She’s kind of hot.
Good. Yeah. I’m glad you enjoyed her.
嗯 是啊 很高兴你喜欢她
She’s coming back in here, right?
她会再过来的 是吧
I would imagine so. Unless she goes directly back to the mother ship.
是吧 除非她直接回母舰了
How about:
Give it up, I’m a bad hot witch.
放弃吧 我是个性感的坏巫婆
I look real good, but I’m a nasty bitch.
我看起来很好 但实际上我是个下♥贱♥坯子
I can scream and claw and curdle your blood.
我会尖叫 我会抓破你的皮肤 让你的血都凝固
But you’ll die on your way back into love.
No. Start on a minor third. Try that.
不行 从小三调开始 试试看
Right. So:
好的 那就是这样
Give it up, I’m a bad hot witch.
放弃吧 我是个性感的坏巫婆
I look real good, but I’m a nasty…
我看起来很好 但实际上我是个下♥贱♥
Come on. You’re missing the point.
拜托 你都没理解我的意思
From the first line. “Give it up, I’m a bad hot witch” is okay.
第一行句”放弃吧 我是个性感的坏巫婆”很好
But then it should be…
But with some magic, I just might switch.
但是如果有了某种魔法 我就会变身
Sorry. What did you say?
抱歉 你刚才说什么
I don’t remember.
I think it was, “But with some magic, I just might switch.”
我想你说的是 但是如果有了某种魔法,我就会变身
That is actually quite intriguing. That’s not my lyric.
那句真是太有趣了 可那不是我写的歌♥词
No, I know, but it’s a lovely phrase.
我知道不是 但那是多好的句子啊
Look, if you can’t handle anything except moon and June…
听着 如果你只能处理风花雪月的话
…why don’t we just let plant girl finish the lyrics?
Plant girl.
Give it up, I’m a bad hot witch.
放弃吧 我是个性感的坏巫婆
But with some magic, I just might switch.
但是如果有了某种魔法 我就会变身
Finish it. I’m just here to cater to the plants.
接着说啊 我只是来照顾植物的
And you are doing a fine job, if I may say so.
你干的很好 请允许我这么说
Although that one is plastic.
This is a waste of time.
Let’s fly my broom to the stars above.
And we’ll charm our way back into love.
What’s the next line, “Feelings, nothing more than feelings”?
下一句呢 “感觉 除了感觉还是感觉”
You people disgust me.
I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten involved. I have no filtering system.
对不起 我不应该掺和进来的 我说话就是不经过大脑
No. That’s fine, that’s fine.
不 没事的 没事
He had to get back to his job at Hallmark anyway.
Listen, have you ever done any writing?
听我说 你以前写过什么东西吗
I mean, everybody’s done some writing, you know? Well, not everybody.
每个人都写过什么的 是吧 唔 可能不是每个人吧
Illiteracy is a growing epidemic in this country.
I write slogans for Weight-Not…
…this weight reduction company that my sister runs.
Did you ever hear of the band PoP?
Yeah, of course, everybody has. My sister Rhonda loved them.
当然听过 谁都知道他们 我姐姐还非常喜欢他们呢
They had that ridiculous hair and those ridiculous outfits and…
他们留着古怪的头发 穿着古怪的衣服 还
Oh, my God, you’re one of them.
哦 天哪 你是他们中的一员
That hair was very much in style then.
I’m very sorry. Yeah, that’s fine.
真抱歉 没关系 没事
But I would love to talk to you about maybe writing some lyrics.
But I don’t write lyrics.
Well, we could just kick some ideas around, repot the ficus.
我们只是就随便找找灵感 改改句子
I don’t think so. I appreciate the offer, though.
我觉得不行 不过还是感谢你的邀请
I have to go babysit for my sister now. I mean, her kids.
我要去当我姐姐的保姆了 我是说 给她的孩子们
She’s 38 now, so… Thank you.
她已经38了 谢谢你了
Okay, listen. Do you know who Cora Corman is?
好了 听着 你知道科拉·考曼是谁吗
Oh, yeah. My niece loves her.
哦 当然 我侄女喜欢她
Okay, well, I’m writing a song for her, so if you change your mind…
我现在就是要为她写曲子 如果你改变主意
…and the idea of working with me is of any interest at all, please just call, okay?
觉得和我合作是个不错的选择的话 就给我电♥话♥ 好吗
Or if you just fancy a good laugh, I am performing at the Hilton tonight.
我今晚在希尔顿酒店有个演出 你来看看能不能找点乐子
Well, thank you. I mean, but I can’t, you know. I’m sorry.
谢谢你了 不过 我不能去 抱歉了
“I just can’t,” she says mysteriously. But I just can’t.
“我真的不能去”她很神秘的说 但是我真的来不了
I’m sorry. Thank you for the offer. Yes.
抱歉了 谢谢你的邀请 没事
Oh, my God.
哦 天哪
Go to the next level, weirdo.
接着下一关 你这个怪人
You have to go to the next level.
It’s your parents. Go get into bed. Get into bed. This is not a drill.
你们爸妈回来了 上♥床♥睡觉去 快上♥床♥睡觉去 这可不是演习
But we haven’t even brushed our teeth. Get in there. Get in there. Get into bed.
但是我们还没有刷牙呢 快进去 快点进去 上♥床♥
Hey. Hi.
嘿 嗨
How was the movie? I enjoyed it.
电影好看吗 我很喜欢
He fell asleep. I enjoy sleeping.
他看的睡着了 我喜欢睡觉
How was dinner? Really nice place.
晚餐吃得好吗 那是个好地方
It’s really hard to enjoy dinner when you run a weight-loss center.
当你开了个减肥中心的时候 想要享受一顿晚餐可不太现实
Lf I get fat, there goes my fiscal year. Honey, you’re not fat.
如果我变胖了 今年的财政就有问题了 亲爱的 你可不胖
You’re not about to open a branch in Boca. But thank you, sweetie.
你是不用想着在博卡开分店 但还是谢谢了 甜心
How’d everything go here? Oh, yeah. Good. Great.
今天没什么事吧 恩 还好 好极了
The kids ate and went to sleep.
Yeah, it… They’re really bad children.
唔 那个 他们不像是乖孩子
Okay, okay. Everybody goes to bed. I’m sending your father in there.
好了 别闹了 都睡觉了 我让爸爸过来了
Whoa, we’re so scared.
哇哦 我们好害怕哦
And then I’m coming in.
I’ll just go check to make sure they’re still breathing.
Hey, wanna do some stress eating? Just a piece of diet cheesecake.
嘿 想吃点东西吗 就吃些健怡奶酪饼
This thing happened to me today… I don’t know. I’m just gonna go home.
今天发生了一些事情 我也不清楚 我还是回家吧
You seem so jumpy tonight.
You know, I feel a little guilty about something.
你知道 就是有些事让我有罪恶感
How unusual for you.
Okay, listen. I have to tell you.
好了 听着 我有必要和说
I met that guy from that band you used to like.
Alex Fletcher from PoP?
Oh, my God.
哦 我的天哪
Anyway, I do Jane’s plant service. I’m taking over for her while she’s gone.
我替简去修整植物 她离开了 我就替她做几天
And anyway, she does his apartment, so I was there.
总之 她是给他修整植物 所以我也就会在那了
Actually, it was the second time.
实际上 我已经是第二次去了
And he invited me to come see him perform tonight.
Gary, I’m going out!
加里 我要出去一下
Oh, my God. I love him. I love him. I love him. I love him.
哦 天那 我爱他 我爱他 我爱死他了 我爱死他了
That really was not the end of the story. Come on. Help me dress.
看来事情远远没有结束 过来吧 帮我打扮一下
Should I wear the red one?
I saw you across the dance floor.
Out of the corner of my eye.
I felt a connection.
I don’t know how, I don’t know why.
我不知道是怎么来的 也不知道为什么
I shouldn’t have stayed when I saw you there.
with another man.
But as we slipped away I thought I heard you say:
但是当我们一起溜走的时候 我似乎听到你说
“This was not part of the plan”.
Just a meaningless kiss.
It was not supposed to end up like this.
Just a meaningless kiss.
Just a meaningless kiss.
We knew it was wrong but we couldn’t resist.
我们都知道我们不该那么做 可是我们无法抗拒
Just a meaningless kiss.
‘Till I fell in love with you.
Girls, tell me the truth. Are these pants too tight?
姑娘们 跟我说实话 这裤子是不是太紧了
Oh, my God, I gotta get up there.
哦 天哪 我一定挤进去
And here we are two years later.
Too late to turn back now.
We’ve gotta finish what we shouldn’t have started.
We gotta walk away somehow.
But it’s easier said than done.
When two hearts beat as one.
And three hearts are one too many.
That’s why we shouldn’t have ever begun.
Just a meaningless kiss.
We knew it was wrong but we couldn’t resist.
我们都知道我们不该那么做 可是我们无法抗拒
Just a meaningless kiss.
‘Till I fell in love with you.
We can’t go on like this forever.
When we’re not meant to be together.
