Navigator. -Phil.
Here. Navigator checking in.
叫你们回报 就立刻回报
When I say check in, that means right away.
Somebody’s guts are all over the nose.
Any damage? Crew, check your stations.
机鼻正常 -机尾正常
Nose okay. -Tail okay.
通讯正常 -持续回报敌机状况
Radio room okay. -Keep calling out those bandits.
They’re gone.
Yep. Hit and run.
报告机长 通知改由C罩杯号♥领队
Captain, I just heard from C Cup. They’re taking over the lead.
听见没 瓦尔 -收到
You hear that, Val? -Roger.
Okay, C Cup’s lead plane now.
跟着他们投弹 -收到
When they drop their bombs, so do we. -Got it.
Any chutes from Windy City?
Them guys didn’t even have time to pee in their pants.
生命瞬间消失 -这是最好的死法
Here one minute, gone the next. -If you gotta go, that’s the way.
Listen, do we have to talk about it?
各位 我听过风城号♥腰部炮手
Hey, fellas, I heard a good one from the waist gunner of Windy City.
What was his name?
库利 -不是那个
Cooley. -No, I mean the left one.
What, am I talking to myself? Cooley.
右腰那个 -我认识他
I mean the right one. -I know the guy.
高高的 -没那么高啦
Tall guy? -He wasn’t so tall.
Well, everybody’s tall to me.
林奎斯特 -不 不是
Lindquist. -No, no, no.
大概是 -你根本不认识
Something like that. -Virge, you’re not even close.
反正 这家伙的飞机被击落 盖世太保逮到他
Anyway, a plane gets shot down. The guy bails out and the gestapo gets him.
他的腿摔断了 要截肢 他说 “帮个忙”
His leg is broken, so they have to amputate. He says, “Do me a favor.
切下来的腿交给你们的飞行员 帮我空投到英格兰的基地
After you cut it off, give it to one of your pilots and have him drop it over my base in England.”
And they do it.
别占用对讲机 -很快就好
Don’t tie up the intercom. -Wait, this is a quick one.
The next week, they cut off his other leg.
他又说 “帮我空投到基地” 他们又照办了
He says again, “Will you drop it over my base?” And they do it.
又隔周 打算砍掉他的手臂
The next week, they gotta cut off his arm.
他又再说 “帮我空投到基地”
He asks one more time, “Will you please drop it over my base?”
这次他们说 “不行”
This time, they say, “Nein, this we can’t do anymore.”
他说 “为何不行” 他们说 “我们怀疑你要逃跑”
And he says, “Why not?” And they say: “We think you’re trying to escape.”
好家伙 -我没听懂
Son of a gun. -I don’t get it.
恶棍 很好笑 丹尼斯也喜欢
That was pretty good, Rascal. I think even Dennis liked that one.
史托勒 那家伙叫做史托勒
Stoller. That’s the guy’s name. Stoller.
不 不
No, no, no.
Stoller wasn’t on Windy City.
你确定 -我快想起来了
You sure? -Wait, it’ll come to me here.
没错 我能看见他的脸
Oh, yeah. I can see that guy’s face.
Yeah, me too.
Well, whatever his name was…
…it was a good joke.
各位 别耍宝了
Okay, men. Let’s stop fooling around.
外面还有敌机 放机伶点
Jerry’s out there. Let’s look sharp.
妈的 护卫机要走了
Damn. Are the little friends leaving already?
当然 再不走就没油了
Well, they sure know when to run out of fuel.
They ain’t dumb.
我的徽章 天啊 掉哪里了
My medal. Oh, my God, my medal. Where…? Where’s…?
My medal, have you seen it?
嘿 小香肠
Hey, Wiener.
谢了 兄弟 -去吧
Thanks, buddy. -Here.

干嘛这样 -这下扯平了
Why’d you do that? -Now we’re even!
右腰回报 右腰回报 -我宰了你
Right waist. Right waist, call in. -I’ll kill you!
通讯员 去看看怎么回事
Radio operator, get back there and see what’s happened. Hey, hey!
我开枪的时候别碰我 听见没
Don’t ever touch me when I’m on my gun. You hear me?
快分开 杰克
Break it up! Jack!
Break it up. -Get him back on his guns.
尤金 -干嘛
Gene. -What?
怎么了 -杰克丢了我的幸运徽章
What happened? -Jack threw my medal out the window.
我死定了 丹尼
I’m finished, Danny. I’m finished.
不会的 来 我的幸运橡皮筋给你
No, you’re not. Look, here. Here, take my lucky rubber band.
我对天发誓很有用的 你会没事的 对吧
It works. I swear to God it works. You’ll be all right. You okay?
Yeah. I’m okay.
你会没事的 以后再还
You’ll be okay. I want it back. -Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
导航官 回报方位
Navigator, give us a position.
Sir, that’s the Third Reich down there.
Now the shit really hits the fan.
报告长官 我建议您来看看
Sir, uh, I think you better come take a look.
No, we gotta liven up that whole area.
And make sure the banner is centered, right?
What’s the meaning of this?
钢琴放台上 只是一场小派对 上校
Then put the piano up on the platform. It’s just a little party, colonel.
I did not order this.
我没有下令要办 -交给我办 孟非斯美女号♥是我的任务
I didn’t order this. Leave this stuff to me. The Memphis Belle is my job.
And my job is to approve everything on this base.
I did not authorize a homecoming.
克雷格 你操心过度了
Craig, you’re working a little hard at being a hard-ass.
小小的致敬派对无伤大雅 他们都很特别
What’s the harm in a little party in honor of these guys? They’re special.
我有24架飞机在天上 他们都很特别
I have 24 crews up there. They are all special to me.
说得真好听 但我是干这行的 我一眼就看出来了
That’s a great story, but baloney’s my business. I know it when I see it.
你只关心天上的飞机 战果 拍马屁
All you care about is getting planes in the air, results, brownnosing HQ.
这基地唯一 -跟我来
The only man in the whole… -Come with me.
你根本不关心他们的死活 不过是另一架飞机罢了
You don’t care if these men live or die. It’s just another airplane. If it was…
Sit down.
Start reading.
This one’s from a father whose son had his head blown off over Lorient.
克雷格 你应该很得意 -念啊
Craig, I think you’re cracking up. -Read it!
“Dear Colonel Harriman:
Thank you for your letter about Tommy.
He was only at your base a month…
一定留下了深刻印象 因为你对他知之甚详
…but must have made a big impression because you described him down to his boots.
我期望你能说明 他的死因 但我想应该要保密
I wish you could have told me how Tommy died, but I guess we have to be careful about security and all.
我很高兴 他勇敢地坚守岗位至死
I’m glad he was brave and did his job to the end.
Maybe his mother and I raised him right after all.
也许要一段时间 我们才能熬过去
I guess we’ll get used to him being gone, but not too soon, I hope.
每当读到你的来信 就好像他回家一样
I can always read your letter, and that will bring him back.”
敬爱的长官 读到你的来信 我终于明白我的丈夫已经阵亡
Dear sir: Your letter of December 10th finally made me realize that my husband is gone.
收到这封电报 才知道我的希望落空了
I have been living in the false hopes that the telegram I received was a mistake.
敬爱的长官 我代表父母回信 感激你告知我兄弟的死讯
Dear sir: I am writing on behalf of my parents who appreciated your letter to them about my brother’s death.
我们都很高兴法兰克 毫无痛苦 有同袍陪伴地死去
We were all glad to know that Frank didn’t suffer and was not alone when he died.
我送他离去 搭火车远赴海外
I saw him off at the train station when he left to go overseas.
He was happy and excited to be doing something important with his life.
他一直不自主地看着 肩膀上的阶级
He couldn’t stop looking at the stripes on his shoulder.
我期盼这一切结束之后 这世界能学到用更好的方法解决纷争
I hope when this is over, the world will have learned. that there’s a better way to solve its problems.
My prayers are for my husband’s comrades.
希望他们都能平安返航 与所爱团圆
May they fly safely and return home to their loved ones soon.
谨献祝福 皮特森太太敬上
Best wishes, Mrs. Peterman.
敌机 5点钟方向
Bandits, 5 o’clock.
敌机 5点钟方向低
Bogey, 5 o’clock low.
Blackwell, 3 o’clock high.
I said don’t yell on the intercom.
5点钟方向脱离 球型炮塔小心
Breaking low at 5 o’clock. Ball turret, watch out.
小心哪一架 他要翻滚了
Watch that fighter. He’ll twist. He’s doing a half-roll.
That guy had blue eyes.
机尾炮手 6点钟方向低
Tail gunner, one coming down from 6.
190 12点钟方向高
One-ninety, 12 o’clock high.
他去追C罩杯号♥了 小心
He’s going for C Cup. Look out. Look out.
天哪 他没带降落伞
Oh, God. He doesn’t have a parachute.
大家把降落伞带好 -降落伞
Everybody make sure you’ve got your chutes. -Parachutes?
我这里没空间 -那就绑上安全带
There isn’t enough room to breathe in here. -Then put your safety strap on.
很痛耶 -照办
It hurts. -Do it.
报告机长 C罩杯号♥通知
Captain, I just heard from C Cup.
他们要脱队了 由我们领队
They’re dropping out of formation. We’re in the lead now.
拜拜 C罩杯号♥
Bye-bye, C Cup.