1943年的夏天 在欧洲展开了一场惨烈的空战
每天有上百名年青的飞行员面对死亡 飞行深入敌人地区进行轰炸
快点 我们走 快点 大家 我们走
Come on, let’s go. Come on, everyone, let’s go.
再扔一次 -我开着
I’m open, I’m open. Throw it again. -I’m open.
好 我们看看这里面有谁
Okay, let’s see who we got here.
“维吉·胡格史代尔” 这是什么名字
“Virge Hoogesteger.” What kind of name is that?
六兄弟姊妹中的老么 入伍前在家庭餐馆打工 每周写信回家
“Youngest of 6. Worked in the family diner before joining up. Writes home every week.
Nicknamed ‘The Virgin. ‘”
来吧 我们需要一点团队合作 快点 伙计们
Come on, we need a little teamwork here. Come on, fellas.
Now, who’s this goon?
“Jack Bocci from the South Side of Chicago.
从几间感化学校毕业 最好小心他的背景
Graduate of several reform schools.” Better keep him in the background.
这是个信教的 团体中总是有个信教的
This is the religious one. Oh, there’s always a religious one.
尤金·麦克维来自克里夫兰 团体中也总是有来自克里夫兰的
“Eugene McVey from Cleveland.” There’s always one from Cleveland.
19岁 神经兮兮 总有一些小毛病
“Nineteen, high-strung, always coming down with something.”
How’d he get in this bunch?
理查·“恶棍”·莫尔 18岁 5尺4寸 120磅
“Richard ‘Rascal’ Moore. Eighteen, 5-foot-4, 120 pounds.
真正的猎艳高手 这是他自己说的
Has a real reputation as a ladies’ man.” At least, that’s what he says.
看看这位 克雷·巴斯彼 农夫之子
“Clay Busby, a farmer’s son.” Now, look at this.
“When his father lost their farm in a poker game…
…Clay started playing piano in a New Orleans cathouse.”
Oh, the papers will love that.
来吧 我开着
Come on. I’m open.
丹尼·戴立 这小子是道地的爱尔兰人
This kid couldn’t be more Irish if he tried. “Danny Daly.
优等生 校刊主编 毕业生致辞
‘A ‘ student, editor of the school paper, valedictorian.
He volunteered the day after he graduated from college.”
丹尼 好吧
Danny! All right!
真不错 我认为我们还要努力一下
That’s not bad. I think we’ve got something to work with here.
They’re coming in!
英格兰 1943年5月16日
十五 十六架
That’s 15, 16.
又一架 -今天你数
There’s another one. -Hurry, you’re counting today.
目前是15或16架 持续进场中
At this point, 15 or 16. Sir, they’re still coming in.
How can I promise you 24 planes tomorrow?
I don’t even know if they’ll all make it back.
我们一个月前 就轰炸过同一个目标了 长官
I thought we hit that target a month ago, sir.
Yes, I know we have to keep the pressure on…
但我的大队 损失将近四分之一了 长官
…but I lost almost a quarter of my squadron, sir.
是 长官
Yes, sir.
I will have the ground crews work through the night.
But I was hoping to give the boys a little break.
We’re having a dance tonight in honor of the group’s first ann…
是 长官
Yes, sir.
是 我会随时回报最新状况
Yes, I will give you an update when I know more.
谢谢长官 再见
Thank you, sir. Goodbye.
18架已进场 还有3架
Sir, 18 planes, three still out.
So that’s the crew of the Memphis Belle, huh?
那些是士兵 你下午会见到军官
Those are the enlisted men. You’re meeting the officers this afternoon.
They must be the 10 luckiest sons of bitches in the world.
他们只是普通人 中校 -别说笑了
They’re just ordinary men, colonel. -Are you kidding?
首先他们都是志愿的 其次他们毫发无伤完成24架次任务
Ordinary? First they volunteer for all this. and then they fly 24 missions without a scratch.
我认为他们可不普通 -又来两架 长官
That doesn’t sound very ordinary to me. -Two more, sir.
国内的人对这么多的损失 已经失去信心了
You know, people back home are getting pretty discouraged by our losses.
They’re starting to think daylight bombing is a big mistake.
这是赢得战争的唯一方法 -我们就是要宣扬这个理念
It’s the only way we’re gonna win this war. -We gotta get that message across.
这是我来的目的 全国会爱死这些家伙的
That’s where I come in. The nation is gonna fall in love with those boys.
第一批完成任务的 第八轰炸大队的组员
The first crew in the Eighth Air Force to complete their tour of duty.
还没呢 -他们会的
They haven’t done it yet. -They will.
你会确定的 对吧
You’re gonna make sure of that. Right?
再一架 只要再一架
One more. Just one more.
Boy, it’d be great if everybody came back today.
加上舞会 -我赌4赔1
With the dance and everything. -I give them 4-to-1.
Any takers?
我要下 -你的钱呢 杰克
Yeah, I’ll have some of that. -Show me your money, Jack.
尤金 借我点钱 -你以为我是财主吗
Genie, loan me some money, huh? -What do I look like, Wells Fargo?
不 你是根香肠 -来了
No, you look like a weenie… -There it is!
I heard they brought in a swell band for the dance.
也许会让你上台哼哼 -不了
Maybe they’ll let you croon a tune. -No, sirree.
你老是在机舱内唱歌♥ -因为你们都没品味
You sing to us in the plane all the time. -Yeah, but you guys ain’t got no taste. Heh.
全体弃机 -大家快逃
Abandon ship now, everybody! -Let’s get out of here!
快 -快点
Let’s go! -Come on, come on, hurry up!
Hurry up! Let’s get out of here!
你用家乡女友的名字命名飞机 对吧
So you named the plane after your girl back home, right?
Heh, that’s a great angle.
You don’t sound like you’re from the south, though.
I met her when I was in Memphis on business.
我打赌她一定美呆了 丹尼斯
Yeah, I bet she’s a living doll, eh, Dennis?
She’s a very fine woman, sir.
救生员 责任很重大吧 路克
Oh, a lifeguard? Wow, that’s a pretty responsible job, eh, Luke?
几乎都在晒太阳 四周美女围绕
Well, it’s rough basking in the sun all day, having girls swarm all over you.
所以我就入伍 好摆脱一切
So I joined up. Had to get away from all of that.
That’s good. -Yeah.
瓦尔 是什么名字的缩写
All right. “Val.” And what is that short for?
I bet the women love that.
Now, you’re the bombardier…
但这身军服底下 你受过4年的医学教育
…and, uh, I understand you have 4 years of medical school under your belt.
我相信 一旦你的照片登上杂♥志♥
Believe me, as soon as your picture comes out in LIFE magazine…
全国的男女老幼 都希望你成为他们的家庭医生
…every man, woman and child in America is gonna want you to be their doctor.
可以看着镜头吗 菲尔
Would you look at the camera, Phil?
Sit up straight.
笑一下 -有什么好笑的 长官
Smile? -What is there to smile about, sir?
你们已经完成24次任务 再一次就可以回家了
You guys have finished 24 missions. One more and you go home.
That’d sure make me smile.
Well, you’re not me.
Would you please just take the picture?
好了吗 长官 -还没
Is that all, sir? -Not quite.
You’ll go back home in the Belle, fly all over the U.S…
进行演说 劝买♥♥战争公债 让大家长时工作 生产更多飞机
…making speeches, getting people to buy more war bonds work longer hours, put out more planes.
一州接着一州 有喝不完的酒 泡不完的女人
And, uh, believe me, you’ll be wined, womened and songed from one end of the States to the other.
很辛苦 但这是必要的牺牲
It’ll be tough, but, uh, we all have to make sacrifices.
我们会成名 -没错 路克
You mean we’re gonna be famous, sir? -I’m afraid so, Luke.
Colonel Derringer? Ah-ah-ah.
我是陆军的公♥关♥ 叫我布鲁斯
I’m Army PR. You can call me Bruce.
We’ll follow your orders to the best of our…
这不是命令 丹尼斯 我们是一起努力
These are not orders, Dennis. We’re working together on this.
好吧 但先别让大伙知道
Fine. But I don’t want the other men finding out about this yet.
杂♥志♥封面 酒和女人 一定要告诉大家 他们会疯掉的
Pictures in LIFE? Wine, women and song? You gotta tell them. They’ll go nuts.
我不要他们发疯 我要他们专心任务
I don’t want them going nuts. I want them thinking about their jobs.
拜托 我们闭着眼睛都能完成 为什么不让他们知道
Come on, we could do our jobs in our sleep. Why can’t they know?
Because I said so.
My father used to say that.
丹尼斯 你是头 你自己决定吧
Dennis, you’re the boss. You tell the crew whenever you think it’s right.
Now, can we have just one more shot?
What? Are you kidding me?
What are you smiling about? -Ha-ha-ha.
You’re the one that put this unclean deck in this barracks.
收钱吧 杰克·波奇又抖起来了
Okay, get your money. Once again, Jack Bocci gets stiffed.
克雷 何不让士官来收贝克的遗物
Clay, shouldn’t you let the sarge go through Becker’s stuff?
Sarge will just send it to Becker’s widow.
We don’t want her getting anything embarrassing.
糖果 -给我
Candy bar. -Me.
丹尼 要选哪一个 这个闪闪的很时髦
Danny, which one of these do you like better? This one’s shiny aluminum. It’s very modern.
And this one is a little more homey, with the brick and the little bushes.
干嘛 -这很重要
This one. Why? -Well, it’s important, see.
I’m gonna plan to open a bunch of restaurants exactly like the first one.
如此一来 无论到哪里 都能吃到一样的汉堡
So you could go to Detroit and get the same hamburger you got in Baltimore or in Philadelphia…
Nobody’s gonna want the same old food everywhere they go.
当然会 比较习惯