
modicum (MOD ih kum) From the Latin for “moderate” or “measure,” this noun means “a small or modest amount.” Of course that amount changes, depending upon what you are meting out.

  • “I expect you to comport yourself with a modicum of manners,” Mrs. Preston told the children. “That includes always saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ when it is appropriate.”
  • Because Lucy was on a diet, she allowed herself only a modicum of sugar each day, refusing a second helping of cake even though it was her own birthday.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
modicum(MOD ih kum)这个名词在拉丁语中的意思是“适度”或“量”,意思是“少量或适度的量”。当然,这个量会根据你所做的事情而变化。

  • 普雷斯顿夫人对孩子们说:“我希望你举止得体。”。“这包括在适当的时候总是说‘请’和‘谢谢’。”
  • 由于露西正在节食,她每天只给自己放一点糖,即使是她自己的生日,她也拒绝吃第二份蛋糕



  1. modicum of success – 一点成功
  2. modicum of knowledge – 一点知识
  3. modicum of talent – 一丝天赋
  4. modicum of effort – 一点努力
  5. modicum of truth – 一点真相
  6. modicum of understanding – 一点理解
  7. modicum of hope – 一丝希望
  8. modicum of respect – 一点尊重
  9. modicum of happiness – 一点幸福
  10. modicum of progress – 一点进展
  11. modicum of patience – 一点耐心
  12. modicum of skill – 一点技能
  13. modicum of courage – 一丝勇气
  14. modicum of trust – 一点信任
  15. modicum of decency – 一点体面
  16. modicum of integrity – 一点正直
  17. modicum of compassion – 一丝同情
  18. modicum of beauty – 一点美丽
  19. modicum of joy – 一丝喜悦
  20. modicum of doubt – 一丝怀疑
  21. modicum of effort – 一点努力
  22. modicum of success – 一点成功
  23. modicum of talent – 一丝天赋
  24. modicum of knowledge – 一点知识
  25. modicum of understanding – 一点理解
  26. modicum of hope – 一丝希望
  27. modicum of respect – 一点尊重
  28. modicum of happiness – 一点幸福
  29. modicum of progress – 一点进展
  30. modicum of patience – 一点耐心
  31. modicum of skill – 一点技能
  32. modicum of courage – 一丝勇气
  33. modicum of trust – 一点信任
  34. modicum of decency – 一点体面
  35. modicum of integrity – 一点正直
  36. modicum of compassion – 一丝同情
  37. modicum of beauty – 一点美丽
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
