制♥作♥人 / 作曲 合作对象:艾米怀恩豪斯 保罗麦卡特尼 布鲁诺马尔斯
在我看来 达到了高水准的管乐水平
That was just the high-water mark of horn lines, to me.
There’s all these instrumental stretches and breaks in these songs
that give the musicians some shine, too.
-大卫让这种 -声音
-David had this… David Williams… -Certain sound.
让这种声音吃住了听众 敲击得如此有力
Had this certain sound that bites. He picked… He hit ’em so hard.
好 大卫你上
Okay, David! You got it!
大卫威廉姆斯 吉他手
兰迪杰克逊 打击乐手
马丽音乐 歌♥手 / 作曲 / 制♥作♥人
有时他会自己上 好达到自己想要的节奏
Sometimes he’d take it upon himself to bring the rhythm he wanted
and that really influenced me.
席依达盖瑞特 歌♥手 《镜中人》联合作曲
He always had an idea of what he wanted every instrument to sound like.
And that’s how he recorded.
在录音棚里 他告诉吉他手…
You came in the studio and he told the guitar player…
-他会唱那一部分吗 -他每一部分都会唱
-He would sing the part? -He would sing every part.
他不弹奏 但是能唱出来
He didn’t play it, but he can sing it.
And if you didn’t play it like he sang it
他会一直唱下去 直到你弹奏出一样的
he would sing it till you played it like he sang it.
I do believe deeply in perfection.
I’m never satisfied.
我会停下来 不断往回放
I’ll cut a track, and go back and back, and
真是 我本该这么做的 我本该…
“Darn it! I should’ve done this! I should’ve…”
就算在排行榜上拔得头筹 我还是会愧悔什么没做好
It’s number one on the charts, you’re still screaming about what you should’ve done.
It’s evident when you see somebody’s work.
能观察到细节 看出他们是否真心热爱自己所做的
You can see the details, and if they actually, truly love what they do
if they really do pay attention to the craft.
Perfection was the name of the game.
关键是你所做的内容 质量 心 灵魂和爱
It was about the content of what you do, the quality, the heart, the soul, the love.
I think this generation has just become… The perception’s become skewed.
对于工作本身的热爱 屈就于对名声的追求
The love for the craft becomes secondary to the love of fame and notoriety.
我这一代 乔丹那一代
My generation, the Jordan generation
伯德 魔术师还有迈克尔杰克逊
Bird, Magic, you know, Michael Jackson
they focused on what they loved to do.
斯宾纳DJ 歌♥手
One of the hidden gems is Get On the Floor
which was co-penned by Louis Johnson from Brothers Johnson
and co-written with Michael.
鲍勃伯奇 录音乐师 合作对象:艾尔顿约翰布鲁斯霍恩斯比
I don’t know if everybody knows this, but you’re also a composer.
One of my favorites was Michael Jackson’s Get On the Floor and Dance.
一开始这首歌♥是由贝斯创作的 我把握住了那种节奏
Originally, that song was created by the bass, I just had that groove.
路易斯约翰森 约翰森兄弟 贝斯手
《布鲁克林的最后暄嚣》(1977年) 导演:斯派克李
There were teens in the playgrounds.
And you know, like, I’m dating myself, okay.
But, you know, you would bring the little radio
or sometimes, if you were really tacky, you would bring the little portable record player
咚的一声放在公园里 放上针
plop it down in the park, drop the needle
“Heck, yeah.”
If you were dancing to that song
勒蒙安德森 演员 / 诗人 作品:《好诗》《国王之国》
more than likely you were going home with somebody.
Because that’s not a song you dance on your own to, you know.
You don’t dance to Get On The Floor by yourself.
Off the Wall is a DJ’s dream.
The A-side seems to have been tailor-made for the dance floor.
You basically have five songs
the first four songs on side one
and the first song on side two, Off the Wall.
My favorite record on Off the Wall…
I like Off the Wall, that’s one of my favorite records.
我冒险用了一位作曲家 我一直都很喜欢他的作曲
I took a chance with a composer, I had loved his work for a long time.
And I could never figure out how he could be from Grimsby, England
搬到德国沃尔姆斯住 还懂小步舞
living in Worms, Germany, and understand Ain’t No Half Steppin’
and, you know, all of those different terms that he was writing.
It was just incredible talent.
他去了德国 受到那边一帮黑人军人的影响
He ended up in Germany and being turned onto soul music
by a bunch of the black army people that were there.
-美国黑人军人 -美国黑人军人
-Black American soldiers? -Black American soldiers.
他发现「哇 这比我做的有趣多了」
And going, “Wow, this is a lot more interesting than what I’m doing
“and girls come to these shows.”
在早期「热浪」组合中 可以听出他给迈克尔写的歌♥的元素
ln early Heatwave, you can hear those influences in songs he wrote for Michael.
I mean, it’s just a natural progression.
And we recorded Burn This Disco Out, Off the Wall and Rock With You.
Rod Temperton did good.
在《疯狂》中 他稍微融入了一些前卫摇滚
Off the Wall is an example of him bringing that slightly proggy-fusion aspect to it.
作为一张迪斯科专辑 这确实是个非传统式的开端
It’s a really unconventional start for a disco record
especially, like, the title track of an album.
从弱拍 二拍开始
It starts on the off-beat, it starts on the two
还有怪异的背景声乐 完全就是前卫摇滚乐
it has that weird vocal thing in the background, it’s totally proggy.
That intro with that kind of ghoulish voices
之后在《颤栗》中也有 文森特普赖斯的叫声
you start to hear that again, of course, on Thriller, with Vincent Price.
《女友》是保罗麦卡特尼 收录在《伦敦城》专辑里的一首歌♥
Girlfriend was a song on the London Town album by Paul McCartney.
埃斯波兰萨斯伯丁 格莱美最佳新人奖
「女朋友 我要告诉你男朋友」我好喜欢
“girlfriend, i’m gonna tell your boyfriend.” i love it!
I felt like Michael was singing to me on that one, I did.
约会游戏 1972年
如果我们一起出去玩 有一帮女孩子们跟着我
If we go out together, and a bunch of girls start following me
let’s hear what you’d say to them to make them go away.
离他远点 他是我的 不是你们的
Get away from him. He’s mine, not yours.
同样的问题 二号♥选手
Same question, number two.
哟 听好了 迈克尔杰克逊是我的
Yo, listen, okay? Michael Jackson is mine.
Some of the songs that I sing, my favorite is ballads.
我听着歌♥词 感觉真正建立了某种联♥系♥
I kinda listen to the words, and it’s really relating something.
I wrote She’s Out of My Life
as a result of being very much in love with a wonderful young woman.
汤姆巴勒 《她离开了我的生活》作曲
你有没有出于特别懊恼 而大声地自言自语过
You ever get so upset that you’re speaking to yourself out loud?
我有过 我在帕萨迪纳高速公路上的车里 说着
Well, I was. I was in the car on the Pasadena Freeway, and I’m saying
她在等你 她爱你 她想嫁给你
“Man, she was there for you, she loved you, she wanted to marry you.
是你拒绝了 面对现实吧 她已经离开了你的生活
“You’re the one who said no. Face it, she’s out of your life.”
Saturday morning, the phone rings and it’s Q
他说「伙计 你还写歌♥吗」
and he says, “Hey, man, you been writing?”
我对着电♥话♥弹了一遍那首歌♥ 然后他说「再弹一遍」
And I played the song, and it’s ringing out, and he said, “Play it again.”
汤姆巴勒 《她离开了我的生活》作曲 和比尔巴格斯一起度过正午 1979年6月7日
我又弹了一遍 连续弹了八遍
I played it again. Played it eight times in a row.
And at the end of it, he said, “What’re you gonna do with it?”
And I said, “Well, I made a deal with Snuffy yesterday.
“He’s gonna do it with Sinatra.”
And he says this Q-ism, “Sinatra will do it anyway.”
我说「昆西 那你会怎么处理」他说「我还不知道」
And I said, “Okay, Q, who do you wanna do it with?” He said, “I haven’t got a clue.”
Then he said, “Man, if you’ll trust me
“I promise you
“an unforgettable recording of this song.”
And we sat on it for almost two years, Spike.
要写出好的民谣 首先其歌♥词需要能和听众连系起来
To write a great ballad, first of all, lyrically, the content has to connect.
对于我来说 要连系听众
And, to me, part of what makes a song connect
歌♥曲应该是私人的 同时也是共通的
is that it’s personal, but it’s also universal.
迈克尔杰克逊是位了不起的艺人 是个伟大的舞者
Michael Jackson, yes, he’s a great entertainer, he was a great dancer
可他也是一个伟大的歌♥手 不只是一个好歌♥声 而是伟大的歌♥手
but he was also a great singer. Not a good singer, but a great singer.
I liked his performance on She’s Out of My Life.
It was really emotional.
The quality of Michael’s voice was so incredibly pure.
《她离开了我的生活》 导演:布鲁斯高尔斯
I cried every time that he performed She’s Out of My Life
and he would cry, too.
Everyone relates She’s Out of My Life to Eddie Murphy, right?
所有在生长于80年代的人 我们首先看过《精神错乱》
Anyone who was growing up in the ’80s, we saw Delirious first.
艾迪墨菲 《艾迪墨菲:精神错乱》 导演:布鲁斯高尔斯
That’s Michael’s hook, his sensitivity.
That’s when women be saying, “Michael’s just so sensitive.”
她们很能受到感染 迈克尔也清楚 他在利用女人们
And they eat that shit up. Mike knows. He be using women.
在演唱会上 他会走到女孩子跟前 女孩子都在观众群里 他问…
ln concerts, I seen Mike walk up to girls, they’d be in the audience, and say…
Can I come down there?
And women go…
