muse 英 [mjuːz] 美 [mjuːz]



  • In its recently published annual report the Bank for International Settlements, a club of central banks, mused that quantum pricing and related phenomena help account for such trends.
  • He started building rockets as a teenager, and mused about making space tourism a reality.


[verb] to think carefully about sth for a time, ignoring what is happening around you
[动词] 仔细思考某件事,无视周围正在发生的事情



英语单词muse作名词时表示“缪斯”,往往用大写复数形式;作动词时另有词源,本意是“用鼻子去寻找气味”,但受到作名词的muse的词义影响,词义逐渐变为“凝视、沉思”。单词amuse=to muse,本来与muse含义相同,后来词义逐渐变化为“吸引注意力”,后来又变化为“转移注意力,娱乐”。

由于缪斯女神主管文艺,所以在古代西方,人们往往将杰出的艺术作品放在缪斯女神的神庙中,这就是博物馆(museum)的起源。英语单词museum由muse(缪斯)+(um)场所构成,本意就是“缪斯的神庙”。英语单词music(音乐)的本意是“art of the Muses”(缪斯的艺术)。而英语单词mosaic(镶嵌图案、马赛克)的本意是“work of the Muses”(缪斯的作品),以前往往都是供奉给缪斯女神的。


出自2003年史诗奇幻电影《指环王:国王归来》(The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)。该片是《魔戒电影三部曲》的完结篇,前两部曲分别为《指环王:护戒使者》(2001)与《指环王:双塔奇兵》(2002)。



缪斯( Muses )是希腊神话中主管科学和文艺的女神们的总称,为神王宙斯和记忆女神谟涅摩绪涅所生,其数量不定,有的说共三位,有的说共九位。英语单词 muse 作名词时表示“缪斯”,往往用大写复数形式;作动词时另有词源,本意是“用鼻子去寻找气味”,但受到作名词的 muse 的词义影响,词义逐渐变为“凝视、沉思”。单词 amuse = to muse ,本来与 muse 含义相同,后来词义逐渐变化为“吸引注意力”,后来又变化为“转移注意力,娱乐”。

由于缪斯女神主管文艺,所以在古代西方,人们往往将杰出的艺术作品放在缪斯女神的神庙中,这就是博物馆( museum )的起源。英语单词 museum 由 muse 缪斯+ um 场所构成,本意就是“缪斯的神庙”。英语单词 music (音乐)的本意是“ art of the Muses ”(缪斯的艺术)。而英语单词 mosaic (马赛克)的本意是“ work of the Muses ”(缪斯的作品),以前往往都是供奉给缪斯女神的。

  • muse: [mjuːz] n. 缪斯,沉思,明显 v. 沉思,凝视
  • amuse: [ə’mjuːz] vt. 娱乐,消遣,使发笑,使愉快
  • amusement: [ə’mjuːzm(ə)nt] n. 娱乐,消遣,乐趣
  • museum: [mjuː’zɪəm] n. 博物馆
  • music: [‘mjuːzɪk] n. 音乐,乐曲
  • mosaic: [mə(ʊ)’zeɪɪk] n. 马赛克,镶嵌 adj. 摩西的,镶嵌的


muse, bemuse (MYOOZ, beh MYOOZ) Maybe you already know the noun “muse,” a traditional female figure of artistic inspiration. In Greek mythol-ogy there were nine such women, all daughters of Mnemosyne (see #7 above). The verb “to muse” means to lose yourself in your thoughts, perhaps awaiting inspiration. If you are “bemused,” you have passively gotten to a state of unfocused thinking, again possibly to allow yourself to receive inspiration. (In short, you muse, but you are bemused.)

  • Nyelle musedover the curriculum offerings for her senior year. Should she continue with Spanish or drop it and take psychology?
  • When the music teacher put on a disk by Elgar, Sean tried to focus but soon became bemusedand started wondering if chicken nuggets would be on the menu for lunch.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

muse, bemuse (MYOOZ, beh MYOOZ) 也许你已经知道“缪斯”这个名词了,这是一个具有艺术灵感的传统女性形象。在希腊神话中,有九个这样的女人,都是Mnemosyne的女儿(见上文第7条)。动词“沉思”意味着迷失在你的思想中,也许等待灵感。如果你感到“困惑”,你就被动地进入了一种思维不集中的状态,这也可能是为了让自己获得灵感。(简而言之,你沉思着,但你困惑不解。)



muse” 是一个英语单词,既可以指灵感的来源,也可以指某人的灵感之源,通常用于艺术创作的上下文。


  1. Creative muse: 创意灵感
  2. Artistic muse: 艺术灵感
  3. Inspirational muse: 鼓舞人心的灵感
  4. Poetic muse: 诗意灵感
  5. Literary muse: 文学灵感
  6. muse of imagination: 想象力的灵感
  7. Endless muse: 无穷的灵感
  8. muse for writers: 作家的灵感
  9. Visual muse: 视觉灵感
  10. muse for musicians: 音乐家的灵感
  11. Ephemeral muse: 短暂的灵感
  12. Nature’s muse: 大自然的灵感
  13. muse for painters: 画家的灵感
  14. muse-driven creativity: 基于灵感的创造力
  15. Ancient muse: 古老的灵感
  16. Ever-present muse: 永恒的灵感
  17. muse for sculptors: 雕塑家的灵感
  18. Personal muse: 个人的灵感
  19. Eternal muse: 永恒的灵感
  20. muse for photographers: 摄影师的灵感
  21. Unpredictable muse: 难以预测的灵感
  22. Universal muse: 普遍的灵感
  23. Inner muse: 内心的灵感
  24. muse for designers: 设计师的灵感
  25. muse-driven innovation: 基于灵感的创新
  26. Historical muse: 历史的灵感
  27. muse for dancers: 舞者的灵感
  28. Constant muse: 持续的灵感
  29. muse of dreams: 梦境的灵感
  30. muse for filmmakers: 电影制作人的灵感
  31. Intuitive muse: 直觉的灵感
  32. muse for fashion designers: 时尚设计师的灵感
  33. Spiritual muse: 灵性的灵感
  34. muse for architects: 建筑师的灵感
  35. Collaborative muse: 合作的灵感
  36. muse for choreographers: 编舞者的灵感
  37. muse-driven exploration: 基于灵感的探索
  38. Romantic muse: 浪漫的灵感
  39. muse for chefs: 厨师的灵感
  40. muse-fueled passion: 基于灵感的激情
  41. muse for actors: 演员的灵感
  42. muse of the subconscious: 潜意识的灵感
  43. muse for poets: 诗人的灵感
  44. Intellectual muse: 知识的灵感
  45. muse for choreographers: 编舞者的灵感
  46. Artistic muse: 艺术创作的灵感
  47. muse of emotions: 情感的灵感
  48. muse for comedians: 喜剧演员的灵感
  49. muse-infused performance: 充满灵感的表演
  50. muse for writers: 作家的灵感


  • ponder: think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion
  • deliberate: engage in long and careful consideration
  • contemplate: look thoughtfully for a long time at
