Whoa, there!
Who goes there?
我是从卡米洛特城♥堡♥来的 尤瑟王的儿子亚瑟
It is I, Arthur, Son of Uther Pendragon, from the castle of Camelot.
我是不列颠人的国王! 我击败了萨克逊人!
King of the Britons, defeater of the Saxons.
Sovereign of all England!
Pull the other one.
I am, and this is my trusty servant, Patsy.
We have ridden the length of the land in search of knights
我卡米洛特宫的骑士 我要和你的主人谈谈
who will join me in my court at Camelot. I must speak with your lord and master.
-什么 你是在骑着马? -是的
-What? Ridden on a horse? -Yes.
-你用椰子 -什么?
-You’re using coconuts! -What?
You’ve got two empty halves of coconut, and you’re banging them together.
怎么了? 我们从冰雪覆盖的时候就开始这么骑了
So? We have ridden since the snows of winter covered this land.
-我们穿过了麦西亚王国 -你的从哪儿弄来椰子的?
-Through the Kingdom of Mercia. -Where did you get the coconuts?
We found them.
在麦西亚? 椰子是在热带生长的
Found them? In Mercia? The coconut is tropical.
-你是什么意思? -这里是温带
-What do you mean? -Well, this is a temperate zone.
燕子向南顺时针方向飞行 不论是家燕还是鸻
The swallow may fly south with the sun, or the house martin or the plover
都在冬天寻找温暖的栖息地 它们是这里的常客
may seek warmer climes in winter, yet these are not strangers to our land.
-你是说椰子自己能迁徙? -不是的 它们可以被带走
-Are you suggesting coconuts migrate? -Not at all. They could be carried.
什么? 一只燕子可以带走一只椰子?
What? A swallow carrying a coconut?
It could grip it by the husk.
这不是它抓住哪儿的问题 这是个简单的重量比例问题
It’s not a question of where he grips it. It’s a simple question of weight ratio.
A five-ounce bird could not carry a one-pound coconut.
那不重要 告诉你的主人
It doesn’t matter. Go tell your master that
Arthur from Camelot is here.
听着 为了维持在空气中的速度
In order to maintain air-speed velocity,
一只燕子每秒钟需要拍动翅膀四十三次 不是吗?
a swallow needs to beat its wings 43 times every second, right?
-拜托! -我说得对吗?
-Please! -Am I right?
-我不感兴趣 -可能是非洲燕子带来的
-I’m not interested. -It could be carried by an African swallow.
或许是非洲燕子 但不会是欧洲燕子 我是那么认为的
Oh, yes! An African swallow, maybe. Not a European swallow. That’s my point.
哦 是的 我同意
I agree with that.
你问问你的主人 他是否愿意加入到我的卡米洛特宫?
Will you ask your master if he wants to join my court at Camelot?
But then, of course, African swallows are non-migratory.
-哦 是的 -所以它们不能把椰子带过来
-Oh, yes. -They couldn’t bring a coconut, anyway.
等一下 可能是两只燕子一起带来的!
Wait a minute! Supposing two swallows carried it together?
不行 它们要排成一条直线飞行
No, they’d have to have it on a line.
这很简单 只要用一条蔓草就可以了
Simple. They’d use a strand of creeper.
-吊在背部的导向羽毛下? -为什么不可以呢?
-Held under the dorsal guiding feathers? -Why not?
Bring out your dead!
-把死人抬出来! -这儿有一个
-Bring out your dead. -Here’s one.
-我没有死! -什么?
-I’m not dead! -What?
-没什么 这是你的九便士 -我没有死!
-Nothing. Here’s your ninepence. -I’m not dead!
-听到了吗 他说他没死 -他死了
-He says he’s not dead. -Yes, he is.
-我没有死 -他没有死?
-I’m not! -He isn’t?
-他很快就会死 他得了重病 -我感觉好些了!
-He will be soon. He’s very ill. -I’m getting better!
不 你没有 你一会儿就要死了
You’ll be stone dead in a moment.
我不能就这么把他带走 这不符合规定
I can’t take him like that. It’s against regulations.
-我不想坐到手推车上! -别耍孩子脾气了
-I don’t want to go on the cart. -Don’t be such a baby.
-我不能带他走 -我感觉很好
-I can’t take him. -I feel fine.
-帮我个忙 -我不能那么做
-Well, do us a favor. -I can’t.
你能再待一会儿吗? 他活不长了
Can you hang around a few minutes? He won’t be long.
我要去罗宾逊那儿 他们今天死了九个人
Got to go to the Robinsons’. They’ve lost nine today.
-你下次什么时候来? -星期四
-When’s your next round? -Thursday.
-我要下来散个步 -你别糊弄别人了
-I think I’ll go for a walk. -You’re not fooling anyone, you know.
-看 你不能帮个忙吗? -我感觉很好
-Isn’t there something you can do? -I feel happy.
-非常感谢 -不用谢 星期四见
-Thanks very much. -Not at all. See you on Thursday.
-那是谁? -我不知道 一定是个国王
-Who’s that, then? -I don’t know. Must be a king.
-为什么? -他身上没有大粪
-Why? -He hasn’t got shit all over him.
-老太婆! -我是男的!
-Old woman! -Man!
男人 对不起 这是哪位骑士的城♥堡♥?
Man. Sorry. What knight lives in that castle over there?
-我三十七岁 -怎么了?
-I’m 37. -What?
-我三十七岁 我不老 -我不能就叫你”男人”
-I’m 37. I’m not old. -I can’t just call you “man.”
-你可以叫我丹尼斯 -我不知道你叫丹尼斯
-You could say “Dennis.” -I didn’t know you were called Dennis.
You didn’t bother to find out.
我已经对喊你老太婆道过歉了 但是从后面看你…
I did say sorry about the “old woman,” but from behind…
What I object to is that you treat me like an inferior.
-我是国王 -哦 国王 嗯 很好
-Well, I am king. -King? Very nice.
你是怎么当上国王的? 通过剥削劳动人♥民♥吧
How did you get that? By exploiting the workers!
By hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates
来维系我们这个社会中 经济和社会的差别
the economic and social differences in our society!
If there’s ever going to be any progress…
丹尼斯! 这里有个好玩的脏东西
There’s some lovely filth down here.
How do you do?
夫人 你好? 我是不列颠人的国王亚瑟
How do you do, good lady? I am Arthur, King of the Britons.
-那是谁的城♥堡♥? -哪儿的国王?
-Whose castle is that? -King of the who?
-不列颠人的国王 -不列颠人是什么?
-The Britons. -Who are the Britons?
我们都是… 我们都是不列颠人 我是你们的国王
We all are. We’re all Britons. And I am your king.
我不知道我们有个国王 我以为我们是自治的团体
Didn’t know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous collective.
你别和自己开玩笑了 我们生活在独♥裁♥统治下
You’re fooling yourself. We’re living in a dictatorship.
一个自给自足的独♥裁♥政♥府♥ 是劳动阶级…
A self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working class…
There you go. Bringing class into it again.
这就是它的所有内容 如果人♥民♥…
That’s what it’s all about. If only people…
请别说了 我有急事
Please, good people. I am in haste.
Who lives in that castle?
-没人住在那里 -你们的领主是谁?
-No one lives there. -Who is your lord?
-我们没有领主 -什么?
-We don’t have a lord. -What?
我告诉你了 我们是工会团体
I told you. We’re an anarcho-syndicalist commune.
We take turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week.
-是的 -但是行政官的决定都要
-Yes. -But all the decisions of that officer
-在两周一次的特别会议上 -哦 我知道
-are ratified at a biweekly meeting. -Yes, I see.
-超过一定比例的选票才能被通过 -别说了!
-By a majority in the case of internal affairs. -Be quiet!
-超过三分之二… -闭嘴! 我命令你别说了!
-By a two-thirds majority in the case of… -Be quiet! I order you to be quiet.
命令? 他以为他是谁?
“Order.” Who does he think he is?
-我是你们的国王 -我没有选你当国王
-I am your king! -I didn’t vote for you.
-你们不用选举国王 -那你是怎么当上国王的?
-You don’t vote for kings. -How did you become king then?
湖中女神 肩披着圣洁耀眼的锦缎
The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite,
held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water,
象征着被上帝保佑我 亚瑟 就是手持圣剑的人
signifying, by divine providence, that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur.
That is why I’m your king!
给我听着 古怪的女人躺在池塘里 分发宝剑
Listen. Strange women lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis
这不是政♥府♥依赖的基础 最高权力的执行者
for a system of government. Supreme executive power
是被人♥民♥群众选出来的 而不是通过滑稽的水中仪式
derives from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
Be quiet!
你不能因为 一个身上湿淋淋的婊♥子♥扔给你一把剑
You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power
’cause some watery tart threw a sword at you.
-闭嘴! -我的意思是 如果我说我是皇帝
-Shut up! -If I went around saying I was an emperor
because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me,
they’d put me away!
闭嘴 听到了吗? 闭嘴!
Will you shut up?
See the violence inherent in the system.
闭嘴! -哦… 快来看这种体制下固有的暴♥政♥
-Shut up! -See the violence inherent in the system!
-救命 救命 我被压♥迫♥了! -该死的土包子!
-Help, I’m being repressed! -Bloody peasant!
哦 这是他内心的表白 你们听到了 是吗?
What a giveaway. Did you hear that?
那就是我说的 你们看到他压♥迫♥我了吗?
That’s what I’m on about.
你们看到了 是吗?
Did you see him repressing me?
勇敢的骑士 你在独自和那么多人抗衡
You fight with the strength of many men, Sir Knight.
I am Arthur, King of the Britons.
我在寻找这个国家里 最杰出勇敢的骑士
I seek the finest and bravest knights in the land to
join me in Camelot.
你已经证明了你的价值 你愿意加入吗?
You have proved yourself worthy. Will you join me?
你让我失望了 就这样吧 帕特斯 走吧
You make me sad. So be it. Come, Patsy.
None shall pass.
-什么? -谁也不能通过
-What? -None shall pass.
我不跟你吵 尊贵的骑士 但是我要过这座桥
I have no quarrel with you, good Sir Knight, but I must cross this bridge.
