So leave me here on my own.
From now on I guess I’ve gotta dance alone.
It was not supposed to end up like this.
Alex! Alex!
亚历克斯 亚历克斯
Hello, girls. Alex, I’m Barbara.
姑娘们 你们好 亚历克斯 我是芭芭拉
In Boston, in 1989, I came back to your hotel…
1989年 你在波士顿的时候 我和你一起开过房♥
If you wanna see Alex again,
check his website for the tour schedule.
And the Knott’s Berry Farm show is temporarily postponed, okay?
在内次波利农庄的演出 已经暂时性推迟 知道了吧
Great show, huh? They love you. They’re hot for you.
很棒的演出 是吧 她们很喜欢你 她们都为你发狂了
Of course, they’re also hot because so many are going through menopause.
当然 她们那么疯狂也是因为她们当中好多人正经历更年期呢
Wait a minute. Barbara from Boston. From Boston.
等等 波士顿的芭芭拉
I do remember that Barbara. I do. I’m going back for one second.
我记起那个芭芭拉来了 我记起来了 我回去一会
No. That’s how we wind up getting chased by angry husbands.
不行 那样我们会 被那些愤怒的丈夫们追着打的
Not necessarily. She… Hi.
不会的 她 嗨
Well, hi.
唔 嗨
Hello. Hello, hello. Very good news. Yes.
你好 你好 你好 这可是个好消息
Chris, you remember Sophie?
克里斯 你还记得苏菲吧
Planted in my memory.
I just wanted to apologize for being so cryptic earlier.
This is my sister, Rhonda. Hi.
这是我的姐姐 嗨
I’m sorry. I’ve… You were so great tonight.
抱歉 我 你今晚表演的太棒了
We’ve met, haven’t we? Right? We were practically a duet there.
我们已经见过了 不是吗 刚才我们像是来了个两重奏
I know. Anyway, could I get a quick autograph?
我知道 那个 你能帮我签个名吗
You may, Rhonda.
当然可以了 朗达
Could I get a picture too? Only if you’re single.
能再合个影吗 只要你是单身就行
I’ve been married 16 years, but nothing’s written in stone.
我结婚已经16年了 但是这有什么关系呢
Could you scootch? Thanks.
你能帮我一下吗 谢谢了
Also, I really wanted to thank you for your offer.
另外 我真的想谢谢你的邀请
What offer? While Greg, the rhyming psychopath…
什么邀请 当那个押韵变♥态♥的格雷格
Thanks again for him.
Was in my apartment, Sophie spouted some really interesting lyrics.
在我公♥寓♥的时候 苏菲嘴里蹦出了 一些十分有趣的歌♥词
I thought she was doing plants.
I’m holding a pose here.
I appreciate it… I need a song by Friday…
我很感谢你那么说 我周五就得写好一首歌♥
…and it is amazingly difficult to find a sane lyricist.
Why don’t you just write the lyrics yourself?
That’s really not a strength of his. That’s absolutely right.
那可不是他的长项 一点不错
I once rhymed “you and me” with “autopsy.”
Well, that’s not necessarily bad.
唔 那也不算太坏
You could do something with that. You know?
Figuring out you and me Is like doing a love autopsy.
You see, you see. That’s quite good. That’s not bad.
你看 你看 那多好 不错啊
Go on. More. How does it go? I have no idea.
接着说 接下来的词呢 我不知道
Someone could have sculpted us in this time.
You know what? Let me take it.
They could operate all day long And never figure out what went wrong
他们整天做着手术 却不知道是哪里出错了
My God, you are… You are Cole Porter in panties.
天那 你是 你简直就是穿女裤的柯尔·波特
Of course, having said that, Cole Porter probably did wear panties.
当然 话说回来 柯尔·波特有可能真的穿过女裤
Anyway, thank you for inviting us.
不管怎样 都谢谢你邀请我们
Okay, I’m just gonna take a real quick one. Let me take it. Let me take it, Sophie.
好了 我就很快的拍张照片 让我照完 让我照完 苏菲
Thank you so much. That was great. Hang on.
太谢谢你了 那太棒了 等一下
Nice to meet you guys. Bye-bye.
很高兴见到你们 再见了
So this is where Sophie works, eh?
苏菲就是在这工作了 是吗
Yeah. She is gonna be right out.
是的 她一会就出来了
Excellent. Excellent. Thank you very much.
很好 好的 太谢谢你了
So how much do you weigh?
I fluctuate. Yeah.
上下波动 说不好
Okay, look, I am terribly sorry to barge in like this…
好的 听我说 我很抱歉这样冒昧的来找你
…but I have decided I cannot take no for an answer.
但是我决定了 你不答应我是不会罢休的
I told you that… You’re not a writer.
我已经告诉过你了 你不是个作家
Except when you are writing poems and short stories…
…in the New School literary magazine.
I Googled you. And you were good.
我搜索过你了 你写的真不错
Look, I’m flattered.
唔 我真是受宠若惊啊
I mean, you’re one of six people in the world who’s actually read those…
…but that doesn’t mean I can write a song.
You already did. Five minutes, that’s all I ask.
你已经在写了 给我五分钟 我只要五分钟
Please, step in. You’ll enjoy this. This is a treat.
请进来吧 你会喜欢这个的 这可是个好地方
Mr. Fletcher. Nice to see you.
弗莱切尔先生 很高兴见到你
Very nice to see you, Mia, how are you? Wonderful.
很高兴见到你 米亚 近况如何 好极了
I just want to get… Can I try the new Mason & Hamlin?
我能试试那个新的 梅森·汉姆林钢琴吗
Sure, absolutely. Be my guest. Thank you very much. Thanks. Please.
可以 当然可以 随意用吧 太感谢你了 谢谢了 过来吧
This is… It’s just a little something that you might possibly recognize.
Figuring out you and me.
Is like doing a love autopsy.
They could operate all day long.
And never figure out what went wrong.
Love autopsy.
Love autopsy.
What went wrong?
God. That melody is so beautiful.
天哪 这调子太美了
But I’ve never written a song.
A song. I know, I know. And if I’m wrong, I’m wrong.
没写过 我知道 我知道 如果我错了 我错了的话
I just don’t think I am. I think you may be a born lyricist.
我觉得我不可能错的 你是一个天生的词人
We don’t have very long, but what I’d like to do, in an ideal world…
我们没有很长的时间 但是我很想 如果可能的话
…is continue the “Autopsy” song.
But I think it’s gonna be very hard to get back from there…
…into “Way Back Into Love,” which is the title that Cora demands.
科拉要的那首”重新找到爱” 可不是很容易
What we could do is continue with Greg “the Angel of Death’s” version.
我们要做就是接着做格雷格的 那个”天使之死”
That’s plagiarism.
Yes. Yes, yes. Good. Excellent.
是吧 说的对 就是这样
I would never in a million years use someone else’s work.
I’m very glad you agree.
So, what we need, we need something brand-new.
那么 我们需要什么呢 我们要作一首全新的曲子
So let’s see. A song for Cora. Yes.
那我们讨论一下 给科拉写的歌♥ 是的
Has to be called “A Way Back Into Love.” Correct.
歌♥名是”重新找到爱” 是的
And it has to be something Cora would sing about.

And it has to be something you would sing about.
Good, yeah.
嗯 是啊
What would you sing about? Whatever gets me the job, really.
你要唱关于什么的歌♥呢 只要能让我拿到这份工作就行
Oh, that’s inspiring.
哦 真有启发性
Okay. Two people searching for love, for salvation.
好的 两个人 追寻爱 拯救爱
Good, good, I love that.
很好 很好 我喜欢
Love lost, love found.
爱走了 爱又找到了
Love lost again.
Yes, this is starting to sound a little bit like luggage, but good.
这个开始听起来有点别扭 但还是不错的
Thanks. That’s really helpful.
谢谢了 那个很有帮助
It doesn’t have to be perfect. Just spit it out.
没有必要很完美 大胆的写出来就行了
They’re just lyrics. “Just lyrics”?
它们只是歌♥词而已 “只是歌♥词”
Lyrics are important. They’re just not as important as melody.
歌♥词很重要 不过更重要的是曲调
I really don’t think you get it.
Oh, you look angry. Click your pen.
哦 你看起来很生气 总是按你的笔
A melody is like seeing someone for the first time.
The physical attraction. Sex.
他给你的身体上的吸引力 比如说性
I so get that.
But then, as you get to know the person, that’s the lyrics.
但是 要了解了一个人那就是歌♥词了
Their story. Who they are underneath.
他们的故事 他们真实的面目
It’s the combination of the two that makes it magic.
正是曲调和歌♥词的完美结合 使得歌♥曲有了那种魔力
Let’s go for a walk.
A walk? What, now? Yeah.
散步 就现在 嗯
Out on the streets you see things and, you know, hear things and eat things.
出去了你在大街上能看到很多东西 还能听到和吃很多东西
It all sort of unlocks your mind.
This is good. This is good.
这样很好 这样有好处
When you hit a wall, you gotta change the subject.
当你遇到难题的时候 你就需要转移下主题了
So why did PoP break up?
I mean, Rhonda told me that you guys were friends growing up?
我是说 朗达告诉我 你们可是从小到大的朋友啊
We were, yes, and then Colin met a new manager…
是啊 我们曾经是 但是科林后来遇到了一个新的经纪人
…who convinced him he was the star of the band.
那个经纪人让科林相信他 是这个乐队的真正的明星
