
maudlin (MAWD lin) This adjective is a contraction of the second name of the biblical figure Mary Magdalene, who was frequently depicted as a weeping penitent. It means “effusively (or gushily) and tearfully sentimental.”

  • I knew that Margaret was capable of somewhat maudlin behavior, but I was stunned when I saw that telephone commercials made her cry.
  • Henry found the production of the Yiddish play maudlin and melodramatic and gave it a bad review.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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伤感(MAWD lin)这个形容词是圣经人物抹大拉的第二个名字的缩写,她经常被描绘成哭泣的忏悔者。它的意思是“热情地(或滔滔不绝地)和含泪的伤感。”
