


mean [miːn] adj. 平均的;卑鄙的;低劣的  v. 意味;想要;意欲n. 平均值
mean 意味 ←词中词→ means 手段
eg. I mean that education is a powerful means to fight crime.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. mean person – 刻薄的人
  2. mean behavior – 恶劣的行为
  3. mean-spirited – 心胸狭窄的
  4. mean-spirited comment – 刻薄的评论
  5. mean-spirited joke – 恶意的玩笑
  6. mean-spirited teasing – 恶意的戏弄
  7. mean-spirited gossip – 恶意的闲言碎语
  8. mean-spirited prank – 恶意的恶作剧
  9. mean-spirited action – 恶意的行动
  10. mean-spirited attitude – 心胸狭窄的态度
  11. mean-spirited behavior – 恶劣的行为
  12. mean-spirited remark – 刻薄的话语
  13. mean-spirited gesture – 恶意的手势
  14. mean-spirited intention – 恶意的意图
  15. mean-spirited motive – 恶意的动机
  16. mean-spirited criticism – 刻薄的批评
  17. mean-spirited accusation – 恶意的指责
  18. mean-spirited retaliation – 恶意的报复
  19. mean-spirited rivalry – 恶意的竞争
  20. mean-spirited bullying – 恶意的欺凌
  21. mean-spirited treatment – 恶意的对待
  22. mean-spirited prejudice – 心胸狭隘的偏见
  23. mean-spirited stereotype – 刻板印象
  24. mean-spirited exclusion – 恶意的排斥
  25. mean-spirited betrayal – 恶意的背叛
  26. mean-spirited deception – 恶意的欺骗
  27. mean-spirited manipulation – 恶意的操纵
  28. mean-spirited revenge – 恶意的报复
  29. mean-spirited competition – 恶意的竞争
  30. mean-spirited disagreement – 恶意的分歧
  31. mean-spirited conflict – 恶意的冲突
  32. mean-spirited argument – 恶意的争论
  33. mean-spirited attitude – 心胸狭窄的态度
  34. mean-spirited behavior – 恶劣的行为
  35. mean-spirited comment – 刻薄的评论
  36. mean-spirited insult – 恶意的侮辱
  37. mean-spirited taunt – 恶意的嘲弄
  38. mean-spirited mockery – 恶意的嘲笑
  39. mean-spirited sneer – 讥笑
  40. mean-spirited snicker – 窃笑
  41. mean-spirited smirk – 傻笑
  42. mean-spirited glare – 怒视
  43. mean-spirited scowl – 怒视
  44. mean-spirited grin – 狞笑
  45. mean-spirited frown – 皱眉
  46. mean-spirited laugh – 冷笑
  47. mean-spirited stare – 狠视
  48. mean-spirited chuckle – 咯咯笑
  49. mean-spirited smirk – 傻笑
  50. mean-spirited jeer – 嘲笑


 mean (MEEN) Though we all know this adjective to mean (connote) “nasty and disagreeable,” it also belongs in this section because another mean-ing is “miserly and stingy” or “low in value.”

  • Gangs of New Yorkdepicts the mean circumstances of Irish immigrants living in the Five Points section of New York City.
  • By Mr. Fagin’s mean calculations, the company didn’t have enough money to pay anything but minimum wage, but the company’s high stock value suggested otherwise.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
