



  1. Issuing a minatory warning: 发出威胁性警告
  2. minatory tone: 威胁性的语调
  3. minatory gestures: 威胁性的手势
  4. minatory language: 威胁性的言辞
  5. minatory behavior: 威胁性的行为
  6. minatory presence: 威胁性的存在
  7. minatory atmosphere: 威胁性的氛围
  8. minatory message: 威胁性的信息
  9. minatory stare: 威胁性的凝视
  10. minatory posture: 威胁性的姿势
  11. minatory disposition: 威胁性的性格
  12. Responding to minatory remarks: 对威胁性的言论作出回应
  13. Confronting a minatory situation: 应对威胁性的局面
  14. minatory actions: 威胁性的行动
  15. minatory consequences: 威胁性的后果
  16. minatory attitude: 威胁性的态度
  17. minatory words: 威胁性的话语
  18. minatory intent: 威胁性的意图
  19. Dealing with minatory individuals: 应对威胁性的个体
  20. minatory signs: 威胁性的迹象
  21. minatory looks: 威胁性的眼神
  22. minatory gestures: 威胁性的姿态
  23. minatory comments: 威胁性的评论
  24. minatory encounters: 威胁性的相遇
  25. minatory undertones: 威胁性的暗示
  26. minatory behavior patterns: 威胁性的行为模式
  27. minatory warnings: 威胁性的警告
  28. minatory demands: 威胁性的要求
  29. minatory consequences: 威胁性的后果
  30. minatory stance: 威胁性的立场
  31. minatory implications: 威胁性的暗示
  32. minatory conflict: 威胁性的冲突
  33. minatory rhetoric: 威胁性的修辞
  34. minatory ultimatum: 威胁性的最后通牒
  35. minatory power: 威胁性的权力
  36. minatory presence: 威胁性的存在
  37. minatory behavior: 威胁性的行为
  38. minatory attitude: 威胁性的态度
  39. minatory atmosphere: 威胁性的氛围
  40. minatory intentions: 威胁性的意图
  41. minatory encounters: 威胁性的相遇
  42. minatory words: 威胁性的言辞
  43. minatory glares: 威胁性的怒视
  44. minatory warning signs: 威胁性的预警信号
  45. minatory presence: 威胁性的存在
  46. minatory implications: 威胁性的暗示
  47. minatory tone of voice: 威胁性的语气
  48. minatory facial expressions: 威胁性的面部表情
  49. minatory body language: 威胁性的肢体语言
  50. minatory actions: 威胁性的行动


minatory (MIN a tore ee) This adjective always means “threatening.” While the sound is only a coincidence, if you’re a mythology buff you can think of the threatening Minotaur, the bull-monster who demanded human victims.

•The minatory howl of the air raid siren was all it took for the hardy Londoners to head for the Underground shelter.

•While tenth-graders were known to fear the minatory tones of Ms. Velma Cloyd, a really stern math teacher, graduating seniors flocked around her to thank her for her “tough love.”
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
minatory(MIN a tore ee)这个形容词总是意味着“威胁”。虽然这个声音只是一个巧合,但如果你是神话迷,你可以想到威胁性的牛头怪,它要求人类受害者。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
