It’s the rookies. They got the rookies.
孟非斯美女呼叫母亲与祖国 请回答
Memphis Belle to Mother and Country. Come in.
孟非斯美女呼叫母亲与祖国 快回答
Memphis Belle to Mother and Country. Come in!
天啊 不
Oh, my God, oh, no! Oh, God, no!
Oh, Jesus Christ, no!
How many chutes from Mother and Country?
I saw two.
Yeah, two.
报告机长 已抵达投弹航道
Captain, this is the bomb run.
投弹官 把飞机移转给你
Okay, bombardier. I’m turning it over to you.
收到 -交给你了 瓦尔
Roger. -It’s all yours, Val.
路克 投弹之后 抵达会合点之前
Luke, after delivery, on the way to rally point…
我要采取回避高炮的动作 帮忙注意方向舵
…I’m gonna take some evasive action to avoid this flak. Be ready on rudder.
都听你的 丹尼斯 你很清楚该干什么
Whatever you say, Dennis. You know what you’re doing.
投弹官 目标区如何
Bombardier, how does that target look?
Like shit.
Captain, I still can’t see a thing.
Oh, Lord, come on.
投弹官 目标区如何
Bombardier, how does that target look?
依旧被遮蔽 机长
Target’s still covered, captain.
What do you want me to do?
机长 听到请回答
Captain, do you read me?
Yes, I read you.
视线告诉我应该在目标上方 我该行动了
My sight says I’m over the target. I’ve gotta do something.
Now, what do you want me to do?
That’s it.
这就对了 这就对了 投弹
That’s it. That’s it. Bombs away.
各位 我们为国家效过力了
Okay, boys, we’ve done our job for Uncle Sam.
Now we’re flying for ourselves.
Bomb doors closing.
敌机 9点钟方向脱离 球型炮塔小心 小心
Jerry, breaking low to 9 o’clock. Ball turret, watch it. Watch it.
卡住了 我又卡住了
I’m jammed. I’m stuck again. Oh, shit, I’m stuck again.
维吉 快来救我
Virge, get me out of here.
维吉 快来救我 他冲向我了 我又卡住了
Virge, get down here and help me. He’s coming right at me. I’m jammed again!
Virge, help!
抓住我 我要解开安全带
Grab hold of me. I’ll undo your safety strap. Hold on, okay?
我在这里 -救我
Come on up here, buddy. -Oh, Jesus, help me!
抓住我 恶棍 我抓到你了
Grab on to me. I got you, Rascal, I got you! Grab hold of me!
来吧 恶棍 来吧
Come on. Come on, Rascal, come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.
没事了 你安全了
You’re okay. You’re safe. You’re safe.
没事了 你安全了 听着 你没事了
You’re all right. You’re gonna be okay, okay? Listen to me. You’re all right.
You’re okay, all right? You’re okay. Come here. You’re okay.
你没事了 你要回家了
You’re okay. You’re going home. You’re going home.
发生什么事 -回报
Now what? -Call in.
快回报 -拿灭火器
Call in now. -Grab the fire extinguisher!
I’ll take care of Danny.
恶棍 照顾丹尼
Rascal, watch Danny!
丹尼受伤了 -瓦尔 丹尼受伤了
Danny’s hurt. -Val, Danny’s hurt.
你去后面看看 -很糟吗
Get back there and see what you can do. -Well, how bad is it?
情况不乐观 瓦尔
Well, I guess it’s pretty bad, Val.
你在干嘛 丹尼受伤了 -我走不开 有敌机
What are you doing? It’s Danny. -I can’t. There’s fighters…
我帮你掩护 快去 -后面有人在帮忙
I’ll cover your gun. Just go. -Maybe somebody in the back can…
嘿 你是医生耶
Hey, hey, you’re the doctor.
事实上我不是 菲尔 我说谎
That’s just it. I’m not, Phil. I lied.
I had two weeks of medical school before I enlisted.
I don’t know anything.
You just do it.
报告机长 机尾被射个大洞
Captain, somebody just shot a big chunk out of the tail.
There’s a fire in Number 4.
断油 顺桨 启动灭火器 关闭发电机
Cut fuel. Feather prop. Fire extinguishers. Generator off.
发现敌机就回报 -丹尼很不乐观
Call out those fighters. -Oh, jeez. Danny’s in bad shape.
恶棍呢 -他没事
How’s Rascal? -He’s okay.
The extinguisher’s not working.
我们要快点 否则机翼就完了
Gotta do something quick or we’re gonna lose that wing.
We gotta dive.
你要帮我拉起来 -随时候命
I’m gonna need your help to pull out of it. -I’m not going anywhere.
Memphis Belle to Group.
我们预备俯冲灭火 由僚机领队
We’re gonna have to dive to put out this fire. Wingman, you’re lead plane.
Everybody, hang on.
Two seventy-five.
超过最大俯冲速度了 -拉平
We’re exceeding maximum dive speed. -We’ve gotta level her out.
火还没灭 再撑一下 -再撑下去机翼就没了
Fire’s not out. Just a bit more. A bit more and we’re gonna lose the wing.
相信我 再几秒钟就好
Trust me. Just a few seconds more.
拜托 宝贝 拜托
Come on, baby, come on.
It’s out!
来啊 宝贝 撑住 撑住
Come on, baby. Hold on, hold on.
高度一万英尺 可以拿掉氧气罩了
Crew, we’re at 10,000 feet. You can come off oxygen.
谢了 路克
Thanks, Luke.
Once in a while, I’ll do something right.
接下来怎么办 他流了好多血
I don’t know what else to do. He’s lost a lot of blood.
基地还有多远 -靠三个发动机 大概两个半小时
How far is it to base? -On three engines, two, two and a half hours.
两个半小时 他撑不到的
Two and a half hours? He’ll never make it.
瓦尔 救救他 -我还能怎么办
Val, help him. -What do you want from me?
他需要住院 我只有急救箱
This man needs a hospital. All I got is a stupid first-aid kit.
还给你 丹尼
Here you go, Danny.
好吧 好吧 还有一个方法
Okay, okay. There’s one more thing we can do.
What? Let’s do it.
帮他绑上降落伞 推出舱门
We can put a parachute on him and push him out.
天哪 瓦尔 -德国人会救起他
Jesus Christ, Val. -It’s crawling with Germans down there.
送他去医院 -如果没被杀的话
They’ll take him to a hospital. -If they don’t kill him.
这是唯一的机会 有个家伙试过 只断了一只手
It’s his only chance. Another crew did it. This guy lost an arm.
那家伙是清醒的 -丹尼甚至无法开降落伞
But that guy was conscious. -Danny can’t even pull the cord.
We can pull it first.
他会掉到湖里 -瓦尔 不能等等吗
He could fall in a lake. -Val, can’t we wait?
再十分钟就到北海了 到时就来不及了
We’ll be over the North Sea in 10 minutes. It’s gonna be too late.
如果必须这么做 就做吧
Well, if we’re gonna do it, we’re gonna have to do it now.
小心背 -头抬高
Watch his back. -Keep his head up.
别推 别推 -小心 小心
Don’t push, don’t push. -Careful, careful. Come on.
瓦尔 我听你的建议 你是医生
All right, Val, I’ll go along with anything you say. You’re the doctor.
没别的选择 一定要这么办
We just don’t have a choice. We’ve gotta do it.
就说是我的决定 -丹尼斯
Tell the men that’s my decision. -Dennis…
菲尔 别吵了
Phil, I don’t want any argument.
瓦尔 瓦尔
Val, Val.
别这么做 -这是唯一机会
Please don’t do it. -It’s his only chance.
你才是他的唯一机会 你太胆小了才不帮他
You’re his only chance, but you’re too chicken to help him.
If he stays onboard, he’ll die.
如果你推他出去 你很清楚他死定了
If you throw him out, he’s gonna die, and you know it.
瓦尔 你能救他的
Val, you can save him.
你不是医生又如何 你能救他 我知道你能
So what if you’re not a doctor yet? You can help him. I know you can.
瓦尔 他需要你 他会死的
Val, he needs you. He’s gonna die.
别这么做 瓦尔 你会后悔的 我知道你害怕
Don’t do this, Val. You’ll always regret it. I know you’re scared.
但我们都害怕 救救丹尼
But we’re all scared. Now go help Danny.
Let’s go. All right, hold his head. Okay. All right.
来吧 宝贝
Come on, baby.
来吧 宝贝露丝 -开始吧
Come on, Babe Ruth. -Let’s do it.
来吧 宝贝
Come on, baby.
There they are!
8架 -9架
Eight. -No, nine.
Did you get that one over there?
目前几架 -9架 长官
How many so far? -Nine, sir.
有一架在那 -美女号♥呢
There’s another one out there. -And the Belle?
No, sir. Not yet.
顺桨 断油
Feather prop. Cut fuel.
Listen, men. We’re flying on two engines now.
必须减轻重量 把能丢的都丢了
Let’s lighten up. Throw out everything you can.
快到家了 把机炮丢了
We’re close enough to home, so lose your guns.
我们从未打下过敌机 对吧
We never did get that fighter, did we?
Ah, shit on a stick.