They wrote dinner. I write dessert.
他们写的是正餐 我写的是餐后甜点
No. You’re better than dessert.
不 你的比餐后甜点要好
That’s why I’m gonna tell her what I think at the party.
那也正是我为什么要在聚会上 告诉她我的真实想法
You are not gonna do that. Yes, I am.
你不会那样做的 不 我会的
No, you are not. Yes, I am.
不 你不会的 不 我会的
In that case, you are no longer invited.
如果那样的话 你就不在被邀之列了
What? She invited me.
什么 她邀请了我的
She invited us, as a team.
Now that we disagree, we no longer present a united front…
现在我们意见相左 我们就不能作为同一阵营出席了
…and are thus un-teamed for the purposes of the invitation.
So are you going?
I might. I don’t wanna be rude. I don’t wanna be rude either.
也许会 我可不想失礼 我也不想失礼
You don’t think that telling the hostess…
…that she’s destroyed two musical cultures is rude?
I’m enrolling you in charm school.
I have to say what I think. I can’t work this way.
我必须说出我的想法 你那样子我做不到
You can’t work this way? You’ve been a songwriter for six days.
你做不到 你才做了6天的作词家了
God created the universe in six days.
And he never had a hit. Okay, he did. He had “He’s Got the Whole World in…”
他从未做到过 好吧 他做到了他称”他得到了全世界 ”
I’m going to the party.
You are not going to the party. You, young lady, are grounded.
你不能去参加聚会 小姐你被关禁闭了
You’re grounded. Come back here.
你被关紧闭了 过来
Please. I’m a little bit desperate. Please. I’ll see you there.
拜托 我有点失态了 拜托了 在那儿见吧
You won’t. You won’t because you’re not invited. They won’t let you in.
不会的 你没有被邀请 他们不会让你进去的
Hey, Ray. Alex, my man.
嗨 雷 亚历克斯 我的兄弟
How are you? I’m good, man. How you doing?
你好吗 很好 伙计 你好
So is Sophie here?
You know what? I haven’t seen her. Yeah.
Chris? Who?
克里斯呢 谁
You know, my manager. I’m sorry. Have fun.
我的经纪人 不好意思 玩得开心
Yeah. Hey, Michelle. Good to see you, babe.
好吧 嗨 米歇尔 很高兴见到你 宝贝儿
Hey, how’s it going?
嗨 一切都还好吧
Hey, Ray, what’s up, man?
嗨 雷 你好啊 伙计
How’s it going?

Where’s Sophie? Hang on.
苏菲在哪里 稍等
Hang on. God, she’s here. Please don’t let her through. Don’t let her through.
稍等 上帝 她来了 拜托别让她过来 别让她过来
We cannot let her talk to Cora. She’s gonna ruin everything.
我们不能让她跟科拉谈话 她会毁了这一切的
Who? Sophie. She hates the song.
谁 苏菲 她讨厌那首歌♥
She hates the song you wrote? Yes. She hates it.
她讨厌你写的那首歌♥ 是的
But she wrote the song. Why does she hate it?
但是词是她写的啊 她为什么会讨厌呢
We had a little disagreement.
Hi there, Soph, how are you?
嗨 苏菲 你好吗
Hey, Sophie. Good evening.
嗨 苏菲 晚上好
So you brought something, did you, Sophie?
那么你还带来了些东西 是吗 苏菲
Yes. My mother told me, “Never go to a party empty-handed”…
是的 我妈妈告诉我 “千万别空手去参加聚会”
…so I went to the Zen Eatery and got a selection of cookies. No, thank you.
所以我去真膳堂挑了些甜饼 不用了 谢谢
Nirvana Nougat.
Hey. It’s my favorite writers.
嘿 我最亲爱的作家
Hi, C. How are you?
嘿 科拉 你好吗
We brought you some cookies, from all of us.
我们给你带来些甜饼 略表我们的心意
Thank you. Derek.
谢谢你 德里克
Cora, I really wanted to talk to you…
科拉 我真的想跟你谈谈
About the fact that we’re gonna have to leave early…
真不幸 我们要早点离开
…to finish this song which has become important to us…
以便能早点完成歌♥曲 不管从艺术上还是精神上
…in both an artistic and spiritual sense.
You can’t leave yet. Come see the house.
现在还不能走 来参观下我的房♥子
I wanna show you the roof. It’s upstairs.
我要你们来房♥顶看看 在楼上
Do you know…? Well…
你知道吗 唔
Cora, I definitely see how much you’ve thought about the song and…
科拉 我很清楚 你为这首歌♥花了大量心思
Great roof. In a very interesting place as well, right at the top…
漂亮的屋顶 即使在顶层也是个非常吸引人的地方
Sophie was about to say something. Was she? I don’t think she was. No.
苏菲本打算谈些关于歌♥的事情 是吗 我没觉得她想
She looks like she’s about to say something, then just… clams up.
她看上去是想说些什么 还是保持沉默吧
What I wanted to say
is that I appreciate that you’re bringing thought to the music…
…but I really and honestly feel that we’re pandering.
Which means trying to make others like you, which I think is a really nice thing.
也就是说我们想让别人喜欢上你 我想这是件很棒的事情
I do a lot of it. “Just going out pandering, be back soon.”
我可没少做这事 “尽管去迎合吧 又不是真正的我”
The song is about the struggle, you know, to show your true feelings.
要知道歌♥曲讲的是内心的挣扎 是展示你自己的真实感受
And your very confident sexual display…
…is, you know, a total contradiction of the fear and insecurity.
No, I don’t think so. And my fans really love it when I dance.
不 我不这样认为 我的歌♥迷非常喜欢我的舞姿
You’re a wonderful dancer. That’s a fair point.
是的 你是个卓越的舞者 这才是正确的观点
My last CD only went to number two. But in this case, if you trust us…
我上一张专辑销量排第二 既然这样 如果你相信我们
And Shakira is breathing down my neck. So I wanna dance.
夏奇拉正压得我喘不过气来 所以我想跳舞
You shall dance.
But thank you for your honesty, Sophie. Cherish your passion.
但是谢谢你的坦诚 苏菲 珍惜你的激♥情♥
Well, thank you. Cora, Timberlake’s here. Wants to say hi.
唔 谢谢你 科拉 汀布莱克来了 想跟你打招呼
Nice to see you, C. Talk to you later.
非常高兴见到你 科拉 有机会再聊
And I’m looking forward to the new last verse.
Cora, wait. It’s over.
科拉 等等 已经结束了
It was a very nice try, but you have hit the karmic wall.
非常好的尝试 但你还是碰壁了
With no help from you. You just stood there. Talk about pandering.
你什么忙都帮不上 你只是站在那里 谈什么迎合
I did not pander. I just told her what she wanted to hear.
我没有迎合 我只是说了些她想听到的话
I’m gonna go tell her the truth. You just did.
我要去告诉她真♥相♥ 你已经做过了
Are you gonna use flash cards this time? You’re stubborn.
你这次要用闪存卡吗 你可真固执
And you’re not stubborn enough to stand up for what’s good.
I mean, I just don’t wanna see you do what you did on your solo album.
我是说 我只是不想看到你 像你在你个人专辑里做的那样
Yes, yes, yes.
I bought it. The last copy.
All right, well, I insist on paying you back immediately.
好吧 我会立即把钱退给你的
9.99, right? Do you have a penny?
9.99英镑 是吧 你有一便士吗
You were trying so hard to get a hit that it was not you.
The songs were soulless.
I agree. But ours has soul, so…
我同意 但我们的歌♥是有灵魂 所以
But not if we ruin it. And you know that. Why are you so scared to care?
除非我们毁了它 你为什么如此害怕去维护它呢
Because it won’t matter.
Because behind all her Buddhism-in-a-thong philosophy…
…what she cares about is seats filled and units sold.
Nothing’s gonna make her your pal…
…any more than years with Colin made him mine.
Because in the end, it’s all just business.
What is? All of it. Everything.
你指什么 所有这一切都是
That’s why they call it the music business.
It’s a good thing. I wish everything in life was that clear.
这样挺好 我希望生活中的任何事都能这么直白
I want something from you, you want something from me.
我想你那里得到些东西 你也想从我这里得到些东西
No false promises or expectations.

Congratulations on your feel-good song.
Can I get you a drink?
There’s plenty of time. We have the night, part of the morning…
还有大量的时间 我们有一整夜还有早上一部分
…teeniest little bit of the afternoon.
I can’t read it. What does that…? What does that say?
我读不懂 这写的是什么
“Sorry, I can’t do this.”
“对不起 我做不到”
Sorry, I can’t do this.
对不起 我做不到
Not sure about the scansion. What…? What, are you leaving?
韵律节奏还不太有把握 怎么 怎么 你要走了
Yeah. I’m sorry. Maybe I’ll think of something later.
是啊 对不起 也许我以后再想想吧
There is no later. She needs the song tomorrow.
没有以后了 她明天早上就要这歌♥
If we don’t give it to her, she’s gonna go to someone else.
如果我们没有给她 她就会去找别人写了
I will have lost the job.
I’m sorry.
Okay, look. No, I want to help. I do.
好吧 听着 不 我想帮你忙 真的
I wanna help you finish, but I can’t.
我想帮你完成歌♥曲 但我做不到
I can’t write when I feel like this. I’m not inspired.
但我现在这个感觉写不出来 我没有灵感
I don’t care. I don’t care if you’re inspired. Inspiratiors for amateurs.
我不管 我才不管你有没有灵感 什么业余爱好者的灵感
I just want four lines. Please. I just want four lines.
我只需要四句歌♥词 拜托了 我只需要四句
I can’t. Oh, but you can and you won’t.
我办不到 啊 你能的但是你不愿意
Are you saying I wanted this to happen? I’m saying that’s what you do.
你是说我愿意搞成这样吗 我是说你总是这样
You push and push and move the furniture around…
你不断的推 推 推 到处搬动家具
…and talk all the time…
