Here. Close your eyes.

Go on.
It’s good luck.
Excuse us, fellas.
克雷 机会来了 上台唱歌♥
Hey, Clay, now’s your chance. Get up there and sing.
I’m not gonna get up in front of all these folks and make…
来啦 你唱得好 -我唱不好
Come on, you’re a great singer. -Oh, no, I couldn’t do that. Uh-uh.
Uh, ladies and gentlemen, uh…
…we have, uh…
…10 very special men here tonight.
And, uh, I’m sure you know who I mean.
即将第一个完成第八航♥空♥大队的 第25次最后任务
They’re just about to become the first crew in the Eighth Air Force to fly their 25th and final mission.
Let’s hear it for the crew of the Memphis Belle.
Hip-hip! -Hurray!
别搅和 这是坏运
No, no. It’s bad luck. Hip-hip! Hip-hip.
“丹尼男孩”(爱尔兰名曲) C调 我从第二节开始唱
Let’s do “Danny Boy” in C, and I’m gonna come in on the second part.
谢谢你 长官
Thank you, sir. Thank you.
…this buddy of mine keeps begging me to sing and…
Well, it looks like I ain’t gonna get out of it this time.
So here goes.
♪ 喔 丹尼男孩 汽笛已经响起 ♪
♪ Oh, Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes ♪
你别走啊 是你的家乡民谣
No, get back here. You’re not getting out of this.
♪ 穿越山谷 直下山腰 ♪
♪ From glen to glen And down the mountainside ♪
♪ 夏日已去 玫瑰已谢 ♪
♪ The summer’s gone And all the roses falling ♪
♪ 你必须离去 ♪
♪ It’s you, it’s you must go ♪
♪ 而我却必须在此等待 ♪
♪ And I must bide ♪
♪ 然而当你在夏日来到草原 ♪
♪ But come ye back When summer’s in the meadow ♪
♪ 或白雪静覆山谷之时归来 ♪
♪ Or when the valley’s hushed And white with snow ♪
♪ 无论在阳光下或在阴影中 我都将在此 ♪
♪ It’s I’ll be here in sunshine Or in shadow ♪
♪ 喔 丹尼男孩 喔 丹尼男孩 我是如此地爱你 ♪
♪ Oh, Danny boy, oh, Danny boy I love you so ♪
I don’t wanna die.
I don’t wanna die!
I don’t wanna die.
戴尔波恩上尉 戴尔波恩机长
Captain Dearborn. Captain Dearborn. -Yeah?
本日任务 0600早餐 06♥4♥5简报
Mission today. Breakfast, 0600. Briefing, 06♥4♥5.
辛克莱中尉 -醒了
Lieutenant Sinclair. -I’m up, I’m up.
劳文塔尔中尉在哪 -瓦尔 菲尔在哪
Where’s Lieutenant Lowenthal? -Val, where’s Phil?
他有麻烦 睡不着
Uh, he’s in the can. He couldn’t sleep.
太紧张 -不能怪他
He had nerves. -Yeah, can’t say as I blame him.
今天好好修理他们 长官
Give them hell today, sir. -Yeah.
Oh, no.
我就怕回家后跟老婆做♥爱♥ 一打开门就看到丹尼在拍照
I can see it. I get back home, I’m doing it to the wife the door breaks open, and there’s Danny taking a picture.
有人看到我的圣安东尼徽章吗 -他不是“失物”的守护者吗
Anybody seen my St. Anthony’s medal? -Isn’t he the patron saint of missing things?
没错 我找不到
Yeah, I can’t find him.
老大 你过来看看
Chief? Chief, I need you over here to look at this.
敌机 六点钟方向
Bogey, 6 o’clock, low.
早安 -早 中尉
Good morning. -Morning, lieutenant.
What, are you drunk?
你喝醉了吗 -你在开玩笑吗 今天有任务
Why? Are you? -Are you kidding? We got a mission.
我知道 所以喝醉了
I know, that’s why.
See, I’m gonna get it today.
My number’s up. My luck’s run out.
我死定了 我要送你纪念品
And I’m gonna die, so I wanna give you something to remember me by.
You gotta get ahold of yourself, junior.
我不要你的手表 大家都要靠你
I don’t want your watch. Everybody’s counting on you.
What about my cuff links? You want my gold cuff links?
上面有名字缩写 -你让大家失望
They got my initials… -You’ll let everybody down.
还是给你棒球卡 我有狄马乔的
Want my New York Yankee baseball cards? I got DiMaggio.
What about my Rita Hayworth pinup?
用手插喉咙 用手插喉咙
Stick your finger down your throat. Stick your finger down your throat.
快用手插喉咙 否则我会动手
Stick your finger down your throat or I’m gonna do it for you.
I feel better.
You’re not thinking of sneaking this on the plane, are you?
丹尼 我对你非常失望 维吉接球
Danny, I am shocked at your behavior. Virge goes out for the pass.
各位 -别闹了
Hey, guys. -Hey, wise guys. Knock it off!
Found it.
在这里 丹尼
Hey. Here. -Dance with me, Danny.
This is not funny.
这种粉末鸡蛋会噎死人的 你吃完了吗
These powdered eggs would gag a buzzard. You done with that?
我感觉到 今天应该是轻松的任务
Know what? It’s gonna be a milk run today. I can feel it in my bones.
你上次也这么说 结果去轰炸威廉港
That’s what you said last time. They sent us to Wilhelmshaven.
希望别再去一次 -不会啦
I hope they don’t send us back there. -They wouldn’t do that.
Not to my mama’s baby boy. Heh.
谢了 -给他们好看 长官
Thanks. -Give them hell today, sir.
培根 -好
Bacon? -Yeah.
鸡蛋 -不要
Eggs? -No.
多给他一点 他很饿
Give him extra. He’s real hungry.
各位早 -早
Morning, men. -Morning.
都没事吧 -没事
Everything all right? -Oh, yeah.
Stop it.
今天以后就没机会了 长官
You won’t have a chance to do that after today, sir.
我可不确定 没错吧 丹尼斯
Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Right, Dennis? Oh!
Well, looks like we’ve all got the jitters this morning.
I’ll see you after briefing. -Chief.
How the hell is he gonna get through a navigator’s briefing?
On a wing and a prayer.
我以为我们在出动前 还有机会多练习
I thought we’d have a little more practice before we went up.
You’ll do fine.
At ease, gentlemen.
希望各位昨晚都有尽兴 现在我们进入任务
I hope you all had a good time last night, but now it’s back to business.
The target for today is Bremen.
We’ve been given a chance today to make a real difference in this war…
…so let’s do this job the best we can.
Leave the rest in the hands of God.
运气好的话 很快就能结束战争 返乡团圆
With luck, it’ll all be over soon and we can go back home to our families.
祝各位好运 交给你了 少校
Good luck. Over to you, Major Comstock.
各位早 上士 请关灯
Good morning, gentlemen. Sergeant, would you get the lights?
This is our target area right here.
长方形的建筑 该地区唯一的建筑
Long, rectangular buildings. The only long, rectangular buildings in the area.
You can’t miss them.
视线所及 这段S型道路穿过工厂
Note this S-shaped road going through the factory for your sighting.
The Flugzeugbauer factory is a major assembly plant for 190 fighter planes.
你们今天要带领机群 指挥360架轰炸机
Now, you’re leading the group today. Three hundred and sixty planes are bombing on your command.
精确地说 这里是平民区
So let’s be accurate. This is a civilian area here.
有医院 住♥宅♥ 学校和游乐场
This is a hospital. These are houses. This is a school and a playground.
Note the railway tracks north-northwest.
布雷曼 -布雷曼
Hey. Bremen. -Bremen?
我们死定了 -闭嘴 恶棍
Oh, we’re dead men. We’re dead. -Shut up, Rascal.
闭嘴 处♥男♥ -都闭嘴
You shut up, Virgin. -Cut it out.
克雷 今天哪里不对劲
Clay, what are the odds today?
You figure they’re gonna overload us with bombs…
所以我们起飞时就爆♥炸♥的机率 是30分之1对吧
…so it’s 30-to-1 we’ll crash and blow up on takeoff, right?
然后他们会派出 所有的飞机对付我们
Then they’re gonna throw every fighter they got at us…
Skip the gory details.
基本上 我们死定了 -老大来了
Basically, we’re finished. -Chief’s coming.
♪ 奇异恩典 ♪
♪ Amazing grace ♪
♪ 多么动听 ♪
♪ How sweet the sound ♪
♪ 让我得救 ♪
♪ That saved a wretch like me ♪
♪ 曾经迷失 ♪
♪ I once was lost ♪
♪ 如今寻得自我 ♪
♪ But now am found ♪
♪ 曾经失明 如今得见 ♪
♪ Was blind but now I see ♪
塔台 这是陆军485 完毕 -485继续
Uh, tower, this is Army 485. Over. -485, go ahead.
无线电检查 C-U-V-T-N
Uh, this is a radio check. Charlie, Uncle, Victor, Tango, Nancy.
请抄收 完毕 -485 已抄收
Please acknowledge. Over. -485, I read you.
Soon as you’re ready, call in.
Bombardier checking in.
Navigator checking in.
Top turret checking in.