
vt. 平息,缓和;使…平静;使…变软



mollify 使平静,抚慰


  1. mollify anger: 缓和愤怒
  2. mollify resentment: 缓解怨恨
  3. mollify a temper: 平息脾气
  4. mollify hurt feelings: 安抚受伤的情感
  5. mollify anxiety: 缓解焦虑
  6. mollify frustration: 缓解挫折感
  7. mollify worries: 缓解忧虑
  8. mollify tension: 缓和紧张局势
  9. mollify a conflict: 缓和冲突
  10. mollify a dispute: 平息争议
  11. mollify criticism: 缓解批评
  12. mollify objections: 缓解异议
  13. mollify opposition: 缓和反对意见
  14. mollify a crowd: 安抚人群
  15. mollify a protest: 平息抗议
  16. mollify a rebellion: 缓解叛乱
  17. mollify discontent: 缓和不满
  18. mollify demands: 缓解要求
  19. mollify grievances: 平息不满
  20. mollify fears: 缓解恐惧
  21. mollify suspicions: 缓和怀疑
  22. mollify doubt: 缓解疑虑
  23. mollify skepticism: 缓解怀疑态度
  24. mollify disappointment: 缓解失望
  25. mollify resentment: 缓和愤恨
  26. mollify a grudge: 平息怨恨
  27. mollify a tantrum: 缓和发脾气
  28. mollify a crying child: 安抚哭闹的孩子
  29. mollify hurt pride: 安抚受伤的自尊
  30. mollify a broken heart: 缓解痛苦的心灵
  31. mollify a wounded ego: 平息受伤的自尊心
  32. mollify emotional pain: 缓解情感痛苦
  33. mollify a guilty conscience: 缓解内疚的良心
  34. mollify a troubled mind: 缓和困扰的心灵
  35. mollify a disappointed friend: 安抚失望的朋友
  36. mollify hurt pride: 缓解受伤的自尊心
  37. mollify a worried parent: 缓解担忧的父母
  38. mollify a frustrated employee: 缓解沮丧的员工
  39. mollify a jealous partner: 平息嫉妒的伴侣
  40. mollify an angry customer: 安抚愤怒的客户
  41. mollify a demanding boss: 缓和苛刻的老板
  42. mollify a disappointed supporter: 缓解失望的支持者
  43. mollify a hostile audience: 平息敌对的观众
  44. mollify hurt feelings: 安抚受伤的情感
  45. mollify a grieving family: 缓解悲伤的家庭
  46. mollify a worried spouse: 缓解担心的配偶
  47. mollify a frustrated student: 缓解沮丧的学生
  48. mollify a scared pet: 安抚受惊的宠物
  49. mollify a disappointed team: 缓解失望的团队
  50. mollify a concerned neighbor: 缓和担忧的邻居


mollify (MOLL ih fye) From the Latin word for “soften” this verb, like “con-ciliate,” means “to calm in temper” or “to soothe hostile feelings.” The noun “mollification” is too much of a mouthful; nobody uses it.

•When Daisy dropped her ice cream cone, she began to wail. Nothing would mollify the four-year-old, not even a new scoop of double chocolate chip.

•When Rover ate Ian’s new loafer, Ian became enraged and could not be mollified; we had to take the dog to a neighbor’s house to keep him safe from Ian’s fury.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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molify(MOLL ih fye)来自拉丁语单词“软化”,这个动词与“con cilicate”一样,意思是“平息情绪”或“安抚敌对情绪”;没有人使用它。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
