Shortly after, he left, taking the last three songs we’d written together…
很快的 他就离开了 把我们最后一起写的三首歌♥也带走了
…and putting them on his solo album which went on to sell eight million records.
还收录到他的个人新专辑中去了 那张专辑卖♥♥了800万张
But how did you deal with that?
Oh, with drugs, alcohol…
哦 吸吸毒啊 喝喝酒啊
…and ultimately, my own solo album.
最终 我出了自己的个人专辑
This copy has been in the racks for six years.
Come on. No, no. I check every week.
别逗了 真的 我每周都会来看看的
You see, I made a little mark, there on the back. See?
你看 我做了标记在背面的 看见了吧
It sold only 50,000 copies, most of those to my mother.
这只卖♥♥出去5万张 大部分还是我妈妈买♥♥的
Rolling Stone called it “a crass, contrived effort…
滚石的评价说 “粗俗的 矫情的作品
…not even good enough for a dentist chair.”
Well, I’m sure there were other reviews.
嗯 我相信还有其它不同的评价的
There were, there were. But none as good as that one.
有啊 有啊 但是那个已经是最好的评价了
And they were right, by the way. Yeah.
顺便说句 他们说的没错 真的
To cut a long story short, I gave up trying to write…
长话短说 之后我就放弃了写歌♥
…lost an incredible amount of money and then my apartment.
花光了大把的钱 公♥寓♥也没了
Chris stuck by me,
booked me an ’80s reunion night on Long Island.
And suddenly, they liked me again.
突然的 他们又喜欢我
It was weird. It was like I’d never been away.
那感觉真怪 好像我出来就没有离开过一样
The audience was a tad older, as was I…
听众都是老小孩了 我也老了
…but we were very, very profoundly happy to see each other again.
And it went on from there.
Cruises. Reunions. Knott’s Berry Farm, which I’m sure you’re familiar with.
巡演 再聚会 还有在内次波利农庄演出 我想你应该了解
Busch Gardens, that’s one of my big fixtures of the year.
还有布希公园 那是我每年固定的大节目
What else can I tell you?
I really appreciate you opening up to me like this.
I know what it’s like to live with a shadow overhead.
I’ve been living with a shadow overhead
Now, that’s a nice melody, isn’t it?
这可是不错的调子 是吧
It’s good. Thank you. Thank you.
很好 谢谢夸奖 谢谢
Mind you, what do you know? You don’t even like melody.
但是 你知道吗 你可能根本就不喜欢这个调子
I never said that.
You prefer the lyrics.
I don’t trust you.
Your turn, what’s next?
该你了 下一句是什么
I think that we should get some breakfast.
Please, come on, we’re finally on a roll here. Listen again.
拜托 我们都就要成功了 再听一遍
I’ve been living with a shadow overhead
There’ll be no more rhymes until I’m fed
Please, seriously, seriously.
摆脱 严肃点 别开玩笑
I’ve been living with a shadow overhead
I could be inspired with just a piece of bread
I have the perfect place. Wait a minute.
我知道有个好地方 等等
It’s just on the next corner.
Keep moving and keep writing. All right.
继续走 继续写 好的
I’ve been looking For someone to shed some light
That’s good. That’s good. Yeah?
那好极了 棒极了 真的
Shadows and light. You’re deep.
阴影和光芒 很有内涵
Okay, we need two more lines of Cora verse. What’s next?
好极了 根据的韵律我们还需要 两行 下面是什么
What are you doing?
I thought I saw someone, but it was not him. So it’s fine.
我想我看见了谁 但所幸不是 所以没事了
Oh, there he is. What?
哦 他在那 什么
A very nice picture, though. That’s funny.
很好的一张照片 但是真是搞笑
Interestingly enough, I mean… Well, it is a bookstore.
是很有趣 我是说 嗯 这是个书店
So, you know, that does happen. What?
因此 你知道 他出现在这很正常 什么
Gosh, where were we? Okay.
哎 我们说到哪了 知道了
Shadow overhead
Okay, can I just say, with all due respect, that you are clearly…
那个 请恕我冒犯 但是我想说很明显刚才你
What is the word? Insane at this moment.
怎么说呢 刚才有点精神错乱
And because, according to Chris, we have less than 36 hours…
按克里斯的要求 我们只有不到36个小时
…before Cora goes to do Leno, at which point my career is over…
科拉就要去做她的那张专辑 那时有可能也是我事业的终结
…it would be infinitely better for me if you were sane. So how can I help?
你保持正常状态对我来说再好不过了 有什么可以帮你吗
Do you know this book?
Sally Michaels? Yes, yes. Big bestseller. Yes.
萨利·迈克尔斯 是的 当然 超级畅销书 当然知道
Have you read it? No, of course not.
你看过吗 没有 当然没有
Last book I read was The Alex Fletcher Story
by the editors of Teen Dream Magazine.
I’m Sally Michaels.
I saw that they were giving these courses on writing at the New School…
我看到他们在《街舞》 举办写作培训班
…so I signed up.
And my teacher was Sloan Cates.
Brilliant, handsome.
才华横溢 人又帅气
The truth is, I was in love with him.
事实上 我爱上他了
And we began spending every minute together.
Which is why I was sort of surprised when his fiancee showed up.
当他的未婚妻从天而降的时候 我不知所措
Yeah, he never mentioned that he was engaged to a history professor…
他从来就没有提到过 他已经和一个历史教授订婚了
…who was on a year-long sabbatical in Spain.
And when she popped in for an unexpected visit…
…it sort of turned into a reenactment of the Inquisition.
And that… And that was that? That was the end of that?
那样就 就这样了 就这样就结束了
Yeah. We never saw each other again.
是的 我们再也没有见过面了
I dropped the class and a year later, his new novel showed up.
我放弃了他的课 一年之后他的新小说出来了
The Sally What’s-it novel.
“The tale of a student with exalted literary aspirations…
“一个有着强烈从事文学创作 激♥情♥的学生
…who lures a brilliant writer into an affair
so she can take advantage of his connections.
But when he tries to break it off, she devotes herself to ruining his life.”
但当他想结束这段感情时 她又不顾一切去摧毁他的生活”
Well, I mean, that obviously was not you.
唔 那个 那个显然不是你
Well, she’s a lit major from Long Island, 5’4″,
她是来自长岛的文学专业学生 身高5.4英寸
my color hair, all my habits.
头发像我 习惯也像
You know, talks to herself and asks too many questions.
你知道的 经常自言自语 又爱提问
Her parents founded a weight reduction company…
…that now her sister runs.
Well, anyway, I…
唔 不管怎样 我
Since then, every time I pick up a pen…
从那时开始 每当我提起笔的时候
…l’m haunted by those words that he wrote, you know?
他写的那些东西就阴魂不散的折磨着我 你能理解吗
“She was a brilliant mimic.” You know.
“She could ape Dorothy Parker or Emily Dickinson…
…but stripped of someone else’s literary clothes…
…she was a vacant, empty imitation of a writer.”
First of all, you can’t listen to some jerk.
首先 你不要听信蠢人的话
He’s not a jerk. He’s a National Book Award winner.
他不是蠢人 他是国家图书奖的获得者
Well, then, get the best revenge, write a hit song.
那 那你就写首出名的歌♥吧 那是给他的最好的报复
Honestly, I don’t think a pop song is gonna impress Sloan Cates.
说实话 我可不觉得一首流行歌♥ 就能伤到斯隆·盖茨
Oh, no, of course not. Pop is just for morons. Forgot that.
哦 不会 当然不会 流行乐只适合低能者 当我没说吧
I didn’t mean anything by it. Braindead, or taken too many drugs.
我不是那个意思 脑子僵化了 或者吸毒吸多了
You know what I’d say to you and Sloan Cates?
You can take all the novels in the world…
…and not one of them will make you feel as good as fast as:
但是没有一本能像它们一样 让你感觉那么快的变好
That is real poetry. Those are real poets.
这才是真正的诗 他们才是真正的诗人
Smokey Robinson, Stevie Wonder, Bob Dylan, the Beatles.
史摩基·罗宾逊 史蒂夫·旺德 鲍勃·迪伦 甲壳虫
Okay. What if one of your heroes came up to you and said…
那好 如果你崇拜的英雄们当中有个人走过来 然后对你说
You know, Smokey, what if he said:
比如史摩基 假如他说
“Alex Fletcher, you are a horrible songwriter”?
“亚历克斯·弗莱切尔 你是个糟糕透顶的曲作者”
How would you react?
I know Smokey a little bit. He’s too nice a gentleman ever to say such a thing.
我对史摩基略有了解 他是个和蔼的绅士 不会说那种话的
Dylan might. Dylan would, actually. In fact, Dylan did.
迪伦可能会 迪伦会的 真的 实际上迪伦已经那样做了
Okay, Dylan walks up to you and he says, “You are a horrible songwriter.”
那好 迪伦走过来然后对你说 “你是个糟糕透顶的作曲人”
How do you react? I would be horribly depressed.
你会有什么反应 我会十分非常的沮丧的
Yes. I would. I would.
是的 我会的 我会很沮丧的
But then, after, you know, months of brooding…
但是 之后 你知道消沉几个月之后
…I would find a lyricist…
