All right, wait, wait, wait. Is it even a good idea? Pros and cons.
好了 先等等 那是一个好主意吗 说下利弊吧
Pros: She’s a huge star, great publicity, terrific money.
好处是她是超级大腕 很出名 又很有钱
No matter what you do, in 40 years we’ll both be dead.
Okay. Huge star, great publicity, terrific money versus eventual death.
嗯 大腕 出名 有钱 最终都难逃一死
I think we have to think about it.
Okay, good, because Cora is shooting a video tonight.
好的 今晚科拉在录像
She wants to meet both of us right after. Tonight?
她想录完之后约我们两个见面 今晚
Tonight? Yes, tonight.
今晚 是的 就今晚
You all right?
Do you have a Band-Aid and antibiotic cream?
No, no. And sadly, I think I’ve lent out my iron lung.
没 没有 并且很不幸 我的人工呼吸器也借出去了
Well, then I’m gonna go because, you know, this could get infected.
嗯 那我先走了 因为 你知道 这个很可能会感染的
And it’s not clotting yet, but, I mean, I’m a little hypochondriacal.
并且这个也还没有凝结 我总是有点过分担心自己的健康
You just… You can never be too careful.
Anyway, I’ll come back and finish.
不过不管怎样 我会回来把我的事做完的
So come again. I mean, you live here. I’ll come again.
那下次再来 我是说 你是住在这的 我下次再来
I’m gonna go get this looked at.
You should really have a first-aid kit. Thank you. Have a good night. I’ll see you.
你还是应该备个急救箱的 谢谢了 晚上过的愉快 回见
Don’t give her a key. No.
千万别给她钥匙 绝对不会的
So you said something about tonight.
Tonight we meet Cora.
I’ve got to have my Buddha’s delight.
Om shanti, shanti.
哦 入定 入定
I’ve got to have my Buddha’s delight.
Om shanti, shanti.
哦 入定 入定
I want a revelation.
And sweet salvation.
And the eternal fire.
Show me the eternal fire.
Like sitting meditation.
You give me elevation Can you take me higher?
你让我升华 能不能带我进入更高境界
She seems like a very spiritual kid.
Yeah. It’s nice to see a young woman exploring religion.
是啊 真高兴能见到 一个年轻姑娘如此崇尚信仰
I’m not satisfied if I don’t get
如果得不到 我是不会满足的
My Buddha’s delight
And cut.

Hey, I’m Ray, Cora’s manager. Chris Riley.
嘿 我是雷 科拉的经理人 克里斯·莱利
Nice to meet you. Alex Fletcher.
很高兴叫到你 这是亚历克斯·弗莱切尔
Great to meet you. Hi, Ray…?
很高兴见到你 你好 你是雷
Just Ray. Cora’s this way, come on. Follow me.
就叫雷吧 科拉在这边 来吧 跟着来
C, this is Alex Fletcher and his manager, Chris Riley.
科拉 这是亚历克斯·弗莱切尔和他经纪人克里斯·莱利
We loved the video. It was unbelievable. Yeah.
我们很喜欢那段 太不可思议了 是啊
You know, I wish I brought my daughter. She worships you.
你知道 我很想把我女儿带来的 她可崇拜了
I’m divorced. But that’s another story.
我离婚了 不过这是另外一回事了
Mr. Fletcher, it’s a pleasure.
弗莱切尔先生 很高兴见到你
Your song “Dance With Me Tonight” got me
through my parents’ divorce when I was 7.
Really? Wow.
是吗 哇
Yeah, because I recorded that when I was 9, so… Yeah.
I want my fans to know the same spiritual uplift that your music gave me.
That would be lovely. I have a few tunes it would be nice to update.
那真是太好了 我还有些曲调 把它们再改进一下就很好了
Oh, I don’t live in the past, Mr. Fletcher. It was so long ago.
我可不会沉湎于过去 弗莱切尔先生 都已经过去那么久了
I want you to write a new song.
Okay. You see…
好的 你知道
…I recently broke up with my boyfriend.
We had been together for almost two months.
It was a terrible experience.
But then I read a book by Guru Mathashavi called A Way Back Into Love.
不过幸好我遇到了古鲁玛莎夏维写的 《重新找到爱》
And that will be the title of our new song.
And in two weeks when I open my tour at Madison Square Garden…
在两个星期之后 我的巡演将 从麦迪逊广场花♥园♥开始
…we’ll perform it together.
Okay. Here’s the snag…
嗯 这儿有点小麻烦
We also wanna put the song on her new CD…
…which is pretty much finished, so we need it by Friday.
专辑已经差不多完成了 所以你周五就得给我们
This Friday? Yeah, but don’t feel any pressure.
这周五 是的 但是也不用着急
We’ve got seven other retro artists working on “Way Back Into Love”…
我们还有七个老艺人 也在为”重新找到爱”忙着呢
…so if you blow it, we’re covered.
如果你完不成的话 我们也有后备
Mr. Fletcher, don’t look at this as a competition.
弗莱切尔先生 你不要把这个看成是竞争
If it’s meant to be, it will be.
It’s destiny.
Or not.
I can’t possibly write a song by Friday. What could she be thinking of?
我周五前是不可能写出歌♥来的 她到底在想什么呢
All right. Look, look, can I be honest with you?
好了 听着 听好了 我能和你说句实话吗
You’re my manager. I would have to fire you.
你是我的经纪人 我可以把你给炒了
We need this.
Let’s not be desperate. We have the state fairs, Knott’s Berry Farm.
别灰心 我们还有在内次波利农庄演出
They’ve canceled.
Knott’s Berry canceled?
Look. We’re still on for the Indiana State Fair, okay?
听着 尽管我们还有印第安纳州博览会
But Texas and Arkansas dropped us.
The Apple Picking? The Apple Picking Festival is a go…
苹果采摘节呢 苹果采摘节的那个是要去的
…but Great Adventure only wants three nights instead of 10. All right?
但是大冒险乐园只想要你表演 三晚而不是十天 明白了吧
My God. I had no idea. Why didn’t you tell me these things? Why…?
天哪 我不知道办了 你为什么不告诉我呢 为什么
I’m telling… I’m telling you now.
Alex, it’s been 15 years since PoP.
亚历克斯 PoP已经是15年前的事情了
There’s new old acts coming up all the time.
Tears for Fears is going on tour. There’s talk of a Spice Girl reunion.
恐惧之泪乐队已经开始巡演了 辣妹也传闻要再次联合了
That’s not my audience. Ricky Martin.
那不是我的歌♥迷群 瑞奇·马汀
I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m finished. I’m finished.
我死定了 死定了 完了 我完了
No, you’re not dead. I’m gonna wind up doing bar mitzvahs.
不 你还没有完 我想我只能去主持成年礼
No, you’re not. Thirteen-year-old kids have no idea who you are.
没用的 十三岁的孩子对你一无所知
Well, that’s good to know.
唔 那可是个好消息
What about you? You might actually have to take on another client.
那你怎么办 你不得不去找个新的主顾了
Look, don’t worry about me.
听着 我就不用你操心了
What we gotta concentrate on is refreshing your image.
Then we’ll get Knott’s Berry and Great Adventure. Who knows?
We might even get Disneyland. Don’t tease me. I’m very vulnerable.
也许还能去迪斯尼乐园呢 别刺♥激♥我了 我现在脆弱的很
Tell you something, Alex. You do a song for Cora…
这样和你说吧 亚历克斯 如果你给科拉写了一首歌♥
…and there is a spot for you in the Magic Kingdom, baby.
那你就能在奇妙王国有一席之地了 小伙子
Writing a song. I thought I was done with that whole nightmare.
Just one song. That’s all we need. One song.
只是一首歌♥而已 我们就只需要一首歌♥
But it’s so…
…time-consuming, you know?
耗时间 你知道吗
And I haven’t written for 10 years.
And I need a lyricist. And it’s never worked with anyone except Colin.
我还需要一个人来写词 而除了科林我也没和谁合作过
Look, I know it’s not easy to get somebody good this fast…
我知道要在短时间找到一个 合适人选很不容易
…but there is this guy. Supposedly he’s very hip, very edgy.
但确实有这么个人 他很时髦 也很敏锐
He just worked with Avril.
I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m just a bit blocked here.
对不起 对不起 我在这卡住了
If you don’t like the lyrics, be straight with me.
No, no, no, no. The lyrics are very, very powerful.
不 不是 我喜欢 这歌♥词有力
Maybe you want something more commercial? More PoP-y?
你也许想要一些更商业化 更流行乐化的东西
Just hold that thinly veiled insult for one second.
Hello. Hey.
你好 嗨
Khan said I could just come up? They were able to save the whole hand.
可汗说我直接过来就行了 他们把你整个手都救回来了
I know. I made too big a deal out of it.
我知道 我只是大题小作罢了
It’s just that I hate infections. But then again, who likes them?
我就是害怕感染 但话说回来 谁会喜欢感染啊
Maybe the people who make penicillin. There’s two sides to every story.
那些生产盘尼西林的会喜欢的 任何事情都有两面性
True. Except for the Nazis. I can’t really see the other side of that argument.
是啊 但纳粹除外 我可看不出来它哪里有两方面
Excuse me?
I’m sorry. I didn’t even see you there. Hi. I’m Sophie Fisher.
抱歉 我没有看到你 嗨 我是苏菲·费舍尔
Yeah, Sophie, this is Greg Antonsky. He’s a noted lyricist.
对了 苏菲 这位是格雷格·安东斯基 他可是个著名的词人
Really? Well, I don’t wanna get in your way. And I can see that I already have.
真的吗 唔 我不想打搅你们的 不过我知道我已经打扰了
So I’m off to the kitchen. Don’t tell me.
所以我去厨房♥了 不用你交代
