’m so sorry to bother you.
对不起 很抱歉打搅你
It would mean the world if you’d just let her say what she came to say.
你让她说出她想说的 对她来说太重要了
I know what she came here to say, okay?
我知道她来是想说什么的 好不
Some sad little story about how I ruined her life…
…while the truth is…
…that she seduced me so that I’d help get her published, okay?
她诱惑我 好让我帮她出版 明白
Come on. You were engaged and you never even told her.
少来了 你订婚了却一直没告诉她
I’d say we’re done talking.
Let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s go.
Do me a favor. Why don’t you just shove off?
帮我个忙 你为什么不闪人呢
I appreciate your request, but why don’t you just shove off?
我明白你的请求 但你为什么不闪人呢
Take it easy, my friend. I don’t believe I will take it easy.
别上火 朋友 我不认为我能不上火
All right. All right!
好了 好了
Don’t hurt his hair. He’s working Adventureland this weekend.
别伤了他的头发 他这周要在冒险乐园演出
I’m giving up. My face is in the butter.
我投降 我的脸在黄油中了
Thank you.
Are you okay? Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.
你没事吧 嗯 我很好
It’s just my PoP hip. It comes from years of doing our patented dance move.
臀部是以前落下的病 跳了多年的独有舞步
My God, I’ve suffered for my art.
我的上帝 我为我的艺术献身了
No, the thing that really hurts is my upper gum.
I think I may have impaled myself on a dinner roll.
Good thing they didn’t have breadsticks. I could’ve lost an eye.
幸运的是他们没点面包棍 要不然我眼睛都没了
Well, you should get some ice on that.
Only if it’s attached to some whiskey.
Oh, God. I can’t believe you convinced me to do that.
啊 上帝 不敢相信你说服我那么做
Now I’m more of a joke to him than ever.
And to top it off…
…l’ll have my own personal nightmare playing on 3000 screens.
