I lost my dad. I lost my wife.
我失去我父亲 我太太惨遭杀害
Just six years ago, the homicide rate had reached epidemic proportions.
六年前 美国凶案发生率 达到历史最高峰
It seemed that only a miracle could stop the bloodshed.
But instead of one miracle, we were given three: The PreCognitives.
奇迹诞生了 而且有三个 犯罪预视先知
Within just one month under the Precrime program…
…the murder rate in the District of Columbia was reduced 90%% .
They were waiting for me. He was gonna rape me.
他们在等我 他将会强♥暴♥我
I was going to be stabbed. Right here.
我会被刺死 这里
Within a year, Precrime effectively stopped murder in our nation ‘s capital.
一年之内 犯罪预防中心 阻止了首府所有凶案
In the six years of our experiment…
…there hasn’t been a single murder.
And now Precrime can work for you.
We want to make certain that every American…
…can bank on the infallibility of the system.
And to ensure that what keeps us safe will also keep us free.
在带来安全的同时 还能确保国人的自♥由♥
Precrime. It works. It works.
犯罪防治局有效 功效卓著
It works. It works.
功效卓著 功效卓著
It works. It works.
功效卓著 功效卓著
Precrime. It works.
On Tuesday, April 22, vote “yes” on the National Precrime Initiative.
4月22日星期二 请投票赞成 国家犯罪防治局的成立
What’s the matter? Can’t sleep?
Just need a little clarity. True that.
我需要来点”冰品” 内行人
You want the customary clarity or the new and improved kind of clarity?
Give me the new stuff.
New and improved clarity. Clarity, clarity. Yes, indeed.
改良新配方 全新”冰品” 冰得你心旷神怡
Come on. Come on.
快点 快点
Don’t bust my balls. You’ve only given me four, and some of these are duds.
才四瓶 其中有的还没效
Sweet dreams, chief.
祝你好梦 队长
Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me.
别担心 我守口如瓶
I could use a little juice on my side.
What do you think you know?
It’s like my daddy used to say:
“In the land of the blind…
…the oneeyed man is king. ”
I’m home.
Wall screen.
Sean. Hi, Daddy.
西恩! 嗨 爸爸
Can you teach me how to run faster?
Because all the kids in my class run faster than me.
That’s good.
Keep your knees up.
Like that. Like that. High. High. Like that.
像那样 高 再高
See, you’re a natural runner. Gotta keep running.
看到没 你是天生飞毛腿 我一定要常练习跑步!
Yeah. Gotta keep running.
Gotta keep running.
Will I be as fast as you someday? Oh, I think you’ll beat me someday.
将来会跟你跑的一样快吗? 有一天你会比我快
You’re gonna beat everybody. I think you’ll beat everyone someday.
将来会比谁都快 我想你将来会比谁都快
I gotta go. Bye. No, no, no. Wait, wait.
我要走了 拜拜 等等
You gotta give me a kiss. Not on the lips.
给我亲一个 不能亲嘴唇
Only Mommy kisses me on the lips.
Yeah, all right. All right.
好吧 好吧
I love you.
I love you, Sean. I love you, Daddy.
我爱你 西恩 我爱你 爸爸
Reminds me of Rosarito Beach.
We had 20 dollars and…
Waiting in that van so the sun would shine on our vacation.
睡在车里等待日出 继续度假
John. John. John, put the camera down.
约翰!约翰! 不要拍
Look, I’m all ready for bed. What is this? No. Put it away.
我准备要睡觉了 你在干嘛?拿走啦
It’s time to put the camera to sleep…
…and time to come and take care of your wife.
Why don ‘t you put the camera down and come and watch the rain with me?
不要拍啦 陪我看雨?
No? I promise I’ll make it a memorable moment.
Put the camera down or you’re not getting anything tonight.
摄影机放下 不然今晚别碰我
A gentleman at Justice wants to take this away from us.
In a week, people will vote on whether or not…
一星期后 民众将投票决定
…what we’ve been doing has been a nobleminded enterprise…
…or a chance to change the way this country fights crime.
…watch this Danny Witwer, the observer from Justice.
注意这个丹尼威妥 司法部来的
I met him yesterday. Let him look around.
我昨天见过他 带他参观
Answer his questions, but watch him.
回答他的问题 但 多留意点
If there’s any problem, make sure we know about it.
有问题的话 我们得先知道
When the PreCogs declare a killer, their name is embedded in the wood.
Since the shape and grain of each piece is unique, they’re impossible to forge.
因为每个球形状和纹理都不同 所以不可能被伪造
You understand the legalistic drawback to Precrime methodology.
据我所知 犯罪预防理论在法理上有瑕疵
Here we go again. I’m not with the ACLU on this…
又来了 我也不赞成人♥权♥协会的看法
…but we arrest individuals who’ve broken no law.
They will. The commission is metaphysics.
他们一定会犯罪 预测完全依照物理法则
The PreCogs see the future, and they’re never wrong.
先知预见未来 未曾有错
But it’s not the future if you stop it.
阻止了 未来就不会发生
Isn’t that a fundamental paradox? Yes.
这岂不自相矛盾? 没错
You’re talking about predetermination, which happens all the time.
你说的就是必然性 这现象随处可见
Why’d you catch that? It was gonna fall.
你为什么要抓住它? 它快掉下去了
You’re certain?
But it didn’t fall. You caught it.
但它还没掉下去 就被你抓住了
Preventing it doesn’t change the fact that it was going to happen.
虽被你阻止了 但一定会发生
You ever get any false positives?
Someone intends to kill, but doesn’t. How do the PreCogs tell the difference?
有人想杀妻 但没动手 先知分辨得出来吗?
They don’t see what you intend to do, only what you will do.
先知看不见你的意图 只看见你即将做的事
Why can’t they see rapes, assaults, suicides?
为什么看不到强♥暴♥案 袭击或是自杀事件?
Because of the nature of murder.
Nothing’s more destructive to the metaphysical fabric that binds us…
…than the untimely murder of a human. That wasn’t Walt Whitman.
“莫过彼此间相互谋害” 不会是惠特曼的诗句吧
Iris Hineman. She developed PreCogs, designed the system and the interface.
是艾莉丝海曼 预视系统与接口的设计者
Speaking of interfacing, I’d love to say hello.
提到接口 可以打个招呼吗?
To Hineman? To them.
跟海曼? 跟他们
Cops aren’t allowed inside the temple. You’ve never been inside?
警♥察♥禁止进入圣殿 你没进去过?
We keep strict separation so that no one can be accused of tampering.
保持隔离 以免被控干预办案
I’ll be the first one to go in then? Maybe you didn’t hear me.
那我就是第一个进去的人 你没听清楚吗?
If it’s a question of authority… There is no question.
如果是权限问题 不
You don’t have any.
I have a warrant in my pocket that says different.
Show it to me. Sure.
给我看 没问题
This investigation of Precrime and its personnel is conducted…
…under the direct supervision and permission from the attorney general.
I’m here as his representative…
…which means you’re now operating under my supervision.
也就是说 我现在是你的顶头上司
Seems you’ve been left out of the loop.
All right, we’re ready. Let’s go.
准备好了 走吧
Hold it right there. Hold on. Not cleared for access.
站住 不得进入
Eyedent: John Anderton. Approved.
眼珠辨识 约翰安德顿 允许进入
Wally. No, no, no, no.
华利 不可以
Danny Witwer from Justice. We’re to give him the run of the farm.
这位是司法部来的丹尼威妥 他有权彻底视察
I can’t touch you. Don’t touch anything.
我不能碰到你! 别碰他或任何东西
You can’t be in here. Just answer his questions.
你不能进来 回答他的问题 我们马上走
Tell me how… They’re sleeping.
告诉我… 他们在睡觉
Sorry. Tell me how all this works.
对不起 介绍一下这里的作业
The photon milk acts as both a nutrient supply and conductor.
It enhances the images they receive. We call the female Agatha.
它会强化他们收到的影像 那位女性叫亚嘉莎
The twins are Arthur and Dashiell. We scan by way of optical tomography.
双胞胎是阿瑟和戴希尔 以光学断层摄影术作扫瞄
Whitelight pinpoints pulse along the length of the headgear…
…and are reread after absorption through their brain tissue.
In other words, we see what they see.
换句话说 我们见其所见
They don’t feel pain. We keep their heads stocked with dopamine.
他们不会感到痛苦 我们持续供给多巴胺和恩多啡
Plus, we maintain careful control over their serotonin levels.
此外 撒托宁也在控制中
Don’t want them to drift off into too deep a sleep.
They can’t be kept too awake either. Don’t think of them as human.
也不能太清醒 最好不要把他们当人类
No. They’re much more than that.
不 他们伟大多了
