
英 美 ['mɛzməraɪz]



vt. 施催眠术;迷住;以魅力迫使




someone is mesmerized by something指某人为某物神魂颠倒,仿佛中了魔咒或被催眠了一般。mesmerize出自奥地利医生、催眠师弗朗茨·安东·梅斯梅尔(Franz Anton Mesmer,1734—1815)之名,他是首位将催眠术运用于医疗的人。梅斯梅尔出生于奥地利,后来在维也纳行医。他认为自己行医之所以成功,源于他使用磁铁作为催眠工具。




迷住(mesmerize)是一个动词,意思是使某人入迷、着迷或全神贯注。下面是一些包含单词 “mesmerize” 的短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Completely mesmerized(完全着迷)
  2. mesmerize with her voice(用她的声音迷住)
  3. mesmerize the audience(迷住观众)
  4. mesmerize with his magic tricks(用他的魔术把人迷住)
  5. mesmerize with their performance(用他们的表演迷住观众)
  6. mesmerize with her beauty(因她的美丽而迷住)
  7. mesmerize with his storytelling(用他的讲故事技巧迷住)
  8. Instantly mesmerized(立刻被迷住)
  9. mesmerize the crowd(迷住人群)
  10. mesmerize with his dance moves(用他的舞蹈动作迷住)
  11. mesmerize with their mesmerizing performance(因他们迷人的表演而迷住)
  12. mesmerize the world(迷住全世界)
  13. mesmerize with their charm(因他们的魅力而迷住)
  14. mesmerize the viewers(迷住观众)
  15. mesmerize with her stage presence(因她的舞台魅力而迷住)
  16. mesmerize with their artistic talent(用他们的艺术才华迷住)
  17. mesmerize the onlookers(迷住旁观者)
  18. mesmerize with his guitar skills(用他的吉他技巧迷住)
  19. mesmerize the judges(迷住评委)
  20. mesmerize the audience with his charisma(用他的个人魅力迷住观众)
  21. mesmerize the world with her grace(用她的优雅迷住全世界)
  22. mesmerize with their synchronized movements(因他们的协调动作而迷住)
  23. mesmerize the spectators(迷住观众)
  24. mesmerize with his powerful voice(用他强大的声音迷住)
  25. mesmerize the guests(迷住客人)
  26. mesmerize with her acting skills(用她的演技迷住)
  27. mesmerize the readers(迷住读者)
  28. mesmerize with his poetic words(用他的诗意言辞迷住)
  29. mesmerize the listeners(迷住听众)
  30. mesmerize with their acrobatic performance(因他们的杂技表演迷住观众)
  31. mesmerize the children(迷住孩子们)
  32. mesmerize with her elegant dance(用她优雅的舞蹈迷住)
  33. mesmerize the fans(迷住粉丝)
  34. mesmerize with his magnetic personality(用他的磁性个性迷住)
  35. mesmerize the viewers with stunning visuals(通过惊人的视觉效果迷住观众)
  36. mesmerize with their synchronized singing(因他们的合唱迷住)
  37. mesmerize the audience with his wit(用他的机智迷住观众)
  38. mesmerize with her graceful movements(用她优雅的动作迷住)
  39. mesmerize the crowd with their energetic performance(通过他们精力充沛的表演迷住人群)
  40. mesmerize with his captivating storytelling(用他迷人的讲故事迷住)
  41. mesmerize the audience with their innovative choreography(通过创新的编舞迷住观众)
  42. mesmerize with his enigmatic personality(因他神秘的个性而迷住)
  43. mesmerize the viewers with breathtaking stunts(通过惊险的特技迷住观众)
  44. mesmerize with their intricate dance routines(用他们复杂的舞蹈编排迷住)
  45. mesmerize the listeners with her soulful voice(用她深情的声音迷住听众)
  46. mesmerize with their harmonious melodies(因他们和谐的旋律而迷住)
  47. mesmerize the audience with their dynamic performance(通过他们充满活力的表演迷住观众)
  48. mesmerize with his thought-provoking speech(用他发人深省的演讲迷住)
  49. mesmerize the crowd with their synchronized swimming(通过他们的协调游泳迷住人群)
  50. mesmerize with her expressive dance movements(用她富有表现力的舞蹈动作迷住)


mesmerize (MEZ mer ize) This verb, now meaning “to enthrall, to cap-ture fully someone’s attention,” originated in a literal form of hypnotism. Franz Mesmer (1743–1815), an Austrian doctor who believed he possessed magnetic curative powers, won many followers who became literally hyp-notized while attending his sessions.

  • Mr. Lipscomb mesmerized his students with accounts of personal meetings with Salman Rushdie and J. D. Salinger; he later scolded them for not asking for more proof about these untrue tales.
  • Although Abraham Lincoln could never completely shake his skepticism about religion, he remained mesmerized by the idea.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
使着迷(MEZ mer ize)这个动词,现在的意思是“迷住,完全吸引某人的注意力”,起源于催眠术的字面形式。Franz Mesmer(1743-1815)是一位奥地利医生,他认为自己拥有磁性治疗能力,赢得了许多追随者,他们在参加他的治疗时简直被催眠了。

  • 利普斯科姆讲述了他与萨尔曼·拉什迪和J·D·塞林格的私人会面,令学生们着迷;他后来斥责他们没有要求提供更多关于这些不真实故事的证据
  • 尽管亚伯拉罕·林肯永远无法完全摆脱他对宗教的怀疑,但他仍然被这个想法迷住了


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
