
定义: “Minutiae” 是一个名词,指的是事物或问题中的细枝末节、细微之处或细节。


  • 细小的细节:
    • “Minutiae” 用于描述那些看似微不足道但却非常重要的细节或细小之处。
    • 例句:”She paid meticulous attention to the minutiae of the contract, ensuring that nothing was overlooked.”(她对合同的细节非常细致,确保没有遗漏。)
  • 具体而琐碎的事项:
    • 这个词还可以表示具体而琐碎的事务或事项,特别是在处理复杂的项目、计划或任务时。
    • 例句:”The project manager took care of all the minutiae, ensuring that every aspect of the project was addressed.”(项目经理处理了所有的琐碎事务,确保项目的每个方面都得到了解决。)
  • 专业和学术用途:
    • “Minutiae” 还常用于科学、技术、法律等领域,指代那些需要特别关注和处理的具体细节。
    • 例句:”Forensic investigators analyze the minutiae of evidence to uncover important clues.”(法证调查员分析证据的细节以发现重要线索。)
  • 注意事项和细致工作:
    • 在日常生活中,”minutiae” 还可以指那些需要注意和细心处理的琐碎事项或细致工作。
    • 例句:”She handled all the minutiae of event planning, from seating arrangements to floral decorations.”(她处理了活动策划的所有琐碎事务,从座位安排到花卉装饰。)



  1. minutiae of daily life – 日常生活中的细枝末节
  2. pay attention to the minutiae – 注意细节
  3. delve into the minutiae – 深入研究细枝末节
  4. focus on the minutiae – 关注细节
  5. the minutiae of the contract – 合同的细节
  6. know all the minutiae – 了解所有细节
  7. the minutiae of the discussion – 讨论的细节
  8. analyze the minutiae – 分析细节
  9. understand the minutiae – 理解细枝末节
  10. the minutiae of the process – 过程的细节
  11. capture the minutiae – 捕捉细节
  12. the minutiae of the investigation – 调查的细节
  13. ignore the minutiae – 忽略细枝末节
  14. document all the minutiae – 记录所有细节
  15. the minutiae of the instructions – 指示的细节
  16. focus on the tiniest minutiae – 关注最微小的细节
  17. discuss the minutiae in detail – 详细讨论细节
  18. the minutiae of the conversation – 对话的细节
  19. understand the minutiae of the system – 理解系统的细节
  20. examine the minutiae closely – 仔细检查细节
  21. the minutiae of the argument – 论点的细节
  22. analyze the minutiae of the data – 分析数据的细节
  23. pay attention to every minutia – 注意每个细微之处
  24. the minutiae of the project – 项目的细节
  25. discuss the minutiae of the plan – 讨论计划的细节
  26. the minutiae of the design – 设计的细节
  27. examine the minutiae of the document – 检查文件的细节
  28. focus on the minutiae of the task – 关注任务的细节
  29. the minutiae of the procedure – 程序的细节
  30. analyze the minutiae of the experiment – 分析实验的细节
  31. the minutiae of the policy – 政策的细节
  32. pay attention to the minutiae of the scene – 注意场景的细节
  33. the minutiae of the process are crucial – 过程的细节至关重要
  34. focus on the minutiae of the discussion – 关注讨论的细节
  35. analyze the minutiae of the problem – 分析问题的细节
  36. the minutiae of the negotiation – 谈判的细节
  37. document the minutiae of the research – 记录研究的细节
  38. understand the minutiae of the concept – 理解概念的细节
  39. the minutiae of the incident – 事件的细节
  40. discuss the minutiae of the report – 讨论报告的细节
  41. the minutiae of the decision-making process – 决策过程的细节
  42. analyze the minutiae of the theory – 分析理论的细节
  43. the minutiae of the task are important – 任务的细节很重要
  44. focus on the minutiae of the composition – 关注作文的细节
  45. understand the minutiae of the system – 理解系统的细节
  46. discuss the minutiae of the performance – 讨论表演的细节
  47. the minutiae of the analysis – 分析的细节
  48. pay attention to the smallest minutiae – 注意最小的细节
  49. examine the minutiae of the process – 检查过程的细节
  50. the minutiae of the instructions are crucial – 指示的细节至关重要



minutiae (min OO sha) Translating as “minutes,” this word carries the sense of “trifles, unimportant details.” Note the very English pronunciation.

  • Only your very best friend can listen attentively as you recount the minutiae of your day—the way you couldn’t find a pair of matching socks, the phone call that upset your coffee break, your random memory of an old boyfriend.
  • The prize-winning biography included both the major themes of the Declaration of Independence as well as the minutiae of the lives of the Founding Fathers.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

  • 只有你最好的朋友才能专心听你讲述你一天中的细节——你找不到一双相配的袜子,让你咖啡休息时间不舒服的电话,你对一个老男友的随机记忆
  • 这本获奖传记既包括《独立宣言》的主要主题,也包括开国元勋们的生活细节


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
