Clay, how you doing back there?
很好 中尉
Well, I’m doing just fine, lieutenant.
报告机长 已抵达大亚茅斯南南西5英哩处
Captain, we’re exactly 5 miles south-southwest of Great Yarmouth.
We’re in formation. This is the rally point.
很好 上路吧
Okay, boys. We’re on our way.
注意 目前是华氏零下30度
Okay, listen, men. I’m showing 30 below zero up here.
Let’s be careful.
别徒手握住机炮 会黏住
Don’t touch your guns with your bare hands or they’ll freeze right to it.
I don’t want anyone losing any fingers up here.
Keep checking your masks for frozen saliva.
That ice gets down there and blocks your oxygen flow.
我不希望有人缺氧 -知道啦
I don’t want anyone passing out on me. -Yeah, yeah.
就是别流口水 -就是说你 恶棍
In short, don’t drool. -In short, check your mask, Rascal.
All right, let’s keep the intercom free.
敌机来了别喊叫 大家都听得见
Call out those fighters and don’t shout. We can hear you loud and clear.
Let’s make this our best run yet, boys, one that we can really be proud of.
还要准确命中对吧 丹尼斯
Right in the pickle barrel, huh, Dennis?
没错 专心干活 团结一致
That’s right. Keep your minds on your job, work together…
…and stay alert.
报告机长 我收到广播电台 可以放出来吗
Captain, I’m getting A.F.N. here. Can I put it on?
拜托啦 机长
Yeah, yeah. -Please, sir? Come on, captain.
好吧 听我的命令随时中断
All right, Danny, but when I say that’s enough…
♪ 为何微风每晚都在叹息 ♪
♪ Why do breezes sigh every evening ♪
♪ 轻声念着你的名字 ♪
♪ Whispering your name as they do? ♪
♪ 为何感受到群星在我屋顶 ♪
♪ And why have I the feeling Stars are on my ceiling? ♪
♪ 相信你也有一样的感受 ♪
♪ I know why and so do you ♪
♪ 当你对我微笑 ♪ (昨晚没搞头)
♪ When you smile at me ♪
♪ 我听见琴韵 ♪ (昨晚没搞头)
♪ I hear gypsy violins ♪
饶了我吧 杰克
Lord have mercy, Jack.
♪ 当你与我共舞 宛若天堂 ♪
♪ When you dance with me, I’m in heaven ♪
天堂 上我的床 让你见识什么是天堂
Heaven? Come to my bunk. I’ll give you heaven, honey.
♪ 雨中也能见到阳光 ♪
♪ I can see the sun when it’s raining ♪
好 机炮试射
Okay, let’s test our guns.
护卫机 三点钟方向
Little friends, 3 o’clock high.
Oh, God. I’d give anything to fly a fighter.
You’re all alone. You can do anything you want.
That’s flying.
It’s the best pen money can buy.
我为何没有棒球卡 -这给你 杰克
Why can’t I have the baseball cards? -They’re for him. Here you go, Jack.
我是棒球迷 你知道小熊队吗
I’m more of a football fan myself. You know the Bears?
There. Happy?
谢了 杰克
Yeah. -Yeah. Thanks, Jack.
谢了 尤金
Thanks, Genie.
母亲与祖国呼叫孟非斯美女 请回答
Mother and Country calling Memphis Belle. Come in.
收到 怎么回事 -我有个问题 丹尼
Read you, Mother. What’s wrong? -Nothing, Danny. I just had a question.
史丹 只有紧急状况下才能通讯
Stan, we’re not supposed to use the radio unless it’s an emergency.
抱歉 是有关飞航日志的问题
Oh, sorry. It was about my log book.
我是否要纪录每一条通话内容 还是
Whether I should write down every radio communication I hear or just some of the, uh…
全部写下来 以后就知道哪些是重要的
Write down everything. Later on you’ll figure out what’s important.
最好快结束吧 -谢了 丹尼
We better sign off. -Okay, thanks, Danny.
I won’t bother you again.
笑一个 我帮你拍照
Hey, smile, I’m gonna take your picture here.
Hope it comes out.
各位 我们接近占领区了 保持警戒
Okay, boys, we’re getting close to enemy territory now, so let’s be on guard.
Call out the fighters as soon as you see them.
克雷 你昨晚唱得不错 应该保持下去
Clay, you sure sang great last night. You should do like we keep saying.
After the war, go to Hollywood and get a record contract like Frank Sinatra.
Yeah, so we can say we knew you when.
不 我想买♥♥个小农场 娶个好老婆 安顿下来
No. I’m gonna get a nice little farm, a nice little wife, and settle down.
路克应该去好莱坞 说不定还能演电影
Luke’s the one who should go to Hollywood. Shoot, he could star in the movies.
Man. Maybe. Maybe.
I don’t know what I’m gonna do after the war, except not work.
路克 何不继续干救生员的老本行
Yeah, Luke, why go back to the daily grind of being a lifeguard? Take it easy.
I know exactly what I’m gonna do.
维吉 别再提你那个笨餐厅的事了
Oh, Virge, if I hear one more word about that stupid restaurant…
It’s not stupid.
至少我有计划 恶棍 战后你想做什么
At least I’ve got a plan. What are you gonna do after the war, Rascal?
去你的餐厅抢劫啦 哈
Come to your restaurant and rob it. Ha, ha.
瓦尔最聪明 就快成为医生了
Valentine’s the smart one. He’s almost a doctor already.
瓦尔 你想当哪种医生
Hey, what kind of doctor you gonna be, Val?
A rich one.
菲尔呢 战后想做什么
What about Phil? What’s he gonna be after the war?
我知道 是殡仪馆
I know. A mortician.
各位考虑一下 我家是从事家具业的
Well, hey, fellas, think about this. My family has a furniture business.
制♥造♥家具并且贩售 欢迎你们来为我工作
We make furniture and then we sell it. You could all come to work for me.
好吧 当我没说
Like I said, don’t give it a thought.
是啊 继续在我们的后半生发号♥施令
Yeah, that’s just what we need, you ordering us around for the rest of our lives.
“Let’s do the preflight check.”
“不要占用对讲机” -“见到敌机就通知”
Yeah. “Don’t hog the intercom.” “Call out them fighters.”
“检查氧气面罩” -“让我们创造最佳任务”
“Check your masks.” “Let’s make this our best run yet.”
I’m not that bad.
丹尼小子 你还没说战后要做什么
Say, Danny-boy, you didn’t say what you’re gonna do when it’s all over.
克雷 我从没想过 人生充满意外
Clay, I don’t even like to think about it. I mean, what if something happens?
I mean, well, we could all be old men by the time the war is over.
It just seems so far away, you know?
抱歉 伙计
I’m sorry, fellas.
敌机 5点钟方向
Bandits, five o’clock.
Go get them, little friends.
目标接近再开枪 别浪费弹♥药♥
Hold your fire until Jerry’s in range. Don’t waste your ammunition.
I said, hold your fire.
那是尤金小香肠 -闭嘴
That was Genie the weenie. Ha, ha. -Shut up, jackass.
6点钟方向 -9点钟方向
Six o’clock high. -Nine o’clock high.
两架190 12点钟方向
Two 190s, 12 o’clock high.
三架 9点钟方向 盯住
Three fighters, 9 o’clock coming around. Keep your eyes on them.
上炮塔 11点钟方向 打不到
Top turret, 11 high. Can’t reach them.
我看到了 中尉
Got them in my sights, lieutenant.
4架敌机 丹尼 见到没
Bogey, 4 high. Danny, see him?
还有两架 12点钟方向 很快
Two more, 12 o’clock high, coming fast.
两架高速逼近 太高了
Couple coming in faster. Too high.
我后面有一架 -我盯住了
I’ve got another one on my back. -I’m on him.
两架往下 腰部炮手盯住
Two went low. Watch them, waist gunner.
They’re flying close today.
5点钟方向 应该是190
5 o’clock high. Looks like a 190.
在10点钟方向 冒烟了
This guy at 10, he’s smoking.
I saw the left waist of Mother and Country hit him.
Son of a bitch. First time out, he gets a kill.
He’s bailing out.
击落敌机要报告 让丹尼纪录下来
Call out any planes you see going down so Danny can put them in his log book.
早就知道了 机长
You know, we’ve done this before, captain.
9点钟方向 敌机远离
Fighters at 9, but they’re staying away.
10 11点方向
One at 10:30.
高还低 -低 低
Ten-thirty high or low? -Low, low.
来了 -有同伴了 7点钟方向
Here they come. -Looks like we got company, 7 o’clock.
109战机 3点钟方向 有人被击中了 2点钟方向
One-oh-nine, 3 o’clock. Somebody’s going down, 2 o’clock.
109战机 10点钟方向
109s coming at 10 level.
来吧 来吧
Come on. Come on.
羊入虎口 王八
Come to Papa, you son of a…
该死 差点就干掉他 小香肠
I almost had him. Damn it. Hey, Wiener.
杰克 他又来了 干掉他
He’s coming around again. Jack, get the greedy bastard.
Two more at 6. They’re coming in.
They’re going after the first flight.
Windy City’s on fire.
想想办法啊 -快跳伞啊
Why don’t they do something? -Come on, bail out, you guys.
Come on, wake up. Get out.
天啊 驾驶舱有个大洞
Jesus, there’s a hole in the pilot’s window.
Hold on.
回报 -机尾回报
Call in. -Tail.
球型炮塔回报 快带我们离开
Ball turret. Get us out of here.
右腰回报 -继续回报
Right waist. -Keep calling in.
投弹官回报 -导航官快回报
Bombardier. -Navigator, check in.
导航官 -菲尔快回报