Good. Get dressed. What? You want me to starve?
好 穿上工作服啊 什么? 饿着肚子不开工
I’ve got to be in tip-top shape.
I’m going to appear on national television in front of…
What, six or eight people? Mike, come on.
咱这节目有六七个观众呢 麦克 快点吧
What few people know is that the frittata
大伙其实不知道 肉馅蛋饼…
was meant to be eaten at room temperature.
It was invented in Italy… Come on.
是意大利发明的… 快点
for the afternoon repast. – Look, guess what?
用来下午加餐吃的 好吧
I don’t really care about your epicurean breakfast, OK?
我不在乎你奢华风格的早餐 明白?
I just need you to walk faster, because we are going to be late.
我就希望你快点走 咱们要晚点了
Hey. Hello, there.
Where the hell have you been? It’s a long story.
你俩刚才跑哪去了? 别提了
She spent the night at my place.
Come on, everyone. I slept on the couch.
大伙别误会 我睡的沙发
Until I woke her up with my… African rain stick.
All right. OK. It’s Mike’s first show, so it’s a really big day for us.
别闹了 这是麦克第一次早播 对咱们都很重要
Fire me today. Yeah, so let’s go…
今天炒我 咱们再过一下…
through the lineup from the top.
One more time.
We start with eight, full track. We’ll be cutting to nine with announce.
8号♥画面播放录像 切到9号♥的播报现场
Nine will reveal the jib. Jib, start a little wider.
9号♥是摇臂摄影机镜头 从远处开始移♥动♥
OK. What are they promo-ing on the Today show today?
What aren’t they promoing? What?
有他们抢不到的吗? 什么?
Crap. No. Vieira scored that interview
不是吧 维埃拉真把采访搞定了
with the drunk-driving Playboy Playmate? What’s on G.M. A?
采访了醉驾的花♥花♥公♥子♥模特? 《早安美国》主播呢?
Well, she’s doin’ Clooney. Yeah. Bitch.
她采访了影星克鲁尼 这贱♥人♥
Try not to bore the nation into a coma with your dull news crap, OK?
你别念经似的把观众都弄睡着了 行吗?
Yes, certainly.
Oh, and… suck it.
Well, they look great together, so that’s promising.
他俩配合着还挺顺眼的 好开头
Oh, heavenly ghost of Edward R. Murrow.
前辈爱德华大仙保佑 已经过世的主播
OK, the Jewish guy is crossing himself, so we’re confident.
犹太副主编都祈祷上了 大伙都很有信心啊
Thirty seconds to air. Everybody ready?
30秒直播倒数 大家准备好了?
They know about the cake?
Everybody does? Stage manager’s got that covered? Good.
相关人员都了解? 准备好了? 好
Cake is good to go. DDay. I want the double matte through
蛋糕伺候 好戏登场 双面字幕特效切换
both names, both names. Great. OK, stand by…
两个名字都在上面 很好 准备…
Stand by, ticker. Stand by, Deko, that’s great.
滚动新闻准备 特效准备 很好
You ready for this? I’m ready. Are you ready?
准备好了? 是啊 你呢?
Stand by, announce. Ready to roll nine.
播报准备 9号♥画面准备
Here we go and roll nine. Take nine.
9号♥开拍 切换画面
We’re good so far. Stand by to go on four.
没出岔子 稍后切到4号♥画面
And… here we go. on Daybreak.
开始 《早间新闻》
And go on four. Seven.
继续4号♥画面 倒数7秒
Reveals four. There they are.
继续4号♥ 就这样
and Mike Pomeroy. – Go dissolve to Mike and cue them.
麦克为您播音 -镜头切给麦克 提示信息准备
Good morning, everyone.
早上好 观众们
Before we begin, today is a historic moment here on Daybreak.
播报之前 我要告诉大家 今天是我们节目历史性的时刻
Today’s the day that Mike Pomeroy joins our little show.
传奇的麦克·波默罗伊 屈尊来到了我们的早间节目
We are so lucky to have a journalist of your caliber here with us, Mike.
我们很幸运的请到了 你这样有才华的主播
We’re just… what can we say except, welcome, welcome.
我们非常 怎么说呢… 欢迎你
He said yes. That’s it?
他说很好 这就完了?
Yes? He said yes. Yes. You got to be kidding me.
很好? 他说很好 很好 逗我玩呢?
That’s great. That’s all it is.
好么 就这么多
Bring on the cake. We have a little surprise for you.
把蛋糕拿上来 我们有个惊喜给你
Push in the cake. Happy First Day to you
推蛋糕上来 祝第一天快乐
Happy First Day to you Ready three on Jane.
祝第一天快乐 准备3号♥画面给珍妮镜头
Happy First… Thank you.
祝第一… 谢谢
Now on to today’s top stories. Go, take it.
现在继续今天新闻 好 直接播报
In Texas today, severe weather continues to plague the Gulf Coast.
今天在德克萨斯州 恶劣的天气继续影响海湾的灾情
He’s not buyin’ it. Wow.
他就这么不领情 真绝了
OK, all right, very good. So far, he’s a cozy blanket.
那也成 至少没翻脸么
I need 22. Great.
给我22号♥新闻 好的
sexual offender is a Caucasian male in his late thirties,
approximately six feet tall. He apparently works alone,
身高大约1.8米 单独作案
gaining access to homes through unlocked windows and doors.
Stand by to change. Local police in Milwaukee
准备好切换 密尔沃基市的警方呼吁…
are asking anyone who recognizes this sketch to contact them immediately.
看到和画像类似的人 请立即报♥警♥
Change your graphic. And change it. In other news,
更换画面 换掉 另外的新闻…
former President Jimmy Carter continued his campaign
for human rights in Beijing this week. Hey!
在北♥京♥呼吁尊重人♥权♥ 嘿!
What? Guys, the…
怎么? 大伙
The graphic. Are you?
字幕 怎么?
Change the graphic! See, the thing on the…
快换字幕! 怎么总统下面还是…
on the graphic. – Lose the graphic!
标着强♥奸♥犯 快换掉!
Guys! Lose it!
大伙! 快换掉
Get the… the font on the graphic, like the type on the…
Please. China has been accused
拜托 保守派继续谴责…
by detractors of backsliding… You just…
中国的现状 你刚才…
Yep, yep. Yep, yep, yep.
是啊 是啊…
Stand by to change. Deko in.
准备切换 特效字幕进入
We’re going to weather.
For first look at weather, here’s Ernie Appleby.
Thanks, Colleen.
多谢 柯琳
I’d like to take a moment to welcome Mike Pomeroy to his first broadcast.
As one hurricane said to another, I have my eye on you.
And lookin’ across the country today, you’ll see we still have
that high-pressure system comin’ out of the Midwest.
We’ll dissolve to tape. Tape, stand by.
I want a center shot. Just keep… Just center on one. Center on one.
正面特写 人在正中间
That’s perfect. Here we… OK, great. Ready one. Ready two.
很好 准备 1号♥2号♥画面
And go two.
Dissolve to Mike, and cue them.
给麦克镜头 放提示信息
And ticker in.
Tomorrow on Daybreak, we’ll show you eight things you didn’t know
明天的《早间新闻》 我们要教给你做土豆的…
you could do with potatoes. Should be fun.
八种秘方 会很有趣哦
Also, we’ll talk to some relief workers who say the international community
同时 救援人员将谈到 国际组织
has abrogated its duty to protect… What the hell is abrogated?
对保护海湾有渎职行为 “渎职”什么?
That wasn’t on the teleprompter.
Ready to widen on two. And that’s our show for this morning.
准备切到远景2号♥画面 我们的早间播报就到这里
Welcome to the Daybreak family, Mike.
麦克 欢迎来到《早间新闻》的大家庭
And thank you… Thank you, everyone. Goodbye.
也谢谢… 谢谢各位 再见
Goodbye. How many is that?
再见 说多少遍了?
Goodbye. Three each.
再见 每人3遍
Bye. And we’re out!
再见 直播结束!
Fade to black. Here we go. Byebye.
逐渐切到黑屏 很好 再见喽
You know what you are?
Excuse me for saying this, but you’re an asshole, OK?
恕我不敬 你就是个混♥蛋♥ 明白?
Becky! What’s her last name? You said you would banter!
贝琪 她姓什么? 你不是同意轻松播报吗
No, no, no, no. You said I would banter.
没有没有 是你要我轻松播报
I said I would anchor a news show.
That’s what my contract calls for. And that’s what I’m going to do.
合同这么写的 额外的我不管
But, Mike, you can’t just go out there and give monosyllabic answers
and talk about natural disasters! Are you sure?
只选天灾之类的新闻播 是吗?
‘Cause I think that’s what I just did. Anyway, what are you doing here?
我刚才就这么做了 怎么着? 另外 你不该回去吗
You have to get back to your office…
and wait for your phone call from Jimmy Carter.
What? Jimmy Carter, “sexual offender.”
怎么? 总统卡特 “强♥奸♥犯”
Now, go away, I’m busy.
走吧 别烦我
But Mike, can you just promise… Go away.
麦克 你就不能保证… 快走开!
Go away. I just go away!
我走 走得远远的
Hey. It wasn’t that bad.
I don’t wanna talk about it.
别提了 头疼
There’s a plan.
