…to acknowledge and confess our manifold sins and wickedness.
在万能的主 我们的天父亲面前
And that we not dissemble nor cloak them
before almighty God, our heavenly father.
而是要忏悔它们 用一种谦卑 低微的…
But confess them with a humble, lowly….
Will everyone please be seated.
It has just been announced over the air by the prime minister…
…that our country is at war.
在这种情况下 …
In the circumstances…
…I don’t think you’ll wish me to continue…
…as you will probably, most of you,
have some other duty to perform.
I will say simply this:
That the prayer for peace still lives in our hearts…
…coupled now with the prayer for our beloved country.
We in this village…
…have not failed in the past.
我们的祖先们 一千年来一直
Our forefathers, for 1000 years,
have fought for the freedom that we now enjoy.
And that we must now defend again.
With God’s help…
…and their example…
…we cannot…
…and shall not fail.
我们要被轰炸了吗 爸爸?
Are we going to be bombed, Daddy?
托比 别乱喊 亲爱的
Toby, don’t shout, darling.
我们要被轰炸了吗?- 别说啦
Are we going to be bombed? – Come on.
卡萝尔 – 我马上就来 奶奶
Carol. – I’ll be right along, Granny.
卡萝尔 – 你好
Beg your pardon. Carol! – Hello.
你提前回来了 – 是的
You came back early.- Yes.
噢 我真高兴 你的事情处理得怎么样了?
Oh, I’m so glad. How are you fixed, in case of anything?
很顺利 我得走了 文 再见
Quite all right, I think. I must go, Vin. Goodbye.
夫人 很高兴你回来 葛莱蒂斯她…
Ma’am, I’m so glad you’ve come. Gladys is carrying on Pardon me.
她很难受 整个早上了 我都不能劝好她
Carrying on something awful. I’ve had her on me hands all morning.
出什么事了?- 是因为豪瑞斯
What’s the matter? – It’s on account of Horace.
他打电♥话♥过来 说他今晚要去参军
Called up and asked to join his regiment tonight.
就这事 夫人 葛莱蒂斯哭坏了
Yes, ma’am, and Gladys in floods of tears.
还有那个炉子 …
And that stove…
…the man only come Friday to look at it,
但他会做什么 我就不知道了
and what he done, I don’t know.
但她现在不适合做事 真的 夫人
But she’s not fit to work. She’s not, really.
哦 别担心 艾达
Well, never mind, Ada.
I daresay we’ll manage somehow.
托比 把它抱走
Toby, take him away.
I suppose they broadcast the news.
是的 夫人 太可怕了
Yes, ma’am, what a dreadful thing.
And that laundry.
Lost another of me best aprons.
但我们总能找回来 – 没错 艾达
But we’ve always got the navy. – That’s right, Ada.
噢 好了 高兴点 葛莱蒂斯
Oh, come on, now. Cheer up, Gladys.
Horace won’t be anywhere near the front line.
噢 不 他会的 他是那种冲在第一线的人
Oh, yes, he will. He’s one to push himself forward.
他对我说 “你让我去抓希♥特♥勒♥”
He says, “You let me get me hands on Hitler.
“我会给他个画个十字 ”
I’ll give him sweatsticker.”
Give him what?
十字 先生 是他们旗帜上的标志
Sweatsticker. You know, sir, the sign they have on their flags.
他很有勇气 葛莱蒂斯
Well, that’s the proper spirit, Gladys.
他是太有勇气了 他坚持一定要去
He’s got too much spirit. He gives way to it.
请原谅 请告诉一下葛莱蒂斯
I beg pardon, but would you tell Gladys
Horace has got to catch his train…
…and could he come in a minute and say goodbye?
噢 当然能 – 请进 豪瑞斯
Oh, of course he can. – Come in, Horace.
谢谢你 先生 早上好
Thank you, sir. Morning, everybody.
早上好 豪瑞斯
Good morning, Horace.
来杯葡萄酒吗?- 希望你不介意
Will you have a sherry? – Don’t mind if I do.
祝你好运 豪瑞斯 – 是的 好运
And jolly good luck to you, Horace. – Yes, indeed.
祝你好运 豪瑞斯 – 谢谢 托比少爷
Jolly good luck, Horace. – Thanks, Master Toby.
祝大家身体健康 夫人 这是我最诚挚的敬意
To your very good heaIth. My best respects, ma’am.
孩子们会很想你的 还有葛莱蒂斯
The children are going to miss you terribly. And poor Gladys.
噢 她会没事的 对吧 葛莱蒂斯?
Oh, she’ll be all right, won’t you, Glad?
好啦 好啦 别这样
Here, here. That’s not the way to behave.
如果你死了 你让我怎么办?
How do you expect me to behave when you go off and get killed?
高兴点 我还没有死哪
Well, cheer up. I ain’t killed yet.
来 把它喝了
Here, have a drop of this.
你不介意吧 先生?- 噢 当然不
You don’t mind, sir? – Oh, certainly not.
哦 这样挺好
There. That’s better.
Have one for yourself now.
你想让葛莱蒂斯去车站送你 对吧?
You’ll want Gladys to see you to the station, won’t you?
噢 谢谢你 夫人
Oh, thank you,madam.
Go get your hat.
这酒很好喝 我想再来最后一杯好吧
Very nice drop of stuff, this. Last I shall get for a bit, I expect.
Make a lot of difference to a lot of people, this war will.
是的 很大的变化
Yes, a lot of difference.
We may all meet on the front line yet.
我不会的 豪瑞斯 我参加皇家空军
Not me, Horace. The RAF for me.
噢 哥哥
Oh, boy!
我一直都渴望着飞行 – 那也很好
I’ve always been keen on flying. – That’s all right too.
好吧 我要去赶火车了 再见 夫人
Well, I got to get to me train. I’ll say goodbye, ma’am.
好的 豪瑞斯 再见 祝好运
Yes, of course, Horace. Goodbye, and the best of luck.
再会 豪瑞斯
Goodbye, Horace.
Let us know how it’s going.
我会的 但你要原谅我的拼写错误
I will. You’ll excuse the spelling.
I’m better with a bayonet than with a pencil.
You can write it in blood.
Nice child you have.
好好干 – 谢谢你
Keep your chin up. – Thank you.
好啊 她为以你为骄傲 豪瑞斯
Hello! Well, she’s done you proud, Horace.
才不哪 她不会的 盛装打扮
Not half, she ain’t. Full dress inspection kit.
你真漂亮 葛莱蒂斯 – 谢谢 夫人
And very nice too, Gladys. – Thank you, ma’am.
Say goodbye to Napoleon.
再见了 大家 哦 再见 小猫咪
Goodbye, all. And cat.
很感谢你们 – 再见 豪瑞斯
And many thanks, I’m sure. – Goodbye, Horace.
再见 豪瑞斯
Bye, Horace.
Mind if I get on with the blackout?
去吧 亲爱的
All right, dear.
Thought I’d run up to the Beldon place later on.
Two women alone,
你知道 过去帮着检查一下似乎是个不错的主意
you know, might be a good idea to look things over.
是的 我想你应该去 亲爱的
Yes, I think you should, dear.
应该邻里和睦 对吧 – 是的 应该这样
One ought to be neighborly. – Oh, yes, indeed one should.
我能和他一起去吗 妈妈?- 你看他让不让你去
May I go with him, Mother? – lf he’ll have you.
即使是加入空军 对他来说是不是也太早了?
Isn’t he very young, even for the air force?
是的 他还年轻
Yes, he’s young.
我能见卡萝尔小姐吗?- 你有预约吗 先生?
May I see Miss Carol? – ls she expecting you, sir?
没有 但我想她会愿意见我的
No, but I think she would see me.
文 – 你好 卡萝尔
Vin! – Hello, Carol.
没事了 钱德 很高兴你能来
It’s all right, Chandler. It’s nice of you to come.
哦 我想来看看一切是否还好
Well, I wanted to find out if everything’s all right.
进来吧 一切都好
Do come in. Everything’s fine.
After a terrific row with Mr. Foley…
…my grandmother’s agreed to obey the blackout regulations.
我很担心你 – 你真好 文
I was worried about you. – That’s sweet of you, Vin.
It was sweet to write me letters while I was in Scotland.
你收到了 – 是的 当然了
So you did get them. – Yes, of course.
因为你没有回信 我还以为你没有收到我的信呢
I wondered if you did when you didn’t answer.
文 我不知道该如何回信
Vin, I didn’t know how to answer.
You’re such a crazy boy…
…and I didn’t think the craze would last.
狂热?- 太突然了 不是吗?