Must be tough.
He’s enormous.
你的孩子怎么样? 是不是五个月大了?
How’s your kid? Must be, what, five months now?
五个月了 是的
She is five months, yeah.
Top teeth.
是吗? – 是的
Really? – Yeah.
Ain’t that somethin’.
好孩子 会握住我的拇指
Terrific kid.Holds my thumb.
That’s cute.
Who does she look like?
来 我们走 快走
Come on. Let’s go. Come on.
你要去哪? – 走吧
Where you goin’? – Come on.
你要去哪儿? – 我想去简家
Where you goin’? – I want to go to Jan’s.
现在? – 我得去告别
Now? – I gotta say good-bye.
I’d like to say good-bye to the kid too.
一段时间看不到你 他们就会忘记你的脸
They don’t see you for a while, they forget your face.
尼克 这太疯狂了
Nick, that’s crazy.
来吧 我们走 – 等一下 让我把啤酒喝完
Come on. Let’s go. – Wait a minute. Let me finish my beer.
Go ahead.
No hurry.
让她见鬼去吧 谁需要她?
To hell with her.Who needs her?
这儿还挺热 是吧? – 是啊
Hot in here, huh? – Yeah.
你还好? 胃没事吧? – 没事
You okay? Your stomach okay? – It’s fine.
Eat some crackers.
Was that the phone?
我不知道 你在等电♥话♥吗?
I don’t know.You expecting a call?
那会很有趣 不是吗? 如果有人把酒吧当办公室
That would be funny, wouldn’t it? Some guy using a bar as an office.
I gotta get out of here.
尼克 等等 让我把啤酒喝完
Nick.Wait.Let me finish my beer.
喝你的吧 – 等等 我要报♥警♥—
Finish your beer. – Wait a minute. I’m gonna call the cops –
Wait a minute!
尼克 你疯了—
Nick, you’re going crazy over-
你活像个疯子 – 我在里头很窒息
You’re like a maniac. – I couldn’t breathe in there.
突然跳起来 就像个疯子 – 无法呼吸 你知道那种感觉吗?
All of a sudden jump up. It’s like a maniac. – No air in there. You know that feeling?
该死的 – 你不知道那种感觉吗?
Goddamn it, now. – You don’t know that feeling?
听着 我不想和你对着干 – 人人都知道那种感觉
Listen, I don’t want to call you on this. – That’s a famous feeling.
Came over.
你告诉我他们在找你 我就在这 我会尽力帮你
You tell me they’re after you, I’m here.I’ll do what I can.
什么都帮 看在上帝的份上 听我说 我会尽力帮你
Everything.Listen to me, for chrissakes.I’ll do whatever I can.
I cannot do it by myself.
我得打个电♥话♥…有很多事要做 – 想去派对吗?
I gotta call…I got a million – Wanna go to a party?

我是说 和女孩找点乐子 – 什么意思?
I mean, with a girl. – What do you mean?
你在说什么? 尼克 别这样
What are you talkin’about? Nick, don’t be like this.
来吧 – 喔 你突然搞什么—
Come on. – Whoa. What’s the matter with –
我认识一个很棒的女孩 – 来来回♥回♥的 你急着去哪?
I know a terrific girl. – Where are you running to, back and forth?
你到底怎么回事? – 她身材特好
What the hell is the matter with you? – Got a terrific form.
一个女孩 好吧 她住哪?
One girl.All right.Where does she live?
她住哪? 远吗? – 在霍尔街和第十街交叉口!
Where does she live? Is it far? – On Hall and Tenth Street!
听着 等一下 你在跑什么? 她会等你的
Listen.Wait a minute.What are you running? She’ll wait.
从这走 – 一定要跑吗?
Get off the street here. – Do we have to run?
想看电影吗? – 什么? 看电影?
Wanna go to a movie? – What do you mean, a movie?
我不舒服 我今晚不想找女孩了
I feel sick.I don’t want to be with a girl tonight.
Feel sick to my stomach.
你不想找那个女孩了? – 不想
You don’t want to go to the girl? – No.
Go to a movie.
你胃不舒服? – 是的
Your stomach botherin’ya? – Yeah.
我不是叫你在吧台吃点东西吗 该死的
Didn’t I tell ya to have somethin’to eat in the bar, goddamn you?
给 快点吃掉
Here.Eat that.
If I eat this –
吃了这个就能去看电影了? – 什么电影?
If I eat this, I can go to the movie? – What movie?
你说的是什么电影? 尼克 现在都半夜了
What movie you talking about? Nick, it’s almost midnight.
在十四街和霍尔街交叉口有个… – 快吃进去
On 14th Street and Hall, there’s a – Put that in your mouth.
有个放通宵电影的地方 节目超棒
There’s an all-night movie that’s got terrific shows.
双片连映 还有卡♥通♥
Double features.They got cartoons.
They have 15 minutes of coming attractions.
他们有个糖果柜台 通宵营业
They got a candy counter that’s open all night long.
还有冰淇淋三明治 什么都有
And it’s got ice cream sandwiches.Everything.The works.
行 让我先给安妮打个电♥话♥
Ok.Lemme call Annie first.
我告诉她我要去见个男人 喝一杯
I told her I was gonna meet a guy, have a drink
And I’d be home in an hour,
And she’s sitting up, she’s waiting for me.
So let me call her.
Where the hell is a phone?
What you gonna tell her now?
I’ll think of something.
I don’t treat my wife the way you do.
如果我要晚归 或者整晚不在家
If’m gonna be late, or if I’m gonna be out all night,
I call.
怎么了? 我脸上脏?
What’s the matter? Is my face dirty?
You were sitting in that bar for 45 minutes.
You never once thought about calling your wife.
Never once thought about calling up Annie.
All of a sudden you gotta call Annie.
我有个很棒的建议给你 尼克
I got a terrific suggestion for you, Nick.
I suggest you find somebody you can trust.
嘿 麦基
Hey, Mikey.
I didn’t think of it.
How’s that for a reason?
I had other things on my mind.
我只是问问而已 我已经得到答案了
I’m just asking a question.I got my answer.
What’s this?
Go on.Say it.
♪ 我们的下一站 ♪
♪ Next stop that we make ♪
♪ 将是英格兰 ♪
♪ Will be England ♪
♪ 告诉所有的俄♥罗♥斯♥人 ♪
♪ Tell all the folks in Russia ♪
♪ 还有中国人 ♪
♪ And China too ♪
♪ 难道你不知道现在 ♪
♪ Don’t you know that it’s time ♪
♪ 是上车的时候了吗? ♪
♪ To get on board ♪
♪ 让这列车 ♪
♪ And let this train ♪
♪ 继续驰骋 ♪
♪ Keep on ridin’ ♪
♪ 继续驰骋 ♪
♪ Ridin’ on through ♪
♪ 哦耶 ♪
♪ Oh, yeah ♪
Alright I’m calling because I’ve been delayed.
And I don’t want you to worry.
听着 我之前告诉哈利你会回家跟他道晚安
Listen, I told Harry that, uh-that you would be home to say good night to him.
要我哄他上♥床♥睡觉吗? 好 好的
Should I put him to bed? Okay.Okay.
14th and –
You mean Hall, like in hallway?
等等 我得记一下 稍等
Hold on one minute.I think I’d better write it down.Just a minute.
哈利 能给我支蜡笔吗
Harry, would you bring me a crayon?
蜡笔? – 蜡笔
Crayon? – Crayola.
14th and hall.
我还没—等一下 等一下
Oh, I don’t have a-just a minute, just a minute.
Can’t would you bring me a book to write on?
我能借一下这个吗? 就借一下?
Could I just borrow this? Could I just borrow this for a second?
♪ 世界各地的人们 手拉着手 ♪
♪ People all over the world, join hands ♪
♪ 坐上爱的列车 ♪
♪ Get on the love train ♪
I’m goin’to the bar.
那是谁? – 你叫什么名字?
Who is that, then? – What’s your name?
雪莉 – 雪莉!
Shirley. – Shirley!
♪ 爱的列车 ♪
♪ Love train ♪
雪莉 这里行吗?
Shirley. Here?
♪ 手拉着手 ♪
♪ Join hands ♪
♪ 坐上爱的列车 爱的列车 ♪
♪ Get on the love train, love train ♪
♪ 全世界的人们 手拉着手 ♪
♪ People all over the world, join hands ♪
你要金汤力对吧? – 对 金汤力
Uh, you want gin and tonic, right? – Gin and tonic, right.
我要 呃 金酒
