
mire 英 [ˈmaɪə(r)] 美 [ˈmaɪər]



  • Israel itself is not only mired in conflict in the Palestinian territories, but riven by internal divisions between observant and secular Jews and between Jews and Arabs.
  • For the 26-year-old farmer whose family was mired in debt, it was cans of Red Bull.


[verb] involve someone or something in (a difficult situation)
[动词] 使某人或某事陷入(困境)


Mire 一词源自北欧语 myrr (沼泽),现主要表示“泥潭、沼泽”或“淤泥、烂泥”,比如:

  • 有两个人在泥潭中挣扎。
    Two men are floundering about in the mire.
  • 在泥泞不堪的田间工作的累活
    the fatigue of working in the fields thick with mire

在中文里泥沼常用来喻指“困境”, mire 也不例外,比如:

  • 陷入感情的泥淖之中不能自拔
    wallow in an emotional mire

当 mire 用作动词时,自然便是指“使陷入泥坑、使成为沼泽”或“使陷入困境、使受困扰”,比如:

  • 融化的冰雪将使道路和田野变成一片泥沼。
    The thaw will mire roads and fields.
  • 陷入负债的困境
    be mired in debt

另外, mire 还可以表示“使溅满污泥”,这一含义进一步引申则喻指“玷污”,比如:

  • 孩子们弄得浑身尽是污泥。
    The children were mired from head to toe.
  • 被弄得声名狼藉
    be mired with infamy


In the past, the world knew an old, weak China mired in poverty, its people living in dire misery.

出自《为人民谋幸福:新中国人权事业发展70年》(Seeking Happiness for People: 70 Years of Progress on Human Rights in China)白皮书。


mire (rhymes with tire) Both a noun and a verb, this word comes from the Old Norse word for “bog.” It means both “a wet, soggy, muddy place” (a bog) and “to soil with mud or filth.” It also means to get stuck or entan-gled in something as in “mired in hours of math homework.”

  • The fisherman waded through the mire to find the river stocked with trout.
  • Mired in poverty, the natives were unable to afford medicine or proper health care for their children.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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mire” 通常用来表示泥泞、困境或陷阱。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Political mire – 政治泥潭
  2. Economic mire – 经济困境
  3. Moral mire – 道德泥沼
  4. Legal mire – 法律陷阱
  5. Financial mire – 财务泥潭
  6. Environmental mire – 环境陷阱
  7. Ethical mire – 伦理困境
  8. Social mire – 社会陷阱
  9. Cultural mire – 文化泥沼
  10. Technological mire – 技术困境
  11. Bureaucratic mire – 官僚主义泥潭
  12. Emotional mire – 情感陷阱
  13. Psychological mire – 心理困境
  14. Ethical mire – 伦理陷阱
  15. Political mire – 政治困局
  16. Financial mire – 财务泥沼
  17. Legal mire – 法律陷阱
  18. Environmental mire – 环境困境
  19. Social mire – 社会泥潭
  20. Cultural mire – 文化陷阱
  21. Technological mire – 技术陷阱
  22. Emotional mire – 情感困境
  23. Psychological mire – 心理陷阱
  24. Moral mire – 道德陷阱
  25. Bureaucratic mire – 官僚主义陷阱
  26. Political mire – 政治泥沼
  27. Economic mire – 经济陷阱
  28. Moral mire – 道德陷阱
  29. Legal mire – 法律困境
  30. Financial mire – 财务陷阱
  31. Environmental mire – 环境泥潭
  32. Ethical mire – 伦理泥沼
  33. Social mire – 社会困境
  34. Cultural mire – 文化困境
  35. Technological mire – 技术困境
  36. Bureaucratic mire – 官僚主义陷阱
  37. Emotional mire – 情感困境
  38. Psychological mire – 心理困局
  39. Ethical mire – 伦理泥沼
  40. Political mire – 政治陷阱
  41. Economic mire – 经济困境
  42. Moral mire – 道德困境
  43. Legal mire – 法律泥潭
  44. Financial mire – 财务困局
  45. Environmental mire – 环境陷阱
  46. Social mire – 社会泥沼
  47. Cultural mire – 文化困局
  48. Technological mire – 技术泥潭
  49. Bureaucratic mire – 官僚主义困境
  50. Emotional mire – 情感泥沼


  • entangle: involve (someone) in difficulties or complicated circumstances from which it is difficult to escape
  • embroil: involve (someone) deeply in an argument, conflict, or difficult situation
  • enmesh: involve (someone) in a difficult situation from which it is hard to escape
